breast numbness after open heart surgery

I had my aortic valve replaced exactly 4 months ago today and have some questions and concerns to see if I am the only one. most of all thank God for giving you a second chance in life. I can see that now because I have not found one person on any site that can provide me with a first person account of their experiences. Obviously, since the scar tissue was caused by surgery, using surgery to get rid of it can be a problem. Be kind to yourself and remember full recovery can take 12 weeks. I just want to make, I'm a 58 year old female had triple bypass surgery July 25, 2014. This news mentally crushed me and quite honestly i lost the will to live for a while. Hopefully, I will feel better. I cant have it investigated until a year after my heart surgery. Not anything excruciating, and goes away right away. Read our, Skin Numbness After Knee Replacement Surgery. I just rode around on mower and trimmed. Numbness can occur after surgery for several reasons, especially if you received anesthesia. It is normal to feel sore all over. This was after I was given the all clear in May after undergoing a full physical, including stress test, ECG, etc.. Im 50 yrs, a type 2 Diabetic and just wanted to share with everyone that my scars are healing very well, yes, the ones on the chest are very sensitive, it still takes an effort to bend my left arm and my thigh does pain, a bit. If I push through some pain and walk a little more or do little extra physical activity, acute chest pain and SOB return and last for 2-3 days before leveling off. I have had severe chest pain since the surgery and they think it is Chostachondritis or something like that so that might be what is going on with your boobmine is mainly in my sternum but I would guess your boob could be effected too what it is, is that you have major imflammation from the surgery in that areathey are doing steroid injectionsbut uhmm since I just got over a never ening 5 week period which they think the steroids is the cause I won't be doing them againI may just settle with the pain meds the rest of my life:-) don't know as haven't told the pain management dr. about the bleeding issue yet!!! He treated me like a regular CABG patient but I was far from that! Thats what threw the drs off cause they cant understand how my heart valves got so blocked ( 2/95% & 2/85% blocked). So, glad to hear what is normal anymore? Routine Office visit with no prexisting signs. Thank you contributors, one and all. My L leg which was pretty much eviscerated from Ankle to crotch is still somewhat sore and swollen, although the swelling has receded. This was the first time in my life that Ive been sick. , Hi, Yes I also feel the same I posted above(In detail. You say "it's only burning toast" without checking, at your own risk. At least I pray it is muscle pain! Its very hard to make myself slow down, but pushing yourself too far has no benefits. hurt to cough. ), I had the same. Everyday is different in regards to pain and my emotions but my biggest comfort is my family. walking) when you have the clearance to do so. It's also called a cardiac event recorder. A real wake up very lucky, now on tablets 3 times daily. Im still having some days of discomfort. I'm a mother and housewife. My husband had an unscheduled triple bypass in December 2019, two weeks after his 73rd birthday. I later learned the numbness was an effect of the Ibuprofen I had been taking. I have, learned so much from reading all the posts and hope. Was super fit, non drinker, non smoker, conscious of my food intake and now.. BOOM! Thank you for your blog. Im concerned about shortness of breath that I been having. Ive always been positive & happy, but as I look back, I was feeling a little depression from feeling tired & miserable before the surgery, now that there is some Oxygen flowing, I generally feel great, I have a new lease on life! During the day, it is a bit less painful, but it still does, I had mitral valve repair surgery 6 weeks ago. Wonder if others have the same issue. In most cases, these sensations will go away after a few days. Again SLOWLY. I couldnt breathe or walk very far so what exactly was my quality of life? So clinch those fist, and give em hell. I had a double bypass March 17th, 2020. I have acute pain in my right side just in line with my right Armpit. Now i am not facing breathing problem. Early this year I got an internal infection from the flu which resulted in secondary MRSA and Sepsis infections. This burning sensation worsens at night and it keeps me up for hours. I tire easily. I was told my Lungs and my Heart were still recovering and the Virus would most likely cause me to have grave symptoms. Not!! I had the gut feeling that it was my heart, but doctors insisted that it couldnt be. Just started doing ten minutes twice a day on my excercise bike if this helps to get back to normal (what ever normal was before) but is this shortage of breath normal after reading some of the threads on here it seems that it is. Blessings. I acknowledge with all the complications & now ongoing health issues I never had before, there has got to be a reason why. It was a shock to discover in a routine exam that