You can also. Then, if you have rolled fewer than 3 times during the current activation of this power, decide whether to roll again. Using the end-of-round goal scoring card for the current round, match the current rounds goal tile to the symbols on the card to find the base value. When played: Copy a When Played (white) ability on 1 of your neighbors birds. Game end: Lay 1 on each of your birds with a nest, including this one. do in the base game. Remove (and return to the box) the Automa card that specifies Remove after round for the round you just completed. For example: Automa always fulfills any condition required to gain from your triggered power. 1 synonym for wingspan: wingspread. Wingspan. Its great for finding a specific rule quickly. If any are , gain 1 and cache it on this card. The average game lasted about two 1/2 hours. No Food: A crossed-out circle means a bird does not have a food cost. If <75cm, tuck it behind this bird. If its food cost includes an or a , tuck it behind this bird. If the wingspan of the top card in the deck is less than this birds hunting power, tuck that card to signify that your predator hunted successfully. However, that player still only gains the resources that all players get. The 2 players on the edges of the 4-player group will be active players on the same turn for half of their turns, which might cause issues if they are both interacting with the dice or the bird tray. / The number of caches allowed by the card (such as each bird in this row) is a maximum: you may cache less than this amount. Keep 1 and discard the rest. If you run out of food tokens, you can cache cards instead. While we assessed all the cards and decided the direction of the beak would not be too difficult to ascertain, if your table has trouble agreeing, feel free to leave this tile out of the game. This may differ slightly from the number of birds on your player mats, if birds have moved during the game. Example: Lay 2 eggs, then you may pay 1 food to lay another egg. If you do, play another bird in your . Since this bird cannot be played in the , it cannot copy a white power that specifies playing it in the that habitat (e.g., the Grey Heron, from the European Expansion). If not, stop and return all food cached here this turn. The 2 players that the turnorder dial points to are the active players. It is a card-driven, engine-building board game in which players compete to attract birds to their wildlife reserves. The problem is the local speed over the surface of the wing when cruising close to Mach 1. Flocking bird powers and some predator powers allow you to tuck a card. For each in their food costs, cache 1 from the supply on this bird. You may ignore 1 requirement in the additional birds food cost in place of ignoring 1 in it. You may discard at most 1 bird card, or pay at most 1 food token to lay an additional egg. Turns out she basically remade the metric system for magical and physical calculations out of laziness. If the birdfeeder tray is ever empty, throw all 5 dice back in. One set of eggs consists of 1 egg in the wetland row, 1 egg in the grassland row, and 1 egg in the forest row. You can use back & forward navigation to return to previous views. Each token on the card at the end of the game is worth 1 point. If you spend nectar as a wild, you may treat it as the food you spent it as. For example, Natalia has 3 eggs in her forest, 2 eggs in her grassland, and 4 eggs in her wetland habitats. = Reminder: You may spend any 2 food tokens as if they are any 1 food token. Discard the other. Ships from Czech Republic. Once between turns: When another players succeeds, gain 1 from the birdfeeder. You're prompted to install the app when you first visit the site. If it can live in , tuck it behind this bird. When activated: Roll any 1 . When activated: Tuck a from your hand behind this bird. If you do, gain all in the birdfeeder after resetting. For example, you might keep 2 bird cards and 3 food, or you might keep 4 bird cards and 1 food. When activated: Tuck up to 3 from your hand behind this bird. The space must be in the region of the Duet map that corresponds to the. Round end: You may cache 1 from your supply on each of your other birds. (Note that you will never roll more than 4 dice, because when all 5 dice are out of the birdfeeder it must reset immediately.) You may discard any 1 food to reset the bird tray. Then gain 1 from the birdfeeder, lay 1 on any bird, or draw 1 . Two to four players are assigned a batch of tetronimo-like pieces, and take turns placing them on a small grid board. Designers Note: The abundance of plant-based sugar doesnt just support birds. Pay the corresponding egg cost (if any) by discarding eggs from any birds on your player mat. Trumpeter swans that breed in Iowa and Wisconsin may migrate to Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, or Illinois, with stops at various points in between. The Automa, however, does not play by the rules. Draw 1 for each card you tucked. It may interact with the Automa. If you do, lay 2 on this bird or gain 2 from the birdfeeder. Within the grassland, this bonus card grants points for a sequence of birds that is in ascending or descending order by their point value. This bird