His office looks for the easiest way to not go to trial, even if there is no justice done for the victim. If she can't get that, or is afraid to ask, she can go to court to get approval. CREW said it shared its statistical findings in advance of their release with county commissioners, the current and incoming prosecutor, the court's chief judge as well as Washtenaw County Sheriff Jerry Clayton and Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Bridget McCormack. Mr RINO made 6 million in 2009, $20 million in 2010 Video obtained by Fox 2 shows the boy picking up a bike outside Le-Nguyens house when the shot is fired. I vote Democrat more often than I vote Republican. A well thought out and insightful opinion from Sandy Castle and a single word response from The Black Stallion3; welcome to annarbor.com! McClure agreed with Washington that understanding a judicial candidates' values before voting them into office is important. Thank you! "If the law changes, I would follow the law. Alfred Edward Newmann. McClure stressed to Saturday's audience that he's a lifelong Democrat. He practiced as an attorney at Fink & Fink, PLLC in Ann Arbor. "I also have a very diverse background in the practice of law. Also, there is a reason why Mr. Fink has the conservative vote locked up. Last time I looked, Bill Ayers wasn't running for a judgeship here in Washtenaw county. The new judge may well decide some of these cases, and the law doesn't have any clear guidelines. GIS / Parcel Search. So challenging a law because of personal beliefs is what changed these and other bad laws! I guess you hit comment length limit before you were able to give your examples of Fink's "perjury and slander" as an attorney or police officer. The old saying "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" is fitting you nicely.sorry. I guess that part of the constitution was missed by most of us. Sandy, who were your friends at 15th district court? It's equally disingenuous to say that judges who side with the rights of hospitals and schools and have employees and customers of all faiths and beliefs are in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and the separation of church and state. Amanda Edmunds, 33, of Ypsilanti said Washtenaw Circuit Judge Carol Kuhnke needs to be held accountable for the actions of the 32-year-old Ypsilanti area man, Orlando Whitfield, as "no person in their right mind" would let a murder suspect out. How so? Romney is not a conservative he is at best a moderate who has shown that as a Chief Executive his governing policy will be more liberal than conservative. I will be consider when I vote. Fink worked for the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office for two decades, including as a deputy, sergeant, lieutenant and commander, before becoming an . People can say all day and night that they will follow the law and not let their personal beliefs get in the way of their judgement. David S. Swartz is the chief judge of the 22nd Circuit Court in Washtenaw County, Michigan. The move was taken to advocate for more stringent conditions that we believe ensure public safety, Savit said Tuesday alongside Assistant Prosecutor Victoria Burton-Harris. "The reason the policy is 20 pages because there are a lot of options on the table," he said. I admired the way she handled my case. Kuhnke has been on the Ann Arbor Zoning Board of Appeals for 12 years and is president of the Washtenaw Trial Lawyers Association. If I were running for public office, one platform I would espouse is reducing the number of law school admissions thereby reducing by a ton the number of lawyers running around telling us average americans how to think, what to do and how to live our lives. There is ample free parking in front of the office, or in the municipal lot next to the office building. Contact information must be supplied so the deposit requirement/estimated cost may be discussed. Meanwhile, the boy's father is concerned. True christians should pray that God raises up righteous judges and leaders and lower/remove wicked rulers. He is an independent PERSON! Washington recalled there was a point in time when same-sex couples were allowed to adopt children in Washtenaw County. Filed 3/29/21 to dismiss from: 4/20/21, 6/8/21 ( Tele has been serving full time since December 2014. They bring all their beliefs into that. Mr. Weider's assertions are specious and politically motivated. Fink ran for re-election for judge of the Maricopa County Superior Court in Arizona. "The bottom line is this. His office provides written bond recommendations to magistrates in every case, but historically its relatively rare that prosecutors attend arraignments, he said. In the case, she handled for me, I was wrong from various points and she explained to me in such a manner that I realized it myself. The incident occurred at Le-Nguyens girlfriends residence, Simon said. But, then again, few who voted for Snyder ever thought that he would start war with Unions, womem, and teachers and let his merry bad of pranksters start pushing out their social agenda. This search will yield results from all four of our courts. So it's very difficult when your lawyer tells you "we don't know what the judge will do even though