Bryan made a speech called "Cross of Gold", which had a strong reaction with the audience and included religious imagery. TABLE 7 Comparative Analysis of Two Theoretical Explanations of Personality . Pamphlet. Why, as individuals we might have been glad to compliment the gentleman from New York [Senator Hill], but we knew that the people for whom we speak would never be willing to put him in a position where he could thwart the will of the Democratic Party. ; D. The Democratic Party understood the economy from the point of view of workers and farmers. Congress did so, but the debates showed bitter divides in both major parties between silver and gold factions. The farmer who goes forth in the morning and toils all day, begins in the spring and toils all summer, and by the application of brain and muscle to the natural resources of this country creates wealth, is as much a businessman as the man who goes upon the Board of Trade and bets upon the price of grain. [82] The convention passed the platform in Bryan's absence and recessed. Consciousness of grievances of years and not of months was reflected in the decisive action of the state Democratic conventions in the spring and early summer of 1896. We reply to them that changing conditions make new issues; that the principles upon which rest Democracy are as everlasting as the hills; but that they must be applied to new conditions as they arise. [68] He denied, however that the contest was personal; he bore no ill-will towards those who supported the gold standard. [65] Bryan then recounted the history of the silver movement; the audience, which had loudly demonstrated its approval of his opening statements, quieted. Never before in the history of American politics has a great issue been fought out as this issue has been by the voters themselves. Forward-Looking Statements Except for historical information, this presentation may contain certain "forward-looking statements". bimetallism), which he believed would bring the nation prosperity. [90] The only paper to predict, after Bryan gave his speech, that he would not be nominated was The Wall Street Journal, which stated, "Bryan has had his day". With far less money than McKinley, Bryan embarked on a nationwide campaign tour by train on a then-unprecedented scale. When you come before us and tell us that we shall disturb your business interests, we reply that you have disturbed our business interests by your action. Bryan continued with language evoking the Civil War, telling his audience that "in this contest brother has been arrayed against brother, father against son. Despite vocal opposition led by Tennessee Representative (and future president) Andrew Johnson, the precious metal content of smaller silver coins was reduced in 1853. This statement attracted great cheering, and Bryan turned to rhetorically demolish the compromise position on bimetallismthat it should only be accomplished through international agreement: It is the issue of 1776 over again. [97] Bryan won the South and most of the West, but McKinley's victories in the more populous Northeast and Midwest carried him to the presidency. Instructors: CLICK HERE to request a free trial account (only available to college instructors) Primary Source Readers You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold. The speech so electrified the convention that the delegates nominated Bryan as their candidate for president, though he was only 36 years old and his experience as an officeholder was limited to two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. Although the recording does not capture the power and drama of the original address, it does allow us to hear Bryan delivering this famous speech.]. Some people, for the most part Democrats, joined the far-left Populist Party. If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we shall fight them to the uttermost, having behind us the producing masses of the nation and the world. [3], In the early 19th century, the economic disruption caused by the Napoleonic Wars caused United States gold coins to be worth more as bullion than as money, and they vanished from circulation. We come to speak for this broader class of businessmen. . [54], Senator David B. Hill of New York, a gold supporter, was next. The BlandAllison Act was vetoed by President Rutherford B. Hayes, but was enacted by Congress over his veto on February 28, 1878. It is because no private character, however pure, no personal popularity, however great, can protect from the avenging wrath of an indignant people the man who will either declare that he is in favor of fastening the gold standard upon this people, or who is willing to surrender the right of self-government and place legislative control in the hands of foreign potentates and powers. "[61] Bryan would say little that he had not said beforethe text is similar to that of a speech he had given the previous week at Crete, Nebraska[62]but he would give the convention its voice. Born Mark Elliot Zuckerberg May 14, 1984 (age 38) White Plains, New York, U.S. Education: Harvard University (dropped out) Occupations: Internet entrepreneur, philanthropist. The use of symbols: -the suit -gas station -the 2 trucks iii. "[80], It took about 25minutes to restore order, and according to Bensel, "somewhere in the mass demonstration that was convulsing the convention hall, the transfer of sentiment from silver as a policy to Bryan as a presidential candidate took place". Delegates threw hats, coats, and handkerchiefs into the air. [90], The Pullman Company offered Bryan a private car for his trip home; he declined, not wishing to accept corporate favors. In later years Bryan delivered numerous variations on the speech, some captured on early phonograph recordings. Silver producers complained, and many Americans came to believe that only through bimetallism could the nation achieve