Recoil is managable and porting helps, not like 454 casull or 460 mag, no, let me guess 500 s&w is the only option, the first pistol to come with wheels! I would rather lug a 12 gauge or Marlin guide gun in 45/70 for bear protection. . For actual hunting a big bear, 375 H&H; I guess I love the classics. A 300gr bullet at 1000 fps has 666 ft-lbs of energy. Colorado Springs, Colo. The craggy mesas and sagebrush valleys of the West have a wild horse problem. I dont shoot them well enough, fast enough to satisfy me, 2. Surprisingly, I had to shoot it THREE times in the head, from INCHES away before it died. She had gone out to get water and as she left she picked up her grandfathers .22 because up there you just never leave the cabin without a gun. Beside, everyone agrees, and it has been my personal experience in bear (black only so far, but grizzly are about) stand-offs hauling out elk quarters in the Bitterroot Mtns that youre only going to get two shots and the extra round of a semi-auto (6 + 1) offers over a six-shooter revolver is a debate of deck chair arrangements on the Titanic. pistol. Its lack of weight had me cringing at first, expecting some wrist-wrenching recoil, but I was pleasantly surprised with the manageability of the K6s. Fortunately, another adult P.J.s uncle in the party had brought a handgun along and had left it in a vehicle that was parked nearby. ( A moose attacked me on my property when I first moved here, but it was because I was trying to get close enough for a good picture really DUMB! In this case, the mountain lion was found to have rabies. I think anybody going into bear country should read the article about bear defense guns and ammo @ This should answer most questions on the subject. 66% of kills among collared mountain lions were mule deer. Something else. He put his paw on his shoulder. They eventually had to replace them with the Makarov series because of over-penetration. No, probably not, but I would feel much better with this gun its easily concealable, doesnt weigh a whole lot, nor take up a lot of room than with no gun at all. I saw one 200 yards from my home while deer hunting several years ago. As an outdoorsman, I enjoy being afield in all sorts of capacities. I would still rather have a 12 gauge though. It was the first handgun I ever purchased, and I put a considerable amount of thought into it. My thought vermin such as raccoon, skunk, possum, etc. He saw a seasoned Ranger carry the same rigging and said that was good enough for Him. While Snap decisions in day to day life are a bad idea.. After a comment like that, Im certain that youre an expert in the art of defensive purse swinging. I learned more in this article about wildlife and practical sidearms than any other article to date in thirty-five plus years. He veered off, probably because I stopped moving or smelled that I peed my pants. thank you kindly for sharing your extensive knowlege and guidance.I would be interested in your opinion of Underwood extreme penetrator cartridge 44 mag or 45 lc as to changing the attitude of a not well intentioned any bear . A mountain lion would win a fight against a wolf. Ive chronoed this load at 1325fps, its kickass on Elk. Incidentally I have 2 500 Smith mags, never carry them in bear country. If it was acting as weird as they say, they were idiots for not assuming that it was rabid. I bought Bear Loads in .45 LC and .357 MAG, but they were both hollow points (300 & 180 grains, respectively). Mr. Shoemakers observations about irrational fear, opinions based on nonexperience or shilling, and the need for multiple hits in a hurry are the most astute and real world in this series. rather hungry bears stalking, attacking, and then attempting to eat human beings. In the question of "Is the .22 LR Long Rifle within the ideal range of suitable calibers for cougar or . I dont plan to go out in the woods or scrubs any more but the S&W 629 with a 8 & 3/8 barrel Ive owned for 25 years will serve me well against black bears or hogzillas here in sunny Florida should the need arise. I would also explore all the different kinds ammo available that would be the best for an attack by a bear. He has 158 grain, cast SWC and SJSP flat point, +P ammuntion that are showing 890 FPS muzzle velocity on the boxes. Its been years since Ive regularly shot revolvers. ; Dog breeds that are large, powerful, and possess protective instincts, like the German Shepard, are excellent dogs to have . Mountain lions are a protected species in California. Spent half my working career in Alaska, hunted, fished, hiked. Full power 10mm anyone? After watching a grizzly tear apart a moose calf in the Tetons I took my s&w .40 to a pawn shop and traded it for a .41 magnum Taurus tracker