we do know what the law requires." The judiciary becomes unreliable. You seem to be a man of honesty, wisdom, courage and conviction. The nonpartisan judicial elections on Nov. 6 are for six-year terms. This article could have been about all the candidates and their participation in this forum, but because of the flyer it is now an article about/supporting Fink with small soundbites from the other 3 candidates. Roman Gribbs and William Lucas had long and distinguished judicial careers despite having law enforcement backgrounds. Election results and vote counts for candidates for office, ballot questions, and party enrollment and voter registration and turnout statistics. Judge Barr | Washtenaw County, MI Home Your Government Departments A-H 14A District Court Judges & Admin Judge Barr Judge Barr Judge Barr was elected to the bench in November 2022. As someone who has known and worked with Jim Fink for nearly 40 years as a friend, law enforcement colleague, and politician, I personally know Jim Fink as a man of integrity and solid values. Mr. Fink has my vote and I'm a democrat. Honorable Patrick J. Conlin @Joe: As such, Fink gave the right answer whenever asked - basically, existing case law/Supreme Court rulings say such and such is legal/illegal; he would follow those rulings. "And I think that's why the people who are voting should be very aware of who they elect as judge, because the judges have the ability to go and speak with the Supreme Court justices and to speak with the Supreme Court administrators and set up rules that are specific to a court that would prevent this from happening," she said. I find Fink in contempt of our one-party system. A Republican judge will lobby for Republican laws just as a Democratic judge will lobby for Democratic ones. Le-Nguyen told the magistrate the boy hes accused of shooting is a stranger to him. Joe, I assume you don't mean Scalia, and the GOP on the Supreme Court who favor "rule of law"On the same day, Scalia discussed how important the 10th amendment was in the Arizona case, and dismissed it in the Montana case, just because he is so partisan. And this quality is of utmost importance in any Judge. Elisha V. Fink is the third generation of her family to serve as part of the judiciary in the 14A District Court. Honesty seems to be optional for the RINO as well. Albert, like all Americans, is expressing his opinion like Ann Arbor Christians do daily in the churches and other venues of faith/ worship in Ann Arbor. He noted the charges his office brought are punishable by up to life in prison. She has the skill to rationalize logical and analytically with the heart in the center! "And also that I know the law and that I would work very hard to make sure that our values are represented in court, and that the law is efficiently and correctly applied in a way that's compassionate."(Doug McClure) "I am running for Circuit Judge because I have the ability, the experience and the desire to serve the people of Washtenaw County," Fink said in making the . 4133 Washtenaw Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48108. Magistrate Fink presides at all locations of the 14A District Court. The fact that there are no judicial candidates in the Ann Arbor election who are pro life, pro family or pro marriage is not acceptable. Unemployment down from 10.2% to 8.2% He talked about his experience as a volunteer for Legal Aid and the Washtenaw County Public Defender's Office on Saturday. Requests for a two week adjournment can be made by stipulation and order for adjournment. "Judge Morris is the only judge sitting on the bench right now who was elected to her seat. At a minimum, he made an extremely bad choice involving a firearm, which is always a concern to the court, she said. Ok ask all four thisWho thinks it is ok for gays to act like jerks and be disrespectful in the White House? 2012 Aug 7 :: Primary Election :: Circuit Court Judge :: Judicial District 22. Can you give them now? Yep, we are falling apart! Not that there's anything wrong with that. She was appointed as a part time Magistrate in 2012, and has been serving full time since December of 2014. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. A candidate must be a qualified elector, a resident of the judicial circuit, a lawyer who has been licensed to practice law for at least five years, and under 70 years of age. I googled Gary Hann's from the area. Care to cite the PRICE of a gallon of gas? You might find yourself on the otherside of that left-wing equation one day where your actual existing rights are subordianted to some judge making up some new "right" for your neighbor at your expense. Washtenaw County Democratic Party Political Organization Judge Tracy E. Van den Bergh Government Official Felicia Brabec for State Rep Politician We the People Opportunity Farm Nonprofit Organization Lisa Disch for City Council Political Candidate Recent Post by Page Eli Savit - Washtenaw Prosecuting Attorney Yesterday at 8:43 PM Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Six months ago Washtenaw County Prosecutor Eli Savit there vowed to reform the bail system - doing away with cash bonds in most situations. His belief that global warming is real and man-made? Albert - I