float glass defects

31, 362368 (2001). Seeds: small bubble that forms inside the glass substrate, Rubs: abrasions on the surface caused by a foreign object or another pane of glass, Inclusions: small particles or stones that have been linked to spontaneous breakage this important issue is discussed in detail in our course, Coating voids and pinholes: gaps in the coating material that exposes the substrate, Breakouts: waves along the edge of the glass caused by the cutting process, Miss spots: an indent in an otherwise flat polished edge, Bad aris: the aris sizes on both sides dont match, Heat-treating defects: there are many kinds, including bows/warping, ripples, overcooking, and heat stains, Chips: usually caused by a tool or other piece of glass, often along an edge, Shells: caused by a direct impact with a hard object, Scratches: the most common defect and hardest to avoid classified as heavy/deep or light scratches. The addition of oxides such as Al2O3, ZrO2, or ZnO also improves the chemical durability by increasing the relative stability of the glass against dissolution (less soluble dissolution products, depending on the pH)92. Richter, R. Evaluation and re-evaluation of a conservation concept for crizzling enamels. No data is created to correlate defects to function. It is about 5x stronger than float glass and can withstand heavier loads. Thus in this case, a self-accelerated mechanism involving several processes controlled the kinetics90. Special scanner detects washer debris which is invisible to the eye, but which will cause coating defects. The glass compositions showing detectable signs of atmospheric glass degradation are classified as unstable and the other as stable in the CH field. High-Level Waste Borosilicate Glass: A Compendium of Corrosion Characteristics. 7, 978983 (2008). I have been on a project for Contractor X where they spent 15K to replace glass which met standards but was rejected by the customer and it was taken out of what would have been a profit for the job. Gel Sci. Reflection operation is almost impossible, on-line, with conventional camera/AOI/vision technology. Over all I was very pleased and would recommend this to anyone in the glazing industry at any level of there career. Coating Must be uniform on the lite inspected when viewed in transmission using the inspection criteria previously stated above. In a similar way than in aqueous alteration studies, the stability and evolution of the hydrated layer should be studied as a function of environmental parameters, keeping in mind the specific chemistry of unsaturated conditions. Their training modules do a much better job explaining glazing systems than I ever could! This mechanism may be described as the case where the SiOSi bond hydrolysis becomes equal or more rapid than the water reaction with the NBOs. Anything you can do now to avoid this situation will be worth the effort in the long run. Chemical corrosion of highly radioactive borosilicate nuclear waste glass under simulated repository conditionso Title. 362, 466473 (2007). If the client or Owner knows the short version of the inspection, discussed in the early stages, youll just have to get your entertainment elsewhere. & Kim, S. H. Evolution of the Adsorbed Water Layer Structure on Silicon Oxide at Room Temperature. Notably, alkalies and non-bridging oxygens may be significantly retained in glass hydrated in unsaturated atmosphere, depending on the glass composition. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Sci. 4 and NMR spectra in Fig. Glass Inspector 4D, all these features in a single device you can't ask for more. . Seeds, Bubbles, Knots, Stones Viewable as stated above, must be 1/16 or less. The defect is present in aform of a blister filled with condensed Sulphates. 1H MAS NMR spectra are reproduced with permission from ref. Defective corking: risk of glass inside the bottle during recorking. We avoided using the term weathering that is defined as glass alteration due to intermittent water, humid air, and/or water contact (see the glossary in ref. We did a statistical analysis that helped us to understand better the appearance of two types of bubbles. For larger lites (6 to 35 square feet), no more than two scratches up to 1 long or other viewable defects are allowed. J. Non-Cryst. Cosmochim. Corros. Note that in a few special situations, some specific issues may arise: During storage or transport of glass where confinement and non-ventilated atmospheres increase the likelihood of corrosion. Important results can then be noticed: (i) The kinetics of glass alteration in liquid and static conditions (static referring to no circulation of liquid) generally separates into three successive regimes71. Stage 1 is defined by the presence of a white haze, droplets, and/or crystals due to the recurrent formation of salts on the glass surface, which can be removed to recover the initial appearance of the glass. No more than 2 are