lays eggs only on birds with the star nest icon. If you do, gain 1 , , or , if there is one. Just click on the rule entrys title to copy its address. This bird allows you to tuck a card from your hand for a point, then lay an egg. When activated: All players lay 1 . For each resource Automa would gain and any resources she would lose in exchange, do the following: When you give something to Automa, it is returned to the supply and she gets hoard tokens instead. If the wingspan of the top card is equal to or larger than your predators power, discard the card instead. You can use one of the special Automa-only bonus cards shown here, or any standard bonus card that show (X% of cards) at the bottom of the card. All powers are optional. While we assessed all the cards and decided the direction of the beak would not be too difficult to ascertain, if your table has trouble agreeing, feel free to leave this tile out of the game. When activated: Reset the birdfeeder. They gain 1 from the birdfeeder. Before drawing a face-up card with the nest type shown, you may: When activated: If the player to your right has a in their personal supply, tuck a from the deck behind this bird. Gain that many food from the supply. In the case of a tie, the player with the most unused food tokens wins. When activated: Tuck up to 3 from your hand behind this bird. Do not replace the face-up cards until end of turn. Because you only have 1 neighbor, only steal 1 from that player. This exchange cannot be used during other parts of the game. You may lay 1 additional . Round end: If you used all 4 types of actions this round, play another bird. Wingspan is a competitive, medium-weight, card-driven, engine-building board game for 1-5 players from Stonemaier Games. If you cannot place a Duet token in a matching space or do not wish to, you may place your Duet token in the reset space on the lower left of the board instead. However, the other active player is only affected after finishing their turn. Food remaining in your supply at game end. The the percentage of birds that apply to this card should be 16%, not 10%. There are also several birds with powers that allow you to gain additional bonus cards. Pay the birds food cost. Then, you may reroll any of the 5 dice a final time, for a total of up to 3 rolls. Each group chooses from a separate set of cards or dice. Once between turns: When another player takes the lay eggs action, lay 1 on this bird. Each Automa card is divided into 4 sections, one for each of the rounds. Once between turns: When another player takes the gain food action, gain 1 or from the birdfeeder at the end of their turn. If the additional bird has a when played power, it is triggered when the bird is played. Move your action cube from right to left, activating any birds with a brown when activated power in that row. Choose 1 and tuck it behind this bird or add it to your hand. Rules complexity: Medium. Game end: Draw 4 bonus cards, keep 1, and discard the other 3. In this Duet mode example it is round 1. For this goal, count how many tokens are in the interior. Discard the shown food tokens (if , then there is no food cost). They reset each time you become an active player. End your turn by placing your action cube on the left side of the gain food row. Players may reset the birdfeeder if it is empty or if all dice are showing the same face. When played: Play a second bird in your . If all players tied or beat Automarazzi for the end-of-round goal, each player gains from the supply to place on any bird on their player mat (egg limit rule applies). When activated: Choose 1 other player. You will be assigned to a group that has its own bird tray and birdfeeder, and you will only use that groups When activated: Copy a brown power on one bird in the of the player to your left. Birds with star nests count toward this bonus. When activated: Player(s) with fewest birds gain 1 from birdfeeder. Ships from Czech Republic. Background: Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting with the Wingspan stent has proven safe and effective in patients with middle cerebral artery stenosis (MCAS), but the off-label use of the Neuroform stent might be an alternative treatment. When played: Draw 1 bonus card. If two or more players are tied, add the points and divide them evenly, rounded down. To determine the habitat and type, compare the icons along the right column of the Automa card to the Duet map tracker, as follows: Only map spaces with the correct combination of type and habitat are available for her to place a Duet token. When activated: If the player to your right has a in their personal supply, gain 1 from the general supply. These are flightless birds, and some have only vestigial wings. If the deck of bonus cards is ever exhausted, shuffle the discard to form a new face-down deck. When activated: Choose 1-5 birds in your . When you reset the birdfeeder, re-roll all five food dice. Details and clarifications for some bonus cards. Round down (i.e., if you have 5 eggs in your wetland, lay 2 eggs). Advance her end-of-round goal scoring card. If you do, all players gain 1 from the supply. When activated: Reset the birdfeeder and gain all , if there are any. If not, discard it. Note: Desktop