am with you 100%. All of the candidates have sufficient knowledge, integrity and experience. To be clear, our policy still allows for the detention of people who pose an imminent threat to the community. "I truly believe your shot is at the trial court level to get justice or not. He initially was a law enforcement officer through the Eastern Michigan University campus police and subsequently had a long and distinguished career with the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department. "Same-sex adoptions are not currently allowed by court rule, I believe," Fink said. We need someone with the stamina to work it through in that complicated context - without the old assumptions and for the long haul - and who will not get fatigued by the process, emotionally or otherwise. My thoughts exactly. "Record deportations of illegal aliens, with a focus on criminals". W. Michigan adds 4000 jobs due to auto industry bailout. His wife, Margaret, finished a diappointing distant third place in a 2008 judicial primary. Jim Fink is a man of the highest integrity. This is excellent news! TOPIC: Resiliency Court Training: Parts 1 & 2 Child Safety This training series is the best practices model Judge Van den Bergh has adopted for Washtenaw County. Vote for Michael Woodyard in the other race, he is running against incumbent Tim Connors, another APPOINTEE. I can't imagine a better candidate than someone who has been successful at upholding the law both in practice as a sheriffs deputy but also as an attorney. was a judge for the Twenty-Second Circuit Court of Michigan in Washtenaw County. Like it or not a judge has a lot of power/influence and their philosophical and political affiliations decide how they will use their power and influence. I've been an attorney in Ann Arbor for over twenty years and know all of the candidates, all of whom have very strong qualities that would benefit our bench. If a judge believes a law that prohibits same sex marriage or adoption is constitutional, and another does not, it is clear which way to vote. This sad process has chipped away at the America our Founders sought to create - the last 40 years have been devastating and we are one "straw" away from become Europe. Some lie or mislead in court. It is then the prosecutors job to advocate on behalf of the people, the defenses job to advocate for their client and the magistrates job to make the bond decision, the sheriffs office said. Cases of great public significance often revolve around squishy constitutional terms like "due process" and "equal protection". For example: View the complete 14A Caseflow Plan (PDF). Joe: Note: partial credit for Obama EXTENDING them. He currently presides at the 14A-2 District Court in Ypsilanti, Michigan. I can't hold my tongue any longer, this is ridiculous: Fink gets skewered for his Republican bias, while the other three candidates are lauded for their Democratic bias? Washington, a University of Michigan law school graduate, said she's been practicing law since 1993. I don't know about Jim fink, but I don't think your recommendion carries a lot of weight. Daily Calendar - 14A-1 Service Center 4133 Washtenaw Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48108. The State Bar of Michigan reviews the Resource Directory annually, but can update information anytime. I count myself an independent politically. Washtenaw County Bar Association, Lawyer Referral & Information Service Attorney Application, Modest Means Program Attorney Application, Lawyer Referral & Information Service (LRIS), Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Law Section Meeting - via Zoom, Law Firm Website Design by The Modern Firm. "In my law practice, I represent municipalities and small businesses, some criminal defendants and people with real estate transactions," he said. Fink resigned from the bench in 1997. Mr. Fink says that "a good judge ensures that everyone's rights are protected and that all receive equal justice under the law." "4 million jobs created since Jan 2009". "I've been consistent since day one that I agree with the premise on reform around bail., that your ability to pay or not to pay a dollar amount shouldn't be the determining factor on whether you stay incarcerated through the adjudication process," Clayton said. He currently presides at the 14A-2 District Court in Ypsilanti, Michigan. He is about integrity, period. Judge Anna Frushour of the 14A-1 District Court granted the motion. Yeah, right. I would also point out that once Fink gave his money to somebody he showed a bias. This is about a local election. 2023 Washtenaw County Bar Association View Our DisclaimerLaw Firm Website Design by The Modern Firm, In regards to Covid-19, We are reviewing the best guidelines for our city and state for how. So while they may sincerely believe that they set aside their own values when making decisions, they are wrong. It is an impossible task to ignore your background and views. I disagree with Mr. Hann. The rest of our judges were appointed by governors.". "There was some lobbying by some of the judges so I think that it's important that the citizens of this county are aware that the views do affect the outcome of the way the courts operate.". He will make an excellent judge for Washtenaw County. "I'm scared for my family because I don't know what he's capable of," Arnold said. Janet Napolitano (D) in 2007. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this page please [emailprotected]. It would be hard to find anyone that does not think the Jim Crow laws were bad. 320 N. Main St., Suite 420 You must also file an electronic copy with Caitlin Rocker. Fawn Armstrong Karl Barr The list of candidates to become the next 14-A district Judge has been narrowed from four to two. Read more: Man charged with shooting 6-year-old in Ypsilanti Township. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Washtenaw County Prosecutor Eli Savit rescinds 'zero-tolerance' policies Kayla Clarke , Senior Web Producer Published: January 1, 2021, 1:07 PM Updated: January 1, 2021, 6:24 PM Jim Fink, one four attorneys competing for an open Washtenaw County Circuit Court judge seat, was asked to explain his Republican leanings at a Democratic Party candidate forum on Saturday. You're Hired!" Welcome to (insert your company name here)! I respectfully disagree with Mr. Hann's characterization. On the other hand there are those who have a great respect for the law and strive to behave with integrity and decorum. To imply otherwise suggests that someone has an axe to grind. Parker and R. Steven Whalen Fink and Naomi Fink are fourth generation rarely on big issues. Mariah and Naomis father, Karl Fink was a district and circuit court judge in Washtenaw County and still practices law in Ann Arbor, with their brother Joshua. Anyone who thinks that a judge's personal views and political affiliations don't matter, that they leave these things behind when they put on the judicial robes, is kidding themselves. The fact that the state has made judge an ELECTED position, their beliefs are VERY important. The court docket site is directly linked to the Court's case management system and will be updated as soon as case scheduling changes are made available to case management staff. Joe Simon, Le-Nguyens defense attorney, appeared before Fink on Monday to argue for his clients release. It's partially true," Fink acknowledged. Six months later, Washtenaw County Prosecutor Eli Savit's bail changes are playing out after 6-year-old Coby Daniel was shot in the arm, allegedly by an angry neighbor, Ryan Le-Nguyen last weekend in Ypsilanti Township. We recommended significantly more stringent conditions on bond, which would have made it more difficult for this individual to be released.. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. I've already donated to his campaign. Chipping away at women's access to contraception and other health care needs is chipping away at civil rights. And the shooting is recorded on video. He ran unopposed in several elections before a write-in candidate opposed him in 2006 Oh, no! Every case goes before a local judge first. "He tried hitting me with a sledge hammer but that's not going to work because I'm too fast. I knew differently, way before the truth came out last November. If you want proof of that, read the Gore V Bush decision of the SCOTUS. A judge then approved the modification and the sheriffs office took the suspect back into custody. We need effective local government, does anyone really think our city council proclamation against burning the Koran made any difference in he grand scheme of things? Judges who legislate from the bench are dangerous. He attended the Detroit College of Law and is now a practicing attorney in Ann Arbor. If you want to change law, vote for legislators who can do that. Ann Arbor, MI 48104, SPEAKER: Kristy Bray, Friend of the Court Director TOPIC: FOC Review Family Law Section Chairs: Alison Love & Miriam Saffo Register by 5:00 p.m., Thursday, March 9, 2023 The comments and opinions presented at this meeting are for informational an, TOPIC: Stump your colleagues! In an interview Friday, Savit responded to criticisms that no one from his office was present for the arraignment Monday, June 7, when the initial bond was set. "What we are saying is your money won't determine your freedom." In Michigan, the setting of bond is a prosecutorial process and a judicial decision. Across the state, prosecutors offices arent staffed to attend arraignments, he said. @Machine, He would be a Great asset to our circuit court system. I'm also ready for Brian Mackie to go. Way too many liberal judges nowadays. If you ponder back to the last major recession and the unemployment rate in 1981 and then in 1984, that's called a recovery Clownfish. Ann Arbor Attorney Announces Candidacy for Circuit Judge . By being hawkish and murdering innocent people via drone strikes? Nice weave. Seeing as the GOP is running a RINO for their presidential candidate, why not a DINO locally? The Washtenaw County Bar Association's New Lawyers Section along with Co-Hosts ADR, Family Law, Real Estate, and Trial Practice Sections invite all WCBA members to attend! So you will vote for the RINO? I believe that is why you see resistance to Mr Fink. That's why so few decisions are unanimous, because every judge has a different view of what "the law" is. Jim Fink should not be labeled as a Democrat or Republican!!!!! To sum up, she has all the qualities to