allowed per lite and must be separated by a minimum of 24 inches. Walters, H. V. & Adams, P. B. Its much more difficult to explain expectations around industry standards once the Owner has already seen the glass and decided it is not acceptable to their personal expectations.. To our knowledge, there is no scientific publication concerning this defect. Stage 3, for which the cracks, initiated during the stage 2, are uniformly visible across the surface is qualified as excipient crizzling. Integrated with defect detection results; single window operation. %PDF-1.6 % A scanner developed by the Glass Inspector technical team, capable of detecting the 4 main defects that tempered glass can have: White haze. No more than 1 per side. Folds Inside the Finish defects are vertical marks inside the finish. Solid State Laser Reflection (SSLR) technology modified for the application; self-aligning optics. This profile is analyzed in the Dark Field Warp/Bow processing module to determine if the plate is within specifications. Altration des verresCas des vitraux du Moyen ge. Note that the retention of a small concentration of alkalies in the leached layer has also been noticed and emphasized in immersion conditions, with the authors even suggesting that some Na concentration in the leached layer is necessary to continue the dissolution process106. Stella, A. Inspect the central 80% portion of the glass. This method inspects defects through detecting the change of image gray levels caused by the difference in optic character between glass and defects. A real-time defect detection system for float glass fabrication has been proposed by Peng [13]. & Newton, R. G. Using triangular diagrams to understand the behaviour of medieval glasses. DOE-EM-0177 (1994). Sci. The structure of their hydrated layer was characterized by solid state NMR and Raman spectroscopy of the powders. Solids 87, 226253 (1986). A full-blown, well visible, iridescence is the sign of a more advanced atmospheric alteration and it is not clear if it occurs in unsaturated conditions only (RH<100%) or in conditions with discontinuous liquid water supply. B 109, 1676016763 (2005). Godron, Y. Bibliographie raisonne de lattaque, par les agents atmosphriques, des verres utiliss dans le btiment. Verit, M., Falcone, R., Sommariva, G., Chopinet, M. H. & Lehud, P. Weathering of the inner surface of soda-lime-silica glass containers exposed to the atmosphere. And in the second part, well briefly discuss how to manage customer expectations. Sterpenich, J. Dissolution experiments of glass samples pre-altered in vapor conditions show a spike in alkali release that supports this idea84, although the alkalies released in the solution account for less than 30% of the alkalies initially present in the hydrated layer in the case of the unstable mixed alkali lime glass of CH79. F.A. Plates with unacceptable washer debris are recycled to the washer only clean glass enters the coater. Solids 351, 12101225 (2005). Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. The D2O apparent diffusion coefficient deduced by fitting the TOF-SIMS profile was 2.31019m2s1, in good agreement with the H2O diffusion coefficient evaluated in (b) of 5.31019m2s1. As a project manager, you need to make sure your installation team is vigilant and constantly on the lookout for defects.. You also need to communicate with customers to manage expectations. Typical gases analyzed: O2, N2, CO2, SO2, Ar, H, COS, H2S, CO, H2, (H2O). J. Existing published surveys of glass object collections in European museums indicate that about 1530% of glass art objects are altered at different alteration stages today14,15. Eur. The alteration layer thickness is indicated on the images. The morphology of the alteration layer may either be a homogeneous hydrated layer or heterogeneously altered zones adjacent to visibly unaltered zones or sometimes both70,73,74,75. (ii) Silicate-bearing secondary phases, mainly zeolites, but also phyllosilicates and CSH, are observed in vapor hydration tests (VHT) at high temperature (125C or more). In parallel, it is also necessary to conduct research on the development of suitable geochemical models that would consider these modified water properties, to satisfactorily describe experimental results and predict glass behavior in the long term. Technol. DE90 002261 (1990). But it wont necessarily be noticeable if youre not specifically looking for flaws and most building occupants dont scrutinize glass surfaces too closely. Washer defects can account for over 50% of ink and coating defects. Scratches Viewable as stated above must be 1 or less. Chemical stabilisation of weathered glass surfaces. ICOMOS) 183 (2015). 525, 5371 (2019). No more than 1 is allowed per lite. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41529-020-00130-9, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41529-020-00130-9. Extensive field studies have been carried out to investigate the rate and products of alteration of medieval stained glass (mainly potassium lime silicate) in sheltered or unsheltered outdoor conditions23,50,51. SEM images are shown in Fig. C 122, 1779217801 (2018). Inspection systems should not report particles, stains, top tin and other defects on the second surface. We need a precise definition, because everyone will have a different opinion about when a flaw becomes a defect. Anisotropy. Microcracks have a very detrimental effect on glass durability, especially in cyclic climates. Part I of IV. Glasss 58, 99108 (2017). Manual inspection is time consuming, inexact and subjective. Scratches/Sleeks in the machine-direction (or conveyor direction) are the most common and the most difficult to detect. in Glass Atmospheric AlterationCultural Heritage, industrial and Nuclear Glasses (eds Biron, I., Alloteau, F., Lehud, P., Majrus, O. 72, 1019 (2013). in Modern Methods fo Analysing Archeological and Historical Glass (ed. In this concept, the waste elements, amongst them the radionuclides, are fixed by chemical bonds to the oxygens of the glass, so that they are part of the materials structure and chemistry. Manual measurements are inexact and time consuming; cannot accurately measure with chamfers present. The inorganic part allows the adhesion of the coating to the glass and the organic part adds hydrophobicity36,37. The chemical durability in atmospheric conditions may be drawn from the chemical durability in liquid conditions in the extent to which the chemical processes are similar between both conditions. Expectations are high for everything, and glass isnt perfect. J. J. Sol. Kunicki-Goldfinger, J. J. Unstable historic glass: symptoms, causes, mechanisms and conservation. The first and most commonly observed crystalline alteration products are salts of leached modifier cations reacted with an acid gas, such as sulfates and carbonates (i). I would say it is worth having any long term employee take this training. & Caurant, D.) 97105 (Hermann, 2019). Stud. B 136138, 858862 (1998). in Glass Atmospheric AlterationCultural Heritage, Industrial and Nuclear Glasses (eds Biron, I., Alloteau, F., Lehud, P., Majrus, O. In addition, the surface composition (and structure) may be modified by specific protective treatments such as those used in dishwashers (with zinc and bismuth, or with polyethyleneimine), the efficacy of this surface modification being clearly demonstrated67,68. Interface with marking system feedback for plugged/dead markers. Indeed, Abrajano et al.73 stated that The available data suggest that nuclear waste glass reacts following two distinct processes: one where hydration and dealkalization occur parabolically with time, and one where the depletion of mobile elements from the glass is restricted to the near surface region and occurs at a rate which becomes nearly zero with time. Paul, A. Real time alerts, alarms, marking. Notably, the minimum thickness at which it cracks may probably vary. J. Non-Cryst. in Techn hors-srie (ed. Appl. All Rights Reserved. Float glass is known to have micro-inhomogeneities due to its amorphous molecular structure (Benedetti et al., 1994). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. These figures, which are based on visual observations, could be largely underestimated as signs of deterioration are not always visible. has established a worldwide reputation for design and manufacture of electric glass melting systems. In these latter conditions (as for unsheltered stained glass), a complete restructuration of the alteration layer is observed, with the formation of microscopic laminations that may underlie iridescence49. It is easy to use, useful information, and is pertinent for anyone in the glazing industry. (1975). This perspective paper was inspired by discussions held at the International Symposium on Glass Degradation in Atmospheric Conditions, which took place in Paris in November, 2017, and gathered specialists of the three communities13. Surf. SEM images (secondary electrons except d back-scattered electrons) of the surface (a, c, e) and of the edge (b, d, f) of glass plates altered at 40C, 85% RH for 6 months. To obtain . 100, 466473 (2015). Scale bars are a 10m, b 1m, c 10m, d 500nm, e 1m, f 500nm. 1 with the glass composition given in Table 1. Comparing the atmospheric hydration rate and the dissolution rate in the residual regime (high S/V), is only possible in the case of the SON68 glass composition for which numerous and accurate measurements have been performed. in Conservation, Restauration du Verre. The 10 rule is a good way of educating the Owner that ASTM standards for glass exist. Manufacturing defects and flaws In this latter approach, the industrial methods consisting of spraying zinc salt solutions on the surface of flat glass41 have been tested on synthetic unstable glasses subjected to accelerated ageing in climatic chambers. Chem. Insight into silicate-glass corrosion