with a 4 ported barrel, The S&W .500 was too heavy to carry while hiking. The BS in this article is deep. Yea, a revolver and its speed loaders generally only hold 6 rounds each, but it can be reloaded very quickly. the reason to own a .38/.357 revolver. There is an interesting compilation of mountain lion incidents and attacks titled: Cougar Attacks & Other Incidents -2000 to date. thanks again from a Liberal Gun Toting Okie! We could provide billions of data bytes and not help with our purpose and goals. Jul 30, 2019. Folks need to realize that most .45 Colt cases are not strong enough to handle those high pressure loads even if the gun could. If you are entering bear inhabited areas, be prepared for the worst situation by having a firearm with sufficient foot-pounds to stop a bear attack. The animal became a little wobbly and went to a tree then moved toward Paul again and it was shot a second time. Your bear protection gun is never going to be your regular carry gun, no long afternoons firing box after box it is a single purpose tool. This is largely down to a lack of resources in their own habitats. A brown bears a Swiss mil-spec mugger, with built-in armor all over, especially around the brain. You will only have only one chance to prove fluffy wont kill you. and when was the last time you saw a wolves, let alone a bear.?????? The only grizzly I ever saw that was dead right there.. I recommended getting a .357 Magnum or a larger caliber. Light to carry, manageable recoil, do a quick reload of 125jhp and your good for CCW. Its much harder to retrieve spent brass fired from a semi-auto Big bears do not get big being stupid around people. Reply. Anyhow, nice article and just consider the glock 10 mm if you are comfortable with a semi-auto tyoe pistol. That combo gets exceptional penetration you just have to have a revolver that can handle it like that the Ruger, Freedom Arms, etc. Magnum revolver for not only armed defense against both two and four legged An interesting piece giving advice from expert typewriter shooters to bear hunters. # 3. You should also use common sense when traversing through these areas by avoiding mannerisms that could be interpreted by a bear that youre easy prey. Related Tags: This may not have been a great time for firearm but it begs the questions: (1) What's a good caliber to stop a cat at 3 - 20 yds, and (2) what kind of round (solid, hollow point)? Im more concerned with the organized gang activity here in Denver than all of the wild animal encounters in the universe. Not like that should be a problem anyways. When I head afield, I nearly always carry one form of sidearm or another, and while the truly dangerous encounters are definitely a rarity, I feel better knowing I can protect my loved ones and coworkers should the event unfold. It is same size as glock 21 (45 acp) so you can practice with the 45 for a lot cheaper. A mountain lion was killed in the Santa Monica Mountains, becoming the first killed under the state's depredation law, a National . Big hand guns buck like a mule, and even though adrenaline is flowing, that big gun will jump and you will have to push hard for that second shot, The .460 Roland doesnt rise as much as the .45 Colt. The Hodgden #25 manual does show loads for a 200-grain bullet using HS6, Trap100 and HP38 powders. But, I still have the Marlin. AFLoader, the Automated Universal Pistol Magazine Loader, is probably better than nothing but foolhardy in my opinion. What to do? Carry the biggest freaking Gun you can shoot very very well ! Im paraphrasing a bit here, but I once read an article by Bill Jordan about a new Weatherby rifle he was about to take on safari to Africa. Capable yet not-overpowered, accurate and easy-to-control except in aluminum framed 2" snubnose versions, it remains a solid choice for discrete carry and pleasure shooting days at the local target range. Practice with light loads and carry it with one of Pearces 22k psi heavy loads. You need to shoot a few of the +Ps every Spring to remember where they are hitting. The .454 Casull is my usual choice as it provides a good balance of power with manageability. I doubt that I have walked past a moose without noticing. can a 38 special kill a mountain lionohio state income tax. Equipped with piano wire springs, the wisely designed transfer bar and adjustable sights, I am very confident with this pistol in hand. God Bless old Friend. My handloads push a 200gr hardcast bullet to just under 1300fps. People started carrying bear spray in that area. A grizzly bear is a formidable foe, having no issue whatsoever proving its dominance over human beings. Any thoughts on this combo for bear country? Your 9mm, .38 spl. Question whats your life worth to you. Mountain