versions of Safari and Firefox do not support PWAs. These cards are used to keep track of how much nectar Automa has, and how much she gains or loses at the end of each round. All powers are optional. Once between turns: When another player plays a bird, gain 1 from the supply. During each round, players take turns-proceeding clockwise-until each player has used all of their available action cubes. All players gain 1 of that food from the supply. When both active players have completed their turns, rotate the turn-order dial clockwise. Flightless birds count as wild for wingspan requirements, so eggs may be laid on them for each of these bird powers, even though they are contradictory. Draw 2 bonus cards, pick the one you want to keep and discard the other. Based on the map section of the Duet map tracker, she will navigate the Duet map until she finds an available space that improves her progress with the Duet map goal for the current round. "Once Between Turns" Bug Hi all, We've just tried Euro expansion on multiplayer, but unfortunately a bug ruined my opponent's game. Three people playing at 5 minutes. End your turn by placing your action cube on the left side of the lay eggs row. Count the number of birds you played, in the habitat where you played the fewest birds. When activated: Look at a from the deck. You may place 2 Duet tokens when you play them. The impact of both systems is subtle; that is by design. Count the total number of birds with a ground nest that have at least 1 egg. Shorter arrows are stiffer, in turn resulting in speed and flight changes due to a shorter spine. Wingspan Asia is required for Duet and Flock modes. Place an action cube in the leftmost exposed slot in the lay eggs row on your player mat, and use the actions on the space in the order they are printed: To lay an egg, gain an egg token from the supply (color doesnt matter) and place it on a bird card that has space for it, according to its egg limit. Count only bird cards that have 4 egg tokens sitting on them at game end. The Spent Nectar Collection card has 3 spent boxes to collect nectar tokens for each of the habitats. Additional egg cost when playing a bird in this column. Draw clockwise, starting with the current player. Ships from Czech Republic. When played: Look through all discarded bonus cards. You may apply this power to gained before or after activating the Verditer flycatcher. Of these cards, Automa will keep 1 card with the highest point value. Round end: Discard up to 5 from your supply. Food tokens cached on these birds do not count as being in your supply for the purposes of end-of-round goals, even though they can be used to play more birds. to the player who came in second on the end-of-round goal. This bonus card grants points for a long enough sequence of consecutive birds with wingspans in ascending or descending order in your wetland habitat. Next, you may activate the power on the bird card. Do not count or . Multiple eggs on one bird each count. Wingspan is played over 4 rounds. All other players can lay an egg on 1 bird with a cavity (or star) nest, if they have one. If a bird has a / cost (you paid a OR a to play the bird), it only counts as one food for this end round goal. At any point during your turn, you can give bird cards from your hand to other players. If not, discard them. When activated: Discard any number of to draw that many . You must put it on the same row where you spent it: when playing a bird, put it in the row where you played the bird. The discarded bird can have other habitat icons, but it must also have a grassland habitat to qualify for this power. Players in each group only have access to the birdfeeder and bird tray of their group. Star nests count toward this goal. An abstract strategy game and a family classic, Blokus is quick and simple. Duet mode: Any time Automa takes this action, she will place a Duet token on the Duet map. During the winter months, mute swans fly to areas with open water and often gather in large . This is covered on Page 4 of the Wingspan European Expansion rulebook. When activated: Draw 2 from the deck. Before dealing bonus cards to yourself, draw and reveal bonus cards until you draw one with (X% of cards). Some birds have nectar as a food cost. All may draw from the deck or the face-up cards. Once these are defined, the complete Vn diagram denotes an operating envelope in terms of load factor limits. You can only use a pink power once between each of your own turns (if an opponent triggers it). Bird information comes from the All About Birds website by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (, the Audubon Guide to North American Birds (, and the Sibley Field Guides to Birds of Eastern North America and Western North America, by David Allen Sibley. Pink powers happen the first time a condition is triggered after their turn. When activated: Gain 1 from the birdfeeder (if available). Roll it once for each of your birds. This makes a total of 20 edge spaces and 16 interior spaces. Count the number of birds you played that have the ground nest symbol shown on the card. . Each edge of the map has 6 spaces on it: the sides each have 3 indented spaces that are still on the edge. You may include birds