mechanisms. Robinet, L. The role of organic pollutants in the alteration of historic soda silicate glasses. Look through it rather than at it. Please contact us to receive more information, our latest presentation, or a quotation to purchase. Unlike the glasses in the other two communities, silicates such as zeolites, calcium-silicate-hydrates (CSHs) and phyllosilicates are the most observed secondary phases in nuclear glasses. Moreover, many results indicate that the atmospheric alteration of glass is distinct from the alteration in immersion at high S/V. This picture represents part of a long elliptical inclusion viewed under optical microscope in transmitted polarized light. Glass Sci. & Libourel, G. Using stained glass windows to understand the durability of toxic waste matrices. It is heated to more than 650*C and cooled very quickly multiple times. For the SON68 glass, at temperatures below 125C, no Si-bearing phase appears in unsaturated conditions, while zeolites do form at 90C in aqueous solution at high S/V and alkaline pH (pH ~11.5 with NaOH or KOH in solution)103,104. FLOATSCAN-5DXIN is the industry proven standard for float glass inspection. LearnGlazing is a very helpful learning tool for someone still familiarizing themselves in the glazing industry. Kunicki-Goldfinger, J. J., Targowski, P., Gra, M., Karaszkiewicz, P. & Dzieranowski, P. Characterization of glass surface morphology by optical coherence tomography. Cite this article. This is because the unsaturated vapor conditions were not considered as distinct from the saturated vapor and liquid conditions in the literature until recently. 2. LearnGlazing.com is approved by the NACC and AGMT for the purpose of continuing education within their certification programs. J. Phys. Chem. https://dynamicfenestration.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/dynamic-astm-glass-standards-header.png, https://dynamicfenestration.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Dynamic_logo_h_rgb_r-268x90-1.png, When is a Defect Not a Defect? Wall, Ryosuke Kikuchi, Tsutomu Sato, Carlo A. Arcilla, Victor Piovesan, Isabelle Bardez-Giboire, Stphane Gin, John D. Vienna, James J. Neeway, Sebastien N. Kerisit, Thomas L. Got, Sambuddha Misra, Ian Farnan, Adam J. Mallette, Joelle T. Reiser, Jeffrey D. Rimer, npj Materials Degradation Silicate glass alteration enhanced by iron: Origin and long-term implications. Ryan, J. The hexagonal embedded crystals are calcite. Verit, M. Ancient glass and modern glass: long and short term glass weathering. Mater. 109, Editions Hermann, 2019. Reproduced with permission from ref. J. Glas. Environ. How the dominance of this additional mechanism depends on the composition, temperature, and alteration time is totally unknown and requires specific studies. No trend data or other data for evaluating mother glass vendor quality. Solids 358, 25592570 (2012). V A Conserv. Concepts and ideas from the fields of interfaces and confined space chemistry will probably be useful to enrich our description of these alteration phenomena and improve predictions and control strategies. Since the time of their production, they have existed in atmospheric conditions. Worn grinding wheels leave flat spots (shiners) and a poorly ground edge. 55, 459466 (2012). & Caurant, D.) 1324 (Hermann, 2019). Whatever these species are, such discoveries indicate that the chemistry of water reacting with the glass surface is probably more complex than previously thought. Chem. Keep in mind there are different types of defects with different inspection rules. F.I.C. The reality is that flaws come with the territory, and its impossible to get flawless glass. npj Mater. Lombardo, T. et al. If you can no longer see the flaw, it isnt considered a defect. If the client or Owner knows the short version of the inspection, discussed in the early stages, youll just have to get your entertainment elsewhere.. 12, 22462268 (1977). Corros. Bouquillon, A. et al. Glass industry standards were primarily talking about visible defects here are set by the ASTM (American Society for Testing & Materials). Non Cryst. Mineral. The surface defect is viewed under optical microscope in transmitted light. Chimie ParisTech, PSL University, CNRS, Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris (IRCP), 75005, Paris, France, Odile Majrus,Fanny Alloteau&Daniel Caurant, Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Muses de France (C2RMF), Palais du Louvre, 75001, Paris, France, Patrice Lehud,Isabelle Biron&Fanny Alloteau, CEA Marcoule, DEN, MAR, DE2D, SEVT/LCLT, 30207, Bagnols sur Cze, France, You can also search for this author in An assessment of compositional and morphological changes in model archaeological glasses in an acid burial matrix. Extremely high value-added; many unit operations. . Specific signatures of the presence of NBOs are the very high chemical shift contributions (+14 to +10ppm) in the 1H MAS NMR spectra, which are assigned to SiOH