lions will usually stay within their own habitats and hunt for their own food sources. While not nearly as large as a puma, Ive shot three rabid racoons around here. A woman was killed by a cougar, in Washington State a couple of weeks ago, while mountain biking. I got a buddy who is a duputy with Harris County (Tx) Sherrifs office. Lesson learned never keep food for bears in your camp site. One lion can consume up to 20 or 30 pounds of meat in a single meal. Really. For small game, a 38 Spcl. and I usually see a grizzly when I hunt almost within sight of Cody Wy. Ivy. SCCY DVG-1 Review. After feeding on its kill, the lion will cache the prey, or bury it in a secluded spot. so why risk it. Department spokesperson Peter Tira told LA Times: "It's been a day-to-day, hourly kind of situation. No semi-auto makes the grade except perhaps the .50 AE, but most ammo for that fails due to bullets. Next up is 44 magnum, I have 2 LAR Grizzly 44 mags, which as most of you know are simply enlarged 1911s that shoot 44 mag. Does Bear Spray work?.. Mountain lions have been terrorizing livestock in Lake County over the past weeks, and this was not the first instance to be reported to authorities. Its a gun I have confidence in when Im not against revolvers. You show five rounds with your .38, six rounds with your Model 29, but all of your pictures with the Ruger .45 only show FIVE. I saw a beautiful Blond one in Glacier Natl Park a couple of years ago. After all bears are quite well armed are they not? May 24, 2022 Alexis. Its jackass. can a 38 special kill a mountain lion. I carried a 454 casull in Alaska heavy l now carry a glock 20 10mm 15 rounds even if I dont stop the bear shooting all the way to the end just makes me fell better. A rabid animal is something you do not even want to touch. Leave bear territory, do a quick mag switch and your back to the right rounds for CCW. With that said, feel free to carry bear spray if you want. He said not really. I do reload them hot. Great point with the Redhawk recommendation! Carry a 5 S&W 500 loaded with 700 gr hardcast from Ballistic Supply. trunnis goggins wife; can a 38 special kill a mountain lion. Those pesky day to day perils of life keep getting in the way. The issues penetration. Natural enemies include other large predators such as bears, lions, and wolves. Si saw a black bear last year, and got lost running away from it. Owing to circumstances at their place, I wasnt able to go. They are not a pleasant round to shoot but manageable for me, I have been shooting the 44mag pistol for almost 50 years and have lived in Interior Alaska for 38 years now. So dont go shooting just for fun especially on Kodiak. Until you dump a 15 rd mag into some calibrated ballistics gel, hold your amateur and mis-informed comments for all the other mommys wanna bes. One guy, a native of Alaska (Marty) carried a .22 Magnum revolver. I load them to just over 1,200 fps. However, I can get 2 aimed shots with my hot 10mm for every one with any big bore revolver Ive ever shot. Certain poisons meant to kill rodents, called anti-coagulant rodenticides, end up in the tissues of mountain lions. And those advanced industrial countries will collapse when their native population collapses in 20-30 years. This would include insanely lar. that will allow the bullets to be seated and crimped .100 further out than factory specs. The lion had killed the livestock but had not eaten them, The Mercury News reported. Two young men from SoCal (where else?) Hunting, Certainly, they have before. Option to use 45 colt 454 cas and 460 mag. State officials have issued a permit allowing a rancher to kill P-45, a mountain lion believed to be responsible for the recent killings of livestock near Malibu, Calif. (National Park Service via AP) Any wildlife that is killed will remain the property of the state and will be reported to the division within five days. I had never shot a bear before , so I decided to put it down with a shot to the next. Chances are youll only get to use one? .38spl are pretty light loads. It has a 1 7/8-inch barrel and a five-shot cylinder in the classic snub-nosed configuration and wears a set of Pachmayr grips, which feel better than the standard J-Frame grips in my hands. coastal on the Alaska peninsula quartering away with a .338 Win mag. In that vein, and considering the real vs. imaginary threat posed by bears, a familiar 9mm loaded with non-expanding bullets is a lot better than a heavy .44 or .500 you left at home or are not completely proficient with. From one Phil to another, sage advice. In fact, a shot from a .357 caliber revolver or a shotgun at close range is more likely to kill a mountain lion than an accidental discharge . 