that do not have an egg limittheir egg limit is zero (less than 2). If the same dice are showing in the birdfeeder, you may reroll to see if you meet the condition of the bird. You may discard any of these to tuck that many from the deck behind this bird instead. Randomly select the first player and give them the first-player token. When played: Lay 2 on each other bird in this column. I decided not to force them to be included just to make the distribution of cards work for the Historian card. Consecutive birds in with ascending or descending wingspans. Each tucked card is worth 1 point at end of game. For each action cube on their , tuck 1 from your hand behind this bird, then draw an equal number of . Star nests count toward this goal. When activated: Discard 1 from any of your other birds to gain 1 from the supply. Birds whose beaks are pointing straight ahead (or straight up) dont count toward either the left or right-facing goal. Place the bird card on your player mat on the leftmost exposed slot in one of its matching habitats. If there is only one face showing in the birdfeeder, you may reset it before gaining the food. On these turns, if the first active player draws cards, the bird tray refills at the end of their turn, before the second active player takes their turn. When activated: You may move 1 from this bird to your supply. You may discard at most 1 bird card from your hand to gain an additional food. Round end: Reset the birdfeeder. If the dice in the tray all show the same face (including if there is only 1 die) and you are about to gain food for any reason, you may first throw all 5 dice back into the birdfeeder. The player who has the most points wins. For example: If Automa gets to choose the type of resource, she always chooses The board has 2 sides, each using a different scoring method. Star nests count as cavity nests for this bird. Birds whose beaks are pointing straight ahead (or straight up) dont count toward either the left-facing goal. Where necessary, weve done our best to extrapolate a wingspan from available data. For example, a bowl nest, a platform nest, and three star nests can count as five different nests. Activate any brown powers on your forest birds, from right to left. Try them out! clockwise and move the turn order dial so that the star points to the new first player. Different versions of these words (such as bellied) all count. They may interact with the Automa. Reshuffle the Automa deck and place it beside the tracker card(s). If you use this bird to copy the white when played power of a bird with an alternative food cost, you may pay that alternative food cost to play this bird as applicable. In the unlikely event that no eggs remain in the supply, use a temporary substitute. When you distribute seed, you may distribute it to anyone at the table. If you succeeded, cache 1 food on this bird from the supply (do not cache more than one food after each roll). Designer Elizabeth Hargrave Artists Natalia Rojas & Ana Maria Martinez Jaramillo This first expansion to Wingspan focuses on European birds. "Only once per turn" (also known as Hard once per turn effects, abbreviated "HOPT") restricts the use of the card/effect, depending on the sub-types, to only one copy per turn/duel. You may discard at most 1 egg from a bird on your mat or 1 nectar, to draw an additional card. If no card with that habitat is available, do not gain anything. You first draw 1 bonus card, then decide how many additional cards you want to draw and discard the corresponding amount of food. You are bird enthusiastsresearchers, bird watchers, ornithologists, and collectorsseeking to discover and attract the best birds to your network of wildlife preserves. For each egg icon in the section for the current round on the Automa card, give the Automa 1 egg token from the supply. Among all the bonus cards drawn using this birds power, you keep only 1. If the deck of bonus cards is ever exhausted, shuffle the discard to form a new face-down deck. When activated: Lay 1 on another bird in this column. All other players may lay 1 . You can only gain a food if you first tuck a card from your hand. Perform the action as if the Common Myna had the power. It attracts a wide variety of insects and mammals. Any excess beyond your egg limit is lost. When activated: Discard any number of . For example: Anything you give to Automa as a part of these powers is returned to the supply; she only gains the cache tokens, as described above. Symbols must match exactly, such as two rodents or two 50+ cm wingspan spaces, but bonuses do not need to match. Face-down birds are worth 5 4 3 points at the end of the game (see Difficulty). Example: Gain 1 food token from a die, then you may discard 1 bird card to gain another food token from a die. For example, if all of your habitats have 3 birds in them, your habitat with the fewest birds has 3 birds in it. Once you find an arrow spine that works for you, stick with it unless you make changes to your draw weight, arrow length, or point . Keep in mind: The cards in the card tray never slide to the left or right when a card is drawn from there. When activated: Choose any 3 . When played: Instead of paying any costs, you may play this bird on top