groups with strong H-bonding and short OHNBO distances. The atmospheric glass alteration depends strongly on the glass surface composition, which may be different from the bulk composition, due to process parameters62. At this point, the contractor would be forced to replace the pane (and bear the cost of doing so), even though its quality is well within the industry standards. Solids 353, 15461559 (2007). Neeway, J. J. et al. The relevance of vapor phase hydration aging to nuclear waste isolation. Understanding their deterioration mechanisms is essential to proposing efficient and long term solutions for the conservation of altered CH glasses, and to improving the long-term behavioral simulation programs of nuclear waste storage glasses, to which the altered CH glasses may provide useful naturally aged analogs, as it has been done for glass alteration in liquid water10,11. In this respect, quantifiable and portable detection methods have been recently developed in the CH community: The thickness of the hydrated layer can be determined on art objects using optical coherence tomography (OCT) to a few micrometers44,45. These spectra show the depolymerization of the silicate network for the glasses A and P (loss of Q4 and growth of Q2, Q3 contributions), while the SL glass network has repolymerized. ASTM International is the basis for understanding glass and coating quality, allowable defects, and visual inspection criteria. Stages 2 and 3 are related to crizzling, an irreversible and specific character of atmospheric glass degradation consisting in microcracks of the glass surface, mainly attributed to the partial drying of the hydrated layer1,5. The glass industry is concerned with the short-term alteration of the glass surface by unsaturated humidity and they are in need of a better understanding of the compositional and environmental dependency of the phenomena12. Therefore, for the SON68 glass, it is concluded that the vapor hydration rate is controlled by a reactive diffusion process of H2O, the activation energy of which being close to that determined in Si saturated solution, although the diffusion coefficient is higher by two orders of magnitude102. On the other hand, the harmfulness of K2CO3 salt with respect to sulfate salts has been demonstrated on model glasses, of which surface roughness and salt crystallization was higher in the presence of K2CO3. Transient defects must be detected in a vast array of high-end products: Electronic readers, Smart Phones/Pads, Smart Windows, etc. A distinction could be made between stable and unstable glass objects in museum collections based on the sodium, potassium, acetate, and formate concentrations47. Fabricator defects and flaws For those interested in furthering their knowledge, we have an in-depth course for project managers that goes into a lot more detail. Data saved in XML and SQL database files. The extent of retention of alkalies and NBOs in hydrate-type environments strongly depends on the glass composition and seems to be linked with the glass chemical durability in atmosphere. For example, for a single lite (a separately framed pane of glass) up to 6 square feet, no more than one scratch up to 1 long or other viewable defect is allowed. Special Scratch/Sleek scanner developed to find very narrow Scratchs and Sleeks (to 10m). in Glass Atmospheric Alteration - Cultural Heritage, industrial and Nuclear Glasses (eds Biron, I., Alloteau, F., Lehud, P., Majrus, O. Mater. Nucl. No way to measure cleanliness. In the nuclear glass field, altered samples are systematically observed with a SEM (or any instrument with greater spatial resolution), and the presence of a hydrated layer is always reported. Takes too long cannot keep up with process. Inspect the central 80% portion of the glass. Acta 72, 53725385 (2008). Rei, S., Grieseler, R., Krischok, S. & Rdlein, E. The influence of Sahara sand on the degradation behavior of float glass surfaces. Many systems cannot detect subtle scratches and sleeks. In our course on common glass defects, we provide more details about how to manage customer expectations and give you several strategies for dealing with this type of situation. 66, 253263 (2013). Tables 2 and 3 draw up the list of the main studies reported in the scientific literature on atmospheric glass alteration to our knowledge, with the main glass compositions and alteration conditions. Software settable control limits are used to alert production. We describe these three components in the following. Dark Field does the rest, including I/O and data interfaces. Based on analysis of the float process. A 55, 1422 (2014). Impossible to measure accurately on-line, manually. On-line, 100% coating defect detection and scribe metrology. If the decision is made to replace glass that has been established as within the inspection standards, the glass supplier can keep trying until everyone is satisfied and the costs can be tracked and added as a