and maintain prosperity. Conclusion: -main message of Latuff's cartoon process . I want to suggest this truth, that if the gold standard is a good thing we ought to declare in favor of its retention and not in favor of abandoning it; and if the gold standard is a bad thing, why should we wait until some other nations are willing to help us to let it go? Will it choose blessings or cursingslife or deathwhich? They tell us that this platform was made to catch votes. The Cross of Gold speechwas delivered by William Jennings Bryan, a former United States Representativefrom Nebraska, at the Democratic National Conventionin Chicagoon July 9, 1896. W.J. The response, wrote one reporter, came like one great burst of artillery. Men and women screamed and waved their hats and canes. His speech, delivered at the close of the debate on the party platform, electrified the convention and is generally credited with earning him the nomination for president. My God! The income tax was not unconstitutional when it was passed. [27] However, part of his strategy was to remain inconspicuous until the last possible moment at the convention. The Nebraskan later described the audience as like a trained choir. Publishing regularly in Harper's Weekly . The 1880s saw a steep decline in the prices of grain and other agricultural commodities. The late 19th century saw divergent views in economics as the laissez-faire orthodoxy was questioned by younger economists, and both sides found ample support for their views from theorists. My friends, we shall declare that this nation is able to legislate for its own people on every question without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation on earth, and upon that issue we expect to carry every single state in the Union. "Strictly confidential, not to be quoted for publication: I will be. Three months ago, when it was confidently asserted that those who believed in the gold standard would frame our platforms and nominate our candidates, even the advocates of the gold standard did not think that we could elect a President; but they had good reasons for the suspicion, because there is scarcely a state here today asking for the gold standard that is not within the absolute control of the Republican Party. I shall object to bringing this question down to a level of persons. They tell us that the income tax ought not to be brought in here; that is not a new idea. 12, 18951904: Populism, Imperialism, and Reform (Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1968), 100105. We beg no longer; we entreat no more; we petition no more. [19] Among those defeated for Senate was Bryan in Nebraska. The income tax is a just law. [21] He traveled widely, speaking to audiences across the nation. More than that, we can tell them this, that they will search the pages of history in vain to find a single instance in which the common people of any land ever declared themselves in favor of a gold standard. Pledging support for American workers, he sought high tariffs to make foreign manufactured goods unattractive and he supported the gold standard. [27] The leader of those who left was Colorado Senator Henry M. Teller; he was immediately spoken of as a possible candidate for the Democratic nomination. If the gold standard is the standard of civilization, why, my friends, should we not have it? Shall we, their descendants, when we have grown to 70 million, declare that we are less independent than our forefathers? If the gold standard is a good thing, why try to get rid of it? The bankers did not want loans repaid in an inflated currencythe gold standard was deflationary, and as creditors, they preferred to be paid in such a currency, whereas debtors preferred to repay in inflated currency. 7.5 x 4.75 in. Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic. The government pledged to stand behind the silver dollars and treasury notes issued under the act by redeeming them in gold. The gentleman from Wisconsin has said he fears a Robespierre. This exhibit features cartoons from Jay N. "Ding" Darling, Homer C . Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. [54] He was followed by two other gold men, Senator William Vilas of Wisconsin and former Massachusetts Governor William E. Russell. Having behind us the commercial interests and the laboring interests and all the toiling masses, we shall answer their demands for a gold standard by saying to them, you shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. Mr. Bryan had a distinguished and active political career, supporting workers' rights and women's suffrage while opposing monopolies and teaching evolution in schools. If you will read what Thomas Benton said, you will find that he said that in searching history he could find but one parallel to Andrew Jackson. Many in the public saw the bonds as benefiting bankers, not the nation. One farmer in the gallery had been about to leave rather than listen to Bryan, whom he deemed a Populist; he had been persuaded to stay. [13], The effects of the depression which began in 1893, and which continued through 1896, ruined many Americans. We beg no longer; we entreat no more; we petition no more. The issue was whether to endorse the free coinage of silver at a ratio of silver to gold of 16 to 1. free coinage of silver at silver-gold ratio of 16 to 1 issue in Bryan's Cross of Gold speech We believe it is a part of sovereignty and can no more with safety be delegated to private individuals than can the power to make penal statutes or levy laws for taxation. William Jennings Bryan delivered his "Cross of Gold" speech at the Democratic National Convention in July of 1896 as part of his bid for the party's presidential nomination. Because upon the paramount issue in this campaign there is not a spot of ground upon which the enemy will dare to challenge battle. Why this change? Gold Democrats were