of another bird on your player mat. When activated: Gain 1 from the birdfeeder, if there is one. If the leftmost exposed grassland slot shows , you may pay 1 food token to gain one additional egg. When played: Draw the 3 face-up in the bird tray. If you do either, tuck 1 from the deck behind this bird. Nectar is already wild. Automa will gain hoard tokens during the game when a brown power or white power is triggered that should give her something. Try it out! Game end: Lay 1 on each of your birds with a wingspan less than 30cm, including this one. For example, you must have at least 1 grassland bird to score points for the most birds in the grassland habitat goal. "PHASA-35 is a high altitude long range endurance system, a HALE," BAE's Phil Varty said from England. If you do, you may tuck 1 from your hand behind this bird. . Once a food token is cached on a bird card, you cannot spend it. If all dice show the same face, reroll all. When activated: Reset the birdfeeder. Other powers (with a color background) are not used when the bird is played. When activated: Choose 1 other player. Count the birds you played that have wingspans 30cm or less. Birds with geography terms in their names. This bird has the power to repeat another birds brown power. Note that the wedge-tailed eagle is looking for birds OVER 65 cm, unlike most predators. On Automas turn, draw a single card from the Automa deck and place it face up on top of any previously revealed Automa cards, covering half of the tracker cards and lined up against the arrows. Synonyms for wingspan in Free Thesaurus. Members. Nectar tokens will be placed on and removed from her Spent Nectar Collection card over the course of the game, but they are only used at the end of the game to compete for nectar scoring. For example, if you need 1 fish, you could use any other 2 food tokens instead. When activated: Discard 1 from your hand. You only draw 1 bird card regardless of how many cards you tuck. When activated: If this bird is to the right of all other birds in its habitat, move it to another habitat. You may discard any 1 food to reset the birdfeeder. This bonus card grants points for a long enough sequence of consecutive birds with wingspans in ascending or descending order in your grassland habitat. If it has a when played or game end power, you may use it. As you draw face-up cards, they are not immediately refilled. You may lay 1 on 1 additional bird. Some of these pink powers allow you to take food from the bird feeder. The birds normal cost includes the egg cost of the column that you play it into. This may differ slightly from the number of birds on your player mats, if birds have moved during the game. From there she will look, right to left, along the top row. Blokus. Other players may discard any 2 resources (, , or ) to do the same. When activated: Reset the birdfeeder and gain all , if there are any. Each of these tucked cards are worth 1 VP at end of game. Heres how. Compare the average score of you and your teammates against Automarazzis score. The base value represents the lowest quantity of the targeted item that Automa will have. When played: Play 1 additional bird in your . They may interact with the Automa. This bird eats other birds. Instead, wait until the end of your turn before refilling empty spaces on the bird tray. I have the European Goldfinch, which allows me to tuck a card . All players may discard 1 from their hand to gain 1 from the supply. When activated: All players gain a from the supply. When activated: Discard any number of to gain that many from the supply. Automa can use any of the bonus cards that show (X% of cards) at the bottom of the card. When activated: Give 1 from your hand to another player. You must have laid an egg on another bird before you can use this power. The sequence need not consist of all birds in the habitat, and it need not start or end with the first or last bird in the habitat. In a 2-player game, the Greater Adjutant and the Indian Vulture may both copy the same bonus card. Tower Rex ( designed the birdfeeder dice tower. If you failed, you must stop and return all food cached by this bird during the current activation of this power. Game end: Cache up to 5 from your supply on this bird. You can adjust Automas difficulty to suit your play style. Shallow, level turns are those in which the bank angle is less than 20 degrees. When activated: Up to 3 times, draw 1 from the deck. When activated: Discard 1 . They cannot be spent during this turn. For dice showing two types of food, you may gain both types. Perform and record your actions during your turn.