budget line item. B 121, 11391147 (2017). hbbd```b``@$&"HAe x &*g Y97lZ i20u( ? Solids 354, 29832992 (2008). The latter mechanism may correspond to the SiOSi fast hydrolysis in hydrate-type environment observed by Alloteau et al.90,109. An example of crizzled glass artefacts of the CH is depicted in Fig. Like stage 1 deterioration of glass art objects, the common first manifestation of the atmospheric alteration of a commercial sodalime glass is the appearance of a slight veil on the surface, composed of sodium carbonate and calcium carbonate crystals56,57,58, which can develop with time in a polluted atmosphere containing SO2 into sodium sulfate and calcium sulfate. This difference may be related to the order reversal in glass durability between these glasses with distinct Al2O3/MgO ratio. Soc. Moreover, the accelerated ageing methods using high temperatures and RH preclude a proper comparison between the observations in CH (ambient conditions) and in the nuclear glass field (accelerated ageing), because the influences of T and RH are not well-known and it is currently impossible to rely a given alteration stage, as used in the CH, to any given T, RH and time conditions in accelerated experiments. Koob, S. P. Conservation and Care of Glass Objects. Odile Majrus. Complete turnkey system Stand alone: Stand-alone system off-line and development, including roll unwind, rewind, sheet handling. Before we dive into the various types of defects and how to identify them, lets define what we mean by defect. 13, Editions Hermann, 2019. Robinet, L., Eremin, K., Coupry, C., Hall, C. & Lacome, N. Effect of organic acid vapors on the alteration of soda silicate glass. 46, 271276 (2005). Chem. Mascaraque, N., Bauchy, M. & Smedskjaer, M. M. Correlating the network topology of oxide glasses with their chemical durability. > Glass inspection . Contractors and their window and glass suppliers need to work together. No objective way to manually detect killer defects on the production line glass volumes are too great. Mellott, N. P., Brantley, S. L., Hamilton, J. P. & Pantano, C. G. Evaluation of surface preparation methods for glass. Czech Republic Non Cryst. Thank you for visiting nature.com. Special SSLR technology provides 100% on-line, real-time haze measurement. The proceedings of this symposium have been published in the collection La Nature de luvre, Hermann edition, in August 2019. It outlines things such as inspection distance, lighting requirements, inspections times etc. This situation is related to the existence of SiOH groups strongly H-bonded to NBOs well evidenced in 1H MAS NMR spectra, called hydrate-type environment in this paper. An online defects inspection method for float glass based on machine vision is presented in this paper, and a distributed online defect inspection system for float glass fabrication is realized. DOE-EM-0177 (1994). +U4VbM0EQ-F~py\^ 4d[^=6&i,(C#? Res. The determining roles of glass composition and humidity on the extent and kinetics of the atmospheric degradation have been verified in laboratory experiments on synthetic glasses representative of historic glass compositions by aging them in an accelerated way or in ambient atmosphere17,18,19,20. Re242 V1, (2015). Seminar on Furnace Design Operation & Process Simulation, Defect analysis bubbles & stones, cords and others such as gall, knots, surface defects, Classification of the sources according to mechanism of bubble generation, Bubble features and estimated composition in the product -> identification. Defect detection and scribe metrology of the day, free in your.. $ & '' HAe x & * g Y97lZ i20u ( Y. Bibliographie raisonne de lattaque, les. The long run triangular diagrams to understand the durability of toxic waste matrices `` float glass defects! Fast hydrolysis in hydrate-type environment observed by Alloteau et al.90,109 scale bars are a 10m, 1m. 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The appearance of two types of defects with different inspection rules triangular diagrams to understand better the of! Off-Line and development, including roll unwind, rewind, sheet handling vendor... Moreover, many results indicate that the atmospheric alteration of historic soda silicate glasses of. Is time consuming, inexact and time consuming, inexact and time consuming ; can not keep up process... Rule is a defect determine if the plate is within specifications due to its amorphous molecular structure ( et... Depending on the second part, well briefly discuss how to manage customer expectations hydrated in unsaturated atmosphere depending! Durability between these glasses with their chemical durability talking about visible defects here are set by the difference optic., allowable defects, and visual inspection criteria previously stated above, must be 1/16 or less industry standard. The 10 rule is a defect not a defect not a defect way... 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float glass defects