judge with kindness, fairness but with firmness. We are extremely fortunate to have individuals such as him and Darlene O'Brien (political opposites) that are willing to forsake far more lucrative private practices to serve our county. His father, Robert Fink, and brother, Karl Fink, served as Washtenaw County judges. All adjournments must comply at a minimum with The 14A Caseflow Management Plan Unless otherwise noted and must be filed with the court at least 48 hours prior to hearing. See www.a2buzz.org. Our nation and legal system were founded on separation of church and state. You can get a pretty good idea of this by spending some time in and outside of our Washtenaw County Court Rooms. "Before the forum started, someone anonymously placed dozens of copies of a homemade attack flier carrying the headline "What Washtenaw Democrats should know about Jim Fink" in the chairs" I believe in fiscal responsibility, but I strongly support gay rights. I think we should adopt this though-process in the business world. quite a lot of adult professionals are not pillars of the community. Le-Nguyen reportedly heard commotion outside his home, told the boy and two family members to leave, went back inside the house and fired a round through his window, which struck the arm of the 6-year-old, Jackson said. Anyone that Albert Howard opposes is most likely a great candidate. He joined 14A in 2018. Black Stallion: soooo. No terrorist attacks in the US under BHO's watch (so far) - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Judge Barr was elected to the bench in November 2022. One of the mothers was an egg donor and the other mother carried the child to birth, but only the mother who carried the child is on the birth certificate. Candidates in this contest and votes received: James A. Fink (41.4%), Carol Kuhnke (29.8%), Erane C. Washington (17.0%), Douglas G. McClure (11.6%), All Other Votes (0.2%), Total Votes Cast (0.0%), and Total Ballots Cast (0.0%). With all 139 precincts reporting, Jim Fink and Carol Kuhnke led the way Tuesday in a four-way race for an open seat on Washtenaw County's 22nd Circuit Court bench. Such prejudice - did any have a problem with Bill Ayers coming to town to sell his book? "Fink is a Republican and he will promote the Republican agenda" Fink declined to specifically address any of the allegations, saying only that he's running a nonpartisan campaign and he has support from both Democrats and Republicans. He is a great man and would be an asset to our county judiciary and I will happily cast my vote for him. The Metro Detroit region's extensive toll-free freeway system, together with its status as a major port city, provide advantages to its location as a global business center. On Wednesday FOX 2 asked Washtenaw County Sheriff Jerry Clayton about bail reform. Pretzel Bell 226 S. Main St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Get Directions. bus - Albert is pushing nothing down your throat. His choices of more dems than repubs when he picked judges? Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). It is a broad-brush attack that has cited no examples or other proof and appears simply a campaign smear. When a school or hospital is a major employer of people of all backgrounds, yet wants to control benefits or behavior based on religion beliefs, it is dangerous to put on the November ballot even one judge who doesn't understand how such action violates the U.S. Constitution. This is not a theocracy. Fink has served on the Dawn Farm Board of Trustees, the Michigan Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment Board and the Hope Clinic One Hope capital campaign committee, according to the statement. While the charges are serious, Simon said, they dont make a lot of sense to him because its his understanding the shooting was a reckless act, that Le-Nguyen is alleged to have fired a shot outside from inside a residence, not necessarily at anyone in particular, but in response to noises on the property where he was staying, and Le-Nguyen did not intend to assault anyone. You have absolutely no clue what socialism is. For a one party town, Ann Arbor has nothing on Havana. Vote for that one. Love people who stand tall for their convictions. In this particular case, staff of the Washtenaw County Sheriffs Office investigated, apprehended the suspect, and swore before a magistrate to the facts of the case. Washington said she'd set aside her Democratic leanings if elected, but she would apply the law fairly to each and every individual that comes before her courtroom. Mr Fink is compassionate toward victims of crime. Do you like his support for gay rights? Instead, it only sullied the names of the other three candidates who must disavow the fliers while generating scores of testimonials for the targeted candidate. Let me start the slapping. Please know that millions of fine Americans, especially those surrounding Ann Arbor, have your back! 14A-2 District Court Directions Physical Address: 415 W Michigan Avenue Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Phone: 734-484-6690 Fax: 734-484-6697 The temperament of the individual judge is often a determinative factor for case outcome. 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