I had unstable angina and an angiography soon after three up TVD. In this blog I will follow my everyday journey of living with familial hypercholesterolemia (or FH). Take the surgery, prepare for six months rest and rehab and enjoy the next 15 years or more of your life. I cant seem to warm up then Im so hot I need to fan myself. Sue from Australia, on my 5 months post opsingle bypass with lima..i feel greatsometimes feel tired after a day of activity including work and drivingleft shoulder pain and upper back fatigueincision discomfort especially when poisturing my bodygenerally i feel finei am 56 yrs old and very happy to be alive and kicking.hpw are you there especially those 3 years up now?have a nice day, Ive also. But if it persists, and certain signs flare up, it's time to seek medical attention. She say's " just take, I am not sure where I am to go to talk about this as I have never joined a group beforeI am hoping this is sort of a support group for those of us with open heart surgery. I had aortic valve replacement. I only started them tonight, the pain has eased ALOT, still have soreness but it's early days yet. I am 7 months post op from an aortic heart valve replacement & aortic root repair to address an aneurysm & I feel my body is not my own. it was the absolute highest mountain I ever had to climb. sternum pain Numbness and tingling in hands and aching in left hip when I sleep on my left side sternum separation Unexplained pain/discomfort under sternum Pain after open heart surgery removal of sternum Chest still hurts four months after the heart . Good luck to you. 8 weeks after open heart surgery, I am having a constant pulling, painful sensation on the right side of my chest, made much worse by sneezing or coughing. Are you sure you want to block this member? Listen to your body. This occurs when the nerves that run through a surgical site are damaged. Post-surgical bloating and swelling is mostly eased with time. I think I may be getting another one. It's hard work to overcome that sensation. The Prayers & Positive Thoughts from my Family & Friends have carried me through another trial of life, I am truly Blessed! In the end, the breastbone is wired shut, and the skin is either stapled, glued, or stitched. Its tough when your brain and WILL tells us were still 33 by our Drivers License says 63 I didnt feel it before the OHS, now I do, even with the new rehab/ Gym regimen lifestyle. Have my good days and bad days. At 66 i encourage people to have ekg and follow up on any issues. Over the past few months that feeling that you are describing has subsided significantly. I hope to feel better every day. And it may continue to be numb for several months after surgery. Incidence and risk factors for postoperative lingual neuropraxia following airway instrumentation: A retrospective matched case-control study, ASRA practice advisory on neurologic complications in regional anesthesia and pain medicine, Postoperative numbness: a survey of patients after hip arthroscopic surgery, Nerve injuries associated with gynaecological surgery, Nerve injuries and treatment in facial cosmetic surgery, Acute loss of bladder control in a stroke of the frontal cortex, Transient delayed facial nerve palsy after inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia, Surgically induced neuropathic pain: understanding the perioperative process, See or feel your face drooping, especially on one side, Feel severe numbness below your incision site after back or spine surgery. Simply scroll down to share your experience or read over 300 other comments. If you have a leg incision, you may have swelling. I have had pain, numbness. Pls share more detail on this for me. Tylenol and heating pad help but not greatly. Its only 3 months so Im praying it will get better and I do keep myself going cause God did give me another chance with life and lost 45lbs in 3 months since surgery. Scar in chest very sensitive to touch and sensitive when tee shirt rubs against the scar, harvest leg still gets numb around the ankle. I just had the bovine about a year ago, so I know the 2nd operation is in my future. Within 3 hours my doctor called me and said I need to find a cardiologist immediately. The WomenHeart Support Community connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration. The one thing that has kept me really motivated to.hit all these goals is FAMILY, couldnt have done it without their support. (Although I suppose it could also be effects of getting older!!! So heres the good news for all. I consider myself extremely lucky, not really much pain, no setbacks (yet? I was released late October. Thanks ladies for your replies. I have to keep my head above water & just keep trying to move forward regardless of how slow that may be. Take care. He brings up my spirits cause in the hosp he told me all looks awesome and I should last another century lol. Home Blog Nerve Damage After Surgery: What Are Your Treatment Options? This is known as neurapraxia. Needless to say I was not happy and told him so. Hihow is now the author of the blog?is she now in great condition?how are you now? The small device is placed just under the skin of the chest during a minor surgery. 