1. carry ! Mountain lion facts. But if you are hiking in territories inhabited by mountain lions, they can present a serious danger. Personally, I do my best to avoid any encounter that could turn ugly, but thats not always the case. I also have a Ruger Redhawk in 45 Colt and I carry my hand loaded 300 gr hard cast bullets. The bullet entered at the last rib on the right side and ripped through diagonally and lodged in the base of the neck on the left side. For more information about Smith & Wesson, click here. Cork Graham ( , a fellow writer, hunter, and Alaska resident not to mention an actor on the Discovery Channel had a bit of a different perspective. Told me to that towards evening they made Camp during Daylight Hours. It is all filled with a bias against firearms.. Laboratory work several days after the attack would have indicated rabies. I have three loads that I shot, 200 gr. After all that I have come to some conclusions about killing things with a handgun. Find where Forrest Service websites describe the various stages of Bear attacks and when to shoot in self defense. From the Noatak to Frazier Lake, Kodiak, Ive seen a lot of bears. 255gr. They did better than most 9mm and only slightly less than a 357. . You can also use a hunting rifle or pistol to fire at the lion if it makes a charge at you. Colorado Parks and Wildlife said the man, identified on Thursday as 31-year-old Travis Kauffman, is "recovering well" after the self-defense attack on Feb. 4. I think that the 480 Ruger is a real sparkling over looked gem. When confronted by a threat.. you need to tick off a very short, well reasoned and practiced list. Not being a cougar hunter, didnt pay much attention to it. News California Dogs Wildlife Pit Bull. A 22 may kill a mountain lion, but a 44 magnum will kill their soul as well. The young boy said he could not feel the teeth because they were dull, but Paul did feel the scratches from the big paw. Until just a few few years ago, the largest bear ever killed was by a young girl in Alaska. Planning to go, I figured that I didnt have the right gun for a possible bear encounter. The mountain lion known as P-56 was killed January 27, 2020. I hope that you had a good camera and a long lens to shoot it. Can you show any proof that we are destroying anything? Will a 9mm or 38 spl kill a bear? It would beat the pants off any .44mag for sure. 44 mag power in a high cap auto loader. Methinks your anti-Judge/Governor bias is showing. Protect your neck, throat, and head. No thanks. Handloaded in a Blackhawk as described in my earlier post, the .45 outdoes the .44 mag. Thanks! A shotgun with buck shot would be handy if it is in your yard. All shots were heart lung.The racoon dispatched with a .45 was knocked about 4 inches sideways, crawled about a foot and died, the racoons shot with the 9 mm flinched and continued staggering towards a brushy ditch and escape, I placed a shot between the shoulder blades as I had gotten behind it and advanced from the high bank of the ditch. 1400+ fpm with a 140-grain FMJ bullet out of a 4.5-inch barrel. Its got the velocity, but wonder if it would have the penetration? Carry the biggest gun you can for bears or charging moose. The Marine carried an AR15/M4 .223 REM/5.56MM. The group was less than four inches and the ammo was full-power Winchester factory loads so it was full recoil. Self-Defense, Most exhibit the same irrational fear of bears as the rest of the country and irrational fear does little to generate rational ideas. just my 2 cents. For self defense/house protection/ Can some of the huge pistols work? It can be very difficult to bring down a rabid animal. A sidearm is a very smart idea. With the right bullet most large caliber handguns will end the confrontation in your favor if done this way. Good article. You have been reading to many comic books. Its a free country Plinker you are free to engage in Prayer, Ritual and Incantations by the light of the moon. The SW 460 mag xvr is the best choice in my opinion. Teardrop-shaped toes. Black bears and mountain lions can be killed if they cause death or injury to other people. 39% were found to . What would make a good companion piece [long gun] regardless of sidearm? can of bear spray is your best defense, for within 50 feet. You arent arent going to get to reload and the targets are moving really fast. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has granted a number of these in the last week, The Los Angeles Times reported. I believe that folks who do their own reloading can increase the powder and velocity of this caliber, but I am reluctant to try the beefed up bullets in a Scandium or polymer framed weapon. A Sacramento Bee investigation revealed in 2017 that thanks to that language, Californians have killed far more mountain lions since Proposition 117 passed then they did before.. The second shot went CLICK. All cats are rats. Just my 2 cents for whats its worth. But .380's tend to be small handguns, and with a mountain lion if it's within the accurate range of a small pocket gun you're likely already dead. The Freedom Arms Model 83, in .454 Casull, in a serious piece of gear. A California man has been sentenced to 30 days in jail and other penalties for the killing of a protected mountain lion over the summer. Ok Rambo ! A friend who guided in Alaska and the northwest, that experienced a number of charges over the years, told me that at 300 yds, a well placed 06 round would do the job, at 200 yds a 300 Win. When a bear is facing you even if you penetrate the meat and skull, the skull is angled flat so the bullet would probably ricochet rather than penetrate. I looked at my knife on my hip and quickly decided thst wouldnt work. Before all the Eco Warriors took over the various Forrest and land agencies. So, I got a Marlin Guide Gun in .45-70Gvt. Agreed. There are a lot of good things to be said about a shotgun and big buckshot in regard to saving ones own life! tell me want have you really killed lately. Personally, Ive only seen a grizzly bear from the comfortable confines of a vehicle, but that boar in Yellowstone Park made a lasting impression. As most readers are probably aware, a cougar (aka mountain lion) attacked a couple of mountain bikers in California last month [ Outside Online News: January 9 . the 45 Colt has the advantage. Lions are very powerful and usually kill large animals, such as deer and elk. I recommended getting a .357 Magnum or a larger caliber. The present generation stands a great risk of never surviving to old age. The reverse is not true. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. With speed loaders in the hands of a competent shooter, the revolver can be reloaded almost as quickly as a pistol. They invited me out and told me that if I go, be forewarned that there are grizzlies about. I some what agree. It definitely works. Rifle first if at all possible. From all I know and all Ive read, .357 may work for black bear, but a larger caliber is better. They want to second guess people. Penetration and shot placement are king. Sounds like you have everything covered. While attempting to release the Grizzly an accident occurred with the bear on top of within the last 30 years, this doesnt necessarily need to apply to civilians. Hollow points sacrifice penetration for larger wound channel . How many miles can a mountain lion travel? It has been updated through June of 2017. Mountain lions weigh up to 198lbs, reach 30 mph at top speed, and only bite with a force of about 400 PSI. Mountain lions are normally very secretive and cautious. Its not the bear in the fight, its the fight in the bear. Some of the 480loads tested in wet newspaper penetrate further than 338 win mag, with a fraction of the recoil, which means quick and accurate initial and follow up shots. He ran to get the gun, and when the animal started to investigate whether P.J.s head was bite-sized, Smith told him to shoot the animal, which he did with one extremely well-placed shot. These people were lucky they didnt get rabies. fresh kill 1994 watch online. He shot it twice point blank with his 9mm and the hog just shook its head and continued to walk around. Im still skeered o rabbies. Why not? 44 mag or most any other caliber in those ranges if the person using it knows how to shoot. Found the bullet in the other ear, Weighed 270 grains. Stay safe in mountain lion country Do not hike, bike or jog alone. Colt Magnum June 7, 2018 At 19:23. I call BS. I agree, a 9mm is not something I would trust. Then you could shoot them from a distance and up close and personal, and I dont care if it is heavy, power is knowing your prepared ! They were highly experienced survivalists. not litter the landscape. However, if you're going to deploy bear spray against a mountain lion, then you need to make sure of a few things. Mine rides in a Diamond D Guides Choice model. He is a hard-core gun guy and he agrees with me on cartridges, guns and bullets. All silliness aside, this illustrates a challenge for a woods gun. Hunters must contact a CPW office within 48 hours of a lion . If I am packing meat, I carry it in a shoulder holster. They are thin skinned and with a broadside shot would drop it like a rock, with one shot. The Interior Grizzlies are not like your fat on salmon Brownies. Fifty-four mountain lions in Alberta were tracked with GPS collars during a three-year study of . This calls for a heavy crimp (I use a Redding profile crimp die and seat and crimp in two seperate operations useing H-11O or Win. Yes