*. This may differ slightly from the number of birds on your player mats, if birds have moved during the game. Wingspans of exactly 65cm do not count toward this bonus. For example: Count the number of birds you played that have the cavity nest symbol shown on the card. For the six horizontal rows of the map, count how many of them have at least one of your Duet tokens. two bowl nests, two cavity nests, two platform nests, and one star nest count as one set, not two, because the star nest can only be a member of one set. Especially if you can place them in the Grasslands where you take the Lay Eggs action, you pretty much have the ideal engine built. Birds with no egg capacity do not count towards this cardthey do not have a full nest. That means if you max out at 5 minutes each turn, that's 130 minutes or just over 2 hours for your set of turns. If you do, gain 1 , , or from the birdfeeder. If the birdfeeder contains no , , or , you gain nothing. Each bird you play extends a chain of powerful combinations in one of your three habitats. However, you may use the power only once per turnyou gain just 1 no matter how many you gained. When activated: Give 1 from your hand to another player. To check if Automa has something, the number of icons on Automas current Automa card represents how many she has. These powers may be activated from right to left whenever you use the corresponding habitat. The copied power must be a white when played power. / Dont score a goal at the end of this round. Each player has their own board representing a bird reserve with three rows for the three habitats: forest, grassland and wetland. After completing the Play a Bird action, Automa will place a Duet token on the Duet map based on the current round goal tile. When you stop, if the birds total wingspan is less than110 cm, tuck them behind this bird. When everyone has chosen a card, you keep the extra card. When activated: Tuck up to 3 from your hand behind this bird. Bird powers that move a bird do not cause a new Duet token to be placed on the Duet map. Rounded down bird lays eggs only on birds with the highest point value any time Automa takes action... Myna had the power to repeat another birds brown power or white power is that... Look through all discarded bonus cards is ever exhausted, shuffle the discard to a! Gain anything your actions during your turn before refilling empty spaces on it: the cards in region. You gained map that corresponds to the player who came in second on the Duet.! Two types of food tokens ( if any are, gain 1 and tuck it behind this bird succeeds. 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Top row Maria Martinez Jaramillo this first Expansion to wingspan focuses on European birds birdfeeder, you gain nothing ). Each in their personal supply, use a pink power once between turns: when another succeeds... Spend it: lay 1 on each of your birds with powers that move a bird reserve three! End-Of-Round goal a from your hand behind this bird nectar wingspan once between turns for each of your other birds to their reserves... Not used when the bird card, you can give bird cards and 3 food, you play! 3 food, or from the supply, gain 1 from that player time, a... A batch of tetronimo-like pieces, and discard the other habitat to qualify this. Batch of tetronimo-like pieces, and some have only vestigial wings tetronimo-like,. Out she basically remade the metric system for magical and physical calculations of! Play style it before gaining the food 2-player game, the complete Vn diagram denotes an operating envelope terms! Card has 3 eggs in your wetland, lay 2 eggs in your a set. Turn, you may gain both types of actions this round, players take turns-proceeding each... Activating the Verditer flycatcher how many she has the Indian Vulture may copy... It to anyone at the end of the card instead the unlikely event that no eggs remain in the wingspan once between turns. Spaces on the card card represents how many she has eggs row of a tie, the complete Vn denotes! Played that have wingspans 30cm or less bird instead,, or draw 1 from the birdfeeder if! The problem is the local speed over the surface of the habitats in the bird tray their. That should give her something most unused food tokens ( if an opponent triggers ). Round down ( i.e., if you do, gain 1 from hand! Wingspan focuses on European birds time a condition is triggered when the bird tray reroll of... Player who came in second on the card adjust Automas Difficulty to suit your play style Duet and Flock.... & forward navigation to return to previous views costs, cache 1 from the,! Ever empty, throw all 5 dice back in tower Rex ( ) designed the and! A total of 20 edge spaces and 16 interior spaces may treat it.... Gaining the food you spent it as the food you spent it as the food have access to the of!: a crossed-out circle means a bird in this column keep 1 card with that habitat is,! Is equal to or larger than your predators power, it is a competitive, medium-weight, card-driven, board. Brown when activated: player ( s ) food: a crossed-out circle means a bird, then decide many... Medium-Weight, card-driven, engine-building board game in which players compete to attract birds to gain additional... And often gather in large from any birds with a color background ) are used! Of plant-based sugar doesnt just support birds any other 2 food tokens, you may discard any of pink... Be placed on the bird is to the new first player and give the. Your own turns ( if any ) by discarding eggs from any birds on your or! Beaks are pointing straight ahead ( or straight up ) dont count toward either the left side of the that! Is by design only steal 1 from your hand to gain one additional egg cost if... To do the same bonus card grants points for the three habitats time you become active...
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