2017;4(1):38. doi:10.1186/s40634-017-0113-5, (17) Sowa Y, Kishida T, Tomita K, Adachi T, Numajiri T, Mazda O. Some of the symptoms of scar tissue pain include: inflammation (swelling) redness. Two months after surgery, I have good days and bad days. . Surgery on 8th April, 2019. I How long is the sternum usually sore after open heart surgery? 2 weeks later I had ONX valve put in a Cabbage procedure done. I am on a statin and asprin- thats it. Vince, Im sorry you have been going through this since you are 7. 5 weeks after my quadruple Im improving slowly. I woke up in the ICU to notice that the left side of my left hand was asleep you know, how your foot might go to sleep if you positioned your leg improperly for too long. I dont take any other blood thinners other than aspirin but will examine that next. Sudden-onset: If you noticed sudden numbness in one or both of your buttocks, this could be a medical emergency and you should seek immediate medical attention. Thanks. Ive just reached my 12. month anniversary since my triple bypass, I still have a small problem with my chest scar is still red and some days sore, in myself I feel really good and getting stronger, Ive been told to be patient from a friend who had his op some 30 years ago LOL he reckons it takes time and still lets you know even after all this time, I shook his hand and said thats great and I will just take the. I am 67 YO and had a six CABG in September. I guess I can say that my recovery is coming along quickly, but I dont take it for granted. How long did it take? I had a Drain & Biopsy 2 months before the CABG. Id like to know if anyone else has experienced this problem and if anyone has found a solution. I have done remarkably well almost 2.5/weeks post op. 12 visits total on Home Therapy, Outpatient Cardio Rehab 2-3 x/wk since then. Cytokine. I am 62 years old and had triple bypass surgery on July 5. Yes, Tissue valve last for 10 to 15 years. I had the aortic valve replacement just over a year ago too (Im 56). The use of lumbar epidural injection of platelet lysate for treatment of radicular pain. Orthop J Sports Med. It takes from six months to one year before physicians consider a recovery complete. throbbing. Can breathe okay raise all three balls ln the respiratory exercisor .sleep almost on either side but not fully sideon. I am 6 weeks post recovery from surgery, and like many of you, have my good days and bad days. In the last weeks, I have been feeling a very deep and painful "burning sensation" on the skin around my chest area. I had ohs valve replacement June 1. Sitting up was an effort, for days and weeks. Numbness can occur after surgery for several reasons, especially if you received anesthesia. No one one warns about it, just kind of happens. Hi all, i am Vanna 29 years old. I have never felt so alone and I was always a go getter and enjoyed being with people meeting new people and being with family and friends. But, now I am seeing I am not the same. Thank you for sharing your experience. Im wondering if part of this is due to the high doses of statin and beta blockers they put me on. I have been suffering shortness of breath since having a DBP 9 MTHS AGO and was told to stop taking Metroprolol I stopped taking it and still have the shortness of breath so will discuss this tomorrow. Yesterday was the best day i had (had a few breaks from constant pain or discomfort). As with any surgical procedure, open heart surgery requires incision care to avoid infection and minimize scarring. Second part . Anyone else having issues this long? Sometimes some nerves are damaged extracting the LIMA - that numbness isn't uncommon. I made notes and called my PC physician and though she ordered a battery of test, I only got a basic EKG and was told at the end of my visit that during the EKG my heart stopped twice thats why they had to do the test twice but the second test my heart did not stop. 2012;59(1):2227. Although, Im still tired, I am not tired on the days I workout. i have stopped smoking and trying to eat healthy as possible. Or it may feel more like pins and needles. Paycewhat made you choose mechanical the second time around? Cardiologist recommended stent surgery but vascular specialists did not come to the same conclusion. My cholesterol has dropped 132 points (LDL dropped 50%), my blood pressure is averaging 120/80 to 119/74 Corona Virus interfered with my doctors appointments, my cardiac rehab, my birthday, Christmas, New Years, my great granddaughters birthdays, my daughters birthday and so many other events, but Corona Virus nor the heart attack /bypass interfered with my faith and my determination to live, laugh and love. I had quadruple bypass after care flight got me to the hospital on Christmas Eve of last year. Have any of your readers experienced this? I hope you continue to recover well. Its a slow recovery for sure. The chest pain has been significantly less but is still there. I was told I had a congenital heart problem at 63 years of age. Now I am running as fast as I did thirty years ago, maybe faster. I feel like I have rats in my brain. idea what it could be. 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breast numbness after open heart surgery