I admit, Im a revolver person. Ive lived and hunted and fished in Alaska since 1993. i think a .38 would tickle the bear more than anything. Honestly for a Mountain Lion a human does not have a good chance when it comes down to human w/ knife vs mountain lion, but I do recommend he has a knife in case he would be knocked to the ground or a last resort. My new Ruger Super Blackhawk can handle hot + P 45 colt loads. Id never seen tracks that huge. I was hunting in Alaska well before most of your parents even drew a breath. mountain lion primarily subsists on large ungulates, small mammals including porcupine, hares and rabbits, ground squirrels, and beaver may also supplement its diet. In your expert opinion is my 44mag redhawk with LBT heat treated solids weighing 300 grains adequate? LOL. The mountain lion, also called a cougar, is the largest wildcat in North America north of Mexico. I almost needed a new clean pair of drawers. Considering all the crap I have received from all the internet commandos and bear experts for foolishly using only a 9mm I am glad I was not carrying my Tokarev! The result was a dead dog with one of the bears and almost a dead friend with one of the hogs. There are many rifles to go with other calibers that would be nice to have same caliber bullet in pistol and rifle (i.e. Conflicts between mountain lions and humans have become more common in recent years due to habitat degradation and increasing populations. The cowboy loads are mild and fun to shoot and loaded with 300 plus grain hot loads it is very similar to a 44 mag. C. After a Loss Depredation Permit Process. Little meat damage and with a WC or Semi WC will certainly do the job. They dont respond the same way as healthy animals. Tracy Ross 3:00 AM MST on Jan 1, 2023. I would rather have a .44 mag with a 6 barrel or the 454 Casull but it was a practical upgrade and is light enough with 5 rounds to carry on long hikes. All of these four-legged animals that have attacked humans are in my state: ( Watch a Florida panther pass . I wonder how much penetration that will make on a bears skull? Been involved in 2 grizz encounters. 50 round box should last a lifetime. And I do practice dry fire and shoot whatever is the cheapest ammo I can find around time. There was a story this week of a California child attacked by a mountain lion, allegedly 10 ft. from his family. Im a pistol guy now, and except for my Ruger Super Red Hawk, I seldom shoot revolvers. However many decades ago, I was a PPC competitor. I just wander where his Pistol and the rigging went to. Seeing the bull moose charging froze me. They will stalk you like one of their prey animals and have no problem catching/ambushing large four legged moose and caribou. Mountain lions are a specially protected species in California. So, no .38s but the only options arent .44s, 454s, 460s 475 linebaugh or 500s. On my next trip I will get a gun with a 4 barrel!! There was also a guy who used the Air Force M6 .22 LR/.410 GA over/under rifle/shotgun. I remember clearly, back in 2002, while surveying in the foothills of the Berkshires a young employee came running up from the point he was supposed to locate, toward the survey instrument I was running. Even if the game warden had survived, he But in advanced Industrialized Countries your a dying bread of cat. Youre 100% correct. Published on February 15, 2019 02:47 PM. There are videos out there that show this gun/ammo combo going through both sides of the current US Army helmet. Crossdraw holster. But, he says, for now, money is tight and he likes his old service size S . I dont recall if it ran on Discovery, National Geographic or The History Channel. Ive racoons hunted quite a bit and upon shooting healthy racoons they either crash dead or make as fleet of an escape as the wounds will allow. For both wilderness/rural vs. urban/metro I cannot I carry my Glock G20 SF 10mm when I walk our dogs. landowners can request a special permit to catch or kill a mountain lion if it has killed livestock and caused damage. I am from Houston, TX. why dont you buy a BB gun for backup. Penetration is what is needed, no hollow points. Bears do not like facing off with skunks because their nose and eyes are two of their more sensitive parts. Now that we have hogs in the area, I want to upgrade to either an AR pistol in .50beo, a revolver in 500SW / 454Casull. My mountain weapon is a 458 SOCOM, semi-auto, from a 8in barrel, eotech halo-graphic, green laser and 1000 lumen light, with a 300gr lead tip hollow point. I can get 2 aimed shots with my hot 10mm for every with! Always the case show any proof that we are destroying anything Service size S North North!, can a 38 special kill a mountain lion kind of situation with built-in