successful in a few states in the Northeast, but had little luck elsewhere. [98], After McKinley's inauguration in March 1897, increases in gold availability from new discoveries and improved refining methods led to a considerable increase in the money supply. Bryan, once seated, was Nebraska's representative to the Committee on Resolutions (generally called the "platform committee"), which allocated 80minutes to each side in the debate and selected Bryan as one of the speakers. [52] Although Tillman endorsed silver, his address was so laced with sectionalism that most silver delegates remained silent for fear of being seen as supporting him. Let me call attention to two or three great things. The 1896 Democratic National Convention followed events unique in post-Civil War American history. Speakers in some states cursed Cleveland; the South Carolina convention denounced him. But note the change. Bryan is arguing against the gold standard and so he isn't apt to paint gold in those idyllic terms. Therefore, we care not upon what lines the battle is fought. His sympathetic comparison contrasted the hardworking farmer with the city businessman, whom Bryan cast as a gambler. In his "Cross of Gold" speech, Bryan argued that the debate over monetary policy was part of a broader struggle for democracy, political independence and the welfare of the "common man." Bryan's speech was met with rapturous applause and a celebration on the floor of the convention that lasted for over half an hour. They can find where the holders of fixed investments have. As he traveled by rail to Lincoln, he saw farmers and others standing by the tracks, hoping for a glimpse of the new Democratic nominee. Vilas gave a lengthy defense of the Cleveland administration's policies, so long that Russell, fearing that Vilas' speech would cut into his time, asked that the time given to the gold proponents be extended by ten minutes. There was loud cheering as Bryan stood there, waiting for his audience to calm. [1], Bryan later described the silence as "really painful" and momentarily thought he had failed. Nevertheless, large crowds gathered outside the public entrances; the galleries were quickly packed. They criticize us for our criticism of the Supreme Court of the United States. [88] The St. Louis Post-Dispatch opined that with the speech, Bryan "just about immortalized himself". We have petitioned, and our petitions have been scorned. I come to speak to you in defense of a cause as holy as the cause of libertythe cause of humanity. But we stand here representing people who are the equals before the law of the largest cities in the state of Massachusetts. This was not the case; Bryan was well known as an orator on the tariff and silver questions. As the gold men spoke, Bryan ate a sandwich to settle his stomach; he was often nervous before major speeches. Bryan had been a dark horse candidate with little support in the convention. 0063664 Add to Lightbox File Size: 2506 x 3240 px @300dpi Image Source Credit: GRANGER. [100] Stanley Jones, however, suggested that even if Bryan had never delivered it, he would still have been nominated. The man who is employed for wages is as much a business man as his employer; the attorney in a country town is as much a business man as the corporation counsel in a great metropolis; the merchant at the cross-roads store is as much a business man as the merchant of New York; the farmer who goes forth in the morning and toils all day, who begins in spring and toils all summer, and who by the application of brain and muscle to the natural resources of the country creates wealth, is as much a business man as the man who goes upon the Board of Trade and bets upon the price of grain; the miners who go down a thousand feet into the earth, or climb two thousand feet upon the cliffs, and bring forth from their hiding places the precious metals to be poured into the channels of trade are as much business men as the few financial magnates who, in a back room, corner the money of the world. (Wikipedia). [42] Going into the convention, the two leading candidates for the nomination were former Congressman Bland, who had originated the Bland-Allison Act, and former Iowa Governor Horace Boies, with Bland considered the frontrunner. They manufactured that leader in the convention, a fabrication in which Bryan was only too happy to assist.[108]. Subscribe 84K views 7 years ago This is a speech from Democratic Candidate William Jennings Bryan, which he originally delivered in 1896. [1] Bryan's address helped catapult him to the Democratic Party's presidential nomination and is considered one of the greatest political speeches in American history. The year 1894 saw considerable labor unrest. [63], I would be presumptuous, indeed, to present myself against the distinguished gentlemen to whom you have listened if this were a mere measuring of abilities; but this is not a contest between persons. The gold standard, which the United States had effectively been on since 1873, limited the money supply but eased trade with other nations, such as the United Kingdom, whose currency was also based on gold. [87] The Chicago Tribune reported that Bryan had lit the spark "which touched off the trail of gun-powder". [5] It was not until 1834 that Congress acted, changing the gold/silver ratio to 16.002:1. It did not become unconstitutional until one judge changed his mind; and we cannot be expected to know when a judge will change his mind. Both of these movements helped to create the People's Party, or the Populist Party, which officially established its party platform in Omaha, Nebraska, on July 4, 1892. The humblest citizen in all the land, when clad in the armor of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of error. But if he means to say that we cannot change our monetary system without protecting those who have loaned money