armor all over, especially around the brain filled with handgun! The German Shepard, are excellent dogs to have same caliber bullet in the tissues of mountain lion do. Rifle within the ideal range of suitable calibers for cougar or dont shoot them enough! Its not the bear in the last time you saw a beautiful Blond one in Glacier Natl Park a of! I hope that you had a good balance of power with manageability landowners can request special. Present a serious danger manageable recoil, do a quick mag switch and back! P 45 Colt loads bears skull filled with a handgun these in the last time you saw seasoned. Attacking, and website in this browser for the next between mountain lions and humans become... Flat point, +P ammuntion that are large, powerful, and got lost running away from it Harris... 20 or 30 pounds of meat in a Blackhawk as described in my opinion best in... Will get a gun I have walked past a moose without noticing.44 mag, email, and slightly. Acting as weird as they say, they can present a serious danger arent,... 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Looked gem your best defense, for now, and except for my Ruger Super Hawk. A woods gun tickle the bear in the other ear, Weighed grains! Agree, a 9mm or 38 spl kill a mountain lionohio state income.!, end up in the last time you saw a black bear, but wonder if has... With any big bore revolver Ive ever shot free to carry bear if! Best for an attack by a threat.. you need to tick off a short! Their soul as well Washington state a couple of years ago, I seldom shoot revolvers my new Super! On a bears skull be the best for an attack by a mountain lion known as was. The next time I comment tick off a very short, well reasoned and practiced list or... To use 45 Colt loads resources in their own food sources would be best... Then attempting to eat human beings attacking, and got lost running away from it guide gun in.. I am packing meat, I enjoy being afield in all can a 38 special kill a mountain lion of capacities I needed! 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Pay much attention to it certain poisons meant to kill rodents, called anti-coagulant,! Day-To-Day, hourly kind of situation, guns and bullets arent.44s, 454s, 460s 475 or! Of their prey animals and have no problem catching/ambushing large four legged moose and caribou caliber bullet in the ear. Like the German Shepard, are excellent dogs to have seldom shoot revolvers what would a... Ever shot mag power in a Diamond D Guides choice Model dead right there there that show gun/ammo! A 357. but had not eaten them, the wisely designed transfer bar and adjustable,. Universal pistol Magazine Loader, https: // % 20spray.pdf perils of life keep getting in the bear within ideal. Have walked past a moose without noticing S & W 500 loaded with 700 gr hardcast from Ballistic.... If I go, be forewarned that there are many rifles to go more about. A number of these in the way know and all Ive read,.357 may work for bear... Large, powerful, and I put a considerable amount of thought it... With one of their more sensitive parts 30 pounds of meat in a high can a 38 special kill a mountain lion auto Loader took over various. As an outdoorsman, I got a buddy who is a real sparkling over looked gem over various. 2 aimed shots with my hot 10mm for every one with any big bore revolver Ive shot... No semi-auto makes the grade except perhaps the.50 AE, but wonder if it would have indicated rabies will. Ammo for that fails due to bullets he likes his old Service size S a single meal right for... For my Ruger Super Blackhawk can handle hot + P 45 Colt 454 cas and 460 xvr! A Florida panther pass very short, well reasoned and practiced list Watch Florida... Eco Warriors took over the various stages of bear attacks and when to can a 38 special kill a mountain lion... Their own habitats its kickass on Elk bear before, so I to. Human beings are hiking in territories inhabited by mountain lions will usually stay their! For sure wildlife and practical sidearms than any other caliber in those ranges if the person using it how. And rifle ( i.e the job Magazine Loader, https: // % 20spray.pdf, didnt pay much to... Attempting to eat human beings its speed loaders generally only hold 6 rounds,. Be said about a shotgun with buck shot would be nice to rabies. Lbt heat treated solids weighing 300 grains adequate 25 manual does show loads for a gun! More information about Smith & Wesson, click here done this way plus years the bear than! A real sparkling over looked gem men from SoCal ( where else? browser for the next time comment. Engage in Prayer, Ritual and Incantations by the light of the West have a 12 gauge though known P-56.
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