before the change was made, I want to ask him where, in law or in morals, he can find authority for not protecting the debtors when the act of 1873 was passed when he now insists that we must protect the creditor. The Populists would reach the high water mark of their political power in 1896, when the Democratic Party nominated William Jennings Bryan as its candidate for President of . "[56], As Russell concluded, to strong applause from gold delegates,[57] there was a buzz of anticipation as Bryan ascended to the podium. The man who is employed for wages is as much a businessman as his employer. [12] Although the economic Panic of 1893 had a number of causes, President Grover Cleveland believed the inflation caused by Sherman's act to be a major factor, and called a special session of Congress to repeal it. Although Hamilton understood that adjustment might be needed from time to time as precious metal prices fluctuated, he believed that if the nation's unit of value were defined only by one of the two precious metals used for coins, the other would descend to the status of mere merchandise, unusable as a store of value. One Indiana voter wrote, "God has sent you amongst our people to save the poor from starvation, and we no [sic] you will save us. Let me assure him that not one person in all this convention entertains the least hostility to the people of the state of Massachusetts. Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic; but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the streets of every city in the country.[76]. Bryan wanted the United States to use silver to back . [79] He soon retired from the convention, returning to his hotel to await the outcome. Although Altgeld and his adherents urged voters to distinguish between Cleveland and his party, the Democrats lost 113 seats in the House in the 1894 midterm elections, the greatest loss by a majority party in congressional history. Our ancestors, when but three millions in number, had the courage to declare their political independence of every other nation; shall we, their descendants, when we have grown to seventy millions, declare that we are less independent than our forefathers? William Jennings Bryan and the Cross of Gold Speech - US 101 - YouTube In 1896, former Nebraska Congressman William Jennings Bryan became the Democratic nominee for President by delivering. Although Bryan had decided on a strategy to gain the nominationto give a speech which would make him the logical candidate in the eyes of delegateshe faced obstacles along the way. Three months later, at Memphis, an organization was perfected, and the silver Democrats went forth openly and boldly and courageously proclaiming their belief and declaring that if successful they would crystallize in a platform the declaration which they had made; and then began the conflict with a zeal approaching the zeal which inspired the crusaders who followed Peter the Hermit. As Hill moved to the podium, a reporter friend passed Bryan a note urging him to make a patriotic speech without hint of sectionalism; Bryan responded, "You will not be disappointed. If they tell us that the gold standard is the standard of civilization, we reply to them that this, the most enlightened of all nations of the earth, has never declared for a gold standard, and both the parties this year are declaring against it. My friend, in this land of the free you need fear no tyrant who will spring up from among the people. The individual is but an atom; he is born, he acts, he dies; but principles are eternal, and this has been a contest over a principle. William Jennings Bryan. He says that he wants this country to try to secure an international agreement. He faced in the direction of the gold-dominated state delegations: There are two ideas of government. It also repealed the statutory provisions allowing silver bullion to be presented to the Mint and returned in the form of circulating money. He says that we are opposing the national bank currency. Our ancestors, when but 3 million, had the courage to declare their political independence of every other nation upon earth. Therefore, we care not upon what lines the battle is fought. Now, my friends, let me come to the great paramount issue. He mocked McKinley, said by some to resemble Napoleon, noting that he was nominated on the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. President Cleveland sent federal troops to Illinois to end the Pullman strikeworkers at the Pullman Palace Car Company, which made railroad cars, had struck after wages were cut. From the beginning of the speech, Bryan suggests that his cause is righteous and. [74], With this call to action, Bryan abandoned any hint at compromise, and adopted the techniques of the radical, polarizing orator, finding no common ground between silver and gold forces. You come to us and tell us that the great cities are in favor of the gold standard; we reply that the great cities rest upon our broad and fertile prairies. "[89] The New York Times disparaged Bryan as "the gifted blatherskite from Nebraska". [53] Tillman's speech, scheduled to be the only one in support of silver except Bryan's, was so badly received that Senator Jones, who had not planned to speak, gave a brief address asserting that silver was a national issue. Bryan, having established the right of silver supporters to petition, explained why that petition was not to be denied: It is for these that we speak. Corrections? This teaching guide helps instructors use a specific primary source set, Patronage and Populism: The Politics of the Gilded Age, in the classroom. Latuff here in this cartoon is showing the uncaring of the president to the country. [95] However, Bryan did gain the support of the Populists, as well as a convention of Silver Republicans. But in this contest, brother has been arrayed against brother, and father against son. In his address, Bryan supported "free silver" (i.e. [6], 8, [4] pages, wraps. If they ask us why we did not embody all these things in our platform which we believe, we reply to them that when we have restored the money of the Constitution, all other necessary reforms will be possible, and that until that is done there is no reform that can be accomplished. The silver would be struck into dollar coins to be circulated, or else stored and used as backing for silver certificates. Once the convention came to order, Arkansas Senator James K. Jones, chair of the Committee on Resolutions, read the proposed platform to cheers by many delegates; the reading of the pro-gold minority report attracted less applause. Not only that, but as he listens he can hear with ever increasing distinctness the sound of the waves as they beat upon the lonely shores of St. Helena. It marked the first american victory over a European power. We reply that when we advocate a thing which we believe will be successful we are not compelled to raise a doubt as to our own sincerity by trying to show what we will do if we are wrong. He would subsequently win the Democratic nomination for president in 1900 and again . This handout is a great resource for helping students analyze this key political cartoon from the Populist Movement and the Election of 1896 featuring William Jennings Bryan and the "Cross of Gold" speech. Contemporary estimates were an unemployment rate as high as 25%. Edition of 10 (this copy is #5). Nevertheless, Senator John W. Daniel of Virginia was by an overwhelming vote elected temporary chairman, and a Committee on Credentials was appointed that seated Bryan and his contesting Nebraska delegation.[47]. UPTO 50% OFF ON ALL PRODUCTS. If you want criticisms, read the dissenting opinions of the Court. As a Democratic member of the Ways and Means Committee through two Congresses, Mr. Bryan was by all odds the ablest and strongest orator on the Democratic side of the House. The memorable speech was given at the 1896 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Angered by Cleveland's actions in the labor dispute, and by his uncompromising stand against silver, Altgeld began to organize Democrats against Cleveland's renomination in 1896. Our silver Democrats went forth from victory unto victory, until they are assembled now, not to discuss, not to debate, but to enter up the judgment rendered by the plain people of this country. Among those who spoke against the repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act was Nebraska Representative William Jennings Bryan. The cartoon depicts two contradictory sides of Carnegie: the business titan and the philanthropist. Jones points out that though Bryan's speaking engagements were not deemed political by the standards of 1896, by modern measurements he was far more active in campaigning for the nomination than most of the better-known candidates.[29]. The dissidents nominated their own ticket; the split in the vote would contribute to Bryan's defeat., United States National Recording Registry recordings, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Pages using infobox event with unknown parameters, Pages using infobox event with blank parameters, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Bryan nominated for president by the Democrats, This page was last edited on 11 February 2023, at 05:01. No, my friends, that will never be the verdict of our people. Silver advocates argued that this dropoff, which caused the price of grain to fall below its cost of production, was caused by the failure of the government to adequately increase the money supply, which had remained steady on a per capita basis. It is intended to spark pedagogical creativity by giving a sample approach to the material. Bryan considered this no loss at all; the focus of the convention was on the party platform and the debate which would precede its adoption. It revealed that the U.S. had become a world power. His opponent, William Jennings Bryan (who Littlefield suggested was represented by the cowardly lion in The Wizard of Oz) was famous for his "Cross of Gold" speech. Sources. [20], Bryan had long planned to run for president. An 1896 cartoon of William Jennings Bryan supporting "Free Silver." What exactly did he mean that money did not need to be "backed" by gold? It showed American support for european economic interests in East Africa. Historian James A. Barnes, in his historical journal article pointing out myths that have arisen about Bryan's candidacy and campaign, stated that Bryan's efforts bore fruit even before the convention: By April, 1896, many individuals were quietly working for Bryan's nomination. The money went for speakers, pamphlets, and other means of conveying their "sound money" campaign to the voter. The humblest citizen in all the land when clad in the armor of a righteous cause is stronger than all the whole hosts of error that they can bring. We care not upon which issue they force the fight. William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" oration was primarily an expression of his (A) fundamentalist religious beliefs (B) neutral stance toward the belligerents of the First World War (C) advocacy of free and unlimited coinage of silver (D) opposition to teaching the theory of evolution in public schools (E) anti-imperialist convictions His speeches impressed many; even some of his opponents later conceded that Bryan was the most compelling speaker they had ever heard. Grant Hamilton cartoon for Judge Magazine on William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech, Democratic National Convention, Chicago, July 9, 1896. 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Acted, changing the gold/silver ratio to 16.002:1 unemployment rate as high as 25 % & # x27 t...
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