site grading plan abbreviations

AG. This part of the plan also shows steep slopes and other grading features that are relevant. Pound OR Number Other elements like driveways, tree cover, and easements are also shown on it. A ABV. After its completed, the supervisor will check the grading crews work. A right-of-way (ROW) permit is required for any construction related activity in the Town's right-of-way. I got the nickname of The Yeti while playing rugby in New Zealand so here we are. Anyone taking a look at a grading plan for the first time can be totally baffled by the complexity and the various types of lines, numbers, and arrows. If you experience an issue, please check back later. This helps to prevent soil erosion during construction, and it creates less of a chance that the builder will have to re-grade in the future. Before you can inspect the final grade, the builder should complete the grading work in the proper manner. : Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, ISO: International Organization for Standards, PCI: Property Casualty Insurers Association of America, RD: Roof Drain, Round, or Receptacle Distribution Panel, SS: Stainless Steel, Setscrew, Soil Stack, Service Sink, or Slop Sink. Welcome to theConstruction Curiositiesnewsletter. While you may not have much to do with the architectural drawing side of construction acronyms, it can still prove very valuable for any one working in the industry. Site grading plans contain several critical components for evaluation by planning officials: Lot size and structure coverage percentage - many jurisdictions have requirements for maximum allowable coverage of buildings or other structures. Vote. A grading plan shows the location, and methods of erosion & sediment control in a property. A solid grading plan will also control the costs related to hauling or removing fill from the construction site. Blueprints also have a bunch of acronyms which need decoding: J-box - Junction box, and important and commonly used construction acronym for electricians and related trades, LL - Live load, sometimes double letter acronyms are the hardest to decipher, REQD - Make sure you don't miss this required acronym, REBAR - One of the most common construction abbreviations and most important materials, T.O.B - Top of beam - Similar to the bottom of acronyms (B.O. Grading Plan submittals are reviewed by Current Planning Zoning Plans Check, Public Works Development Review and Building Department Engineering Division to verify compliance with applicable codes and ordinances. The term TOC refers to the . Our team of experienced California-licensed engineers can help you with the right advice and services. No homeowner expects surprises when it pours or snows! Privacy Policy. While not as technical or drawing focused as some of the other acronym categories, construction project management and the people who work in this area (essentially everyone) have figured out a number of ways to simplify and abbreviate some of the more common project management words: BCWP / BCWS - Budgeted cost of work performed or scheduled. SWQMP . If your sites soil is rocky, then youll need to pay $200 to $1,200 more for the project (about $40 to 100 per cubic yard). But in fact, each diagram in an architectural package is a simple concept, and blueprints are a set of diagrams that stack those concepts on top of one another. COEngineeer (Structural) 21 Dec 06 09:50 You make them up?? But we usually don't label existing and proposed spot grades. (57 min) Troubleshooting Hey! D. Earthwork estimates for cut and fill work these statistics offer valuable information for how much material will be removed or brought in to accomplish the work. Site grading for construction projects has several objectives: Whether the construction effort is a residential, light commercial, or heavy industrial project, preparing the foundation to support the building properly will prevent structural damage from settling caused by inadequate load-bearing properties. This type of grading is done to bring the top 2 of the surface to the elevation tolerances required for construction. ASPH - Asphalt, one of the easier construction acronyms to figure out on the spot, B - Basin, a single B can even mean something amongst construction abbreviations and acronyms, BK - Brick, bricks are usually pretty self-explanatory, as they are usually large in number and very frequently used, DPC/DPM -Damp-proof course or damp proof membrane, which is used for water proofing, FCL/FFL - Opposing and yet related, these construction acronyms mean the finished ceiling level (FCL) or finished floor level (FFL), GPO - General power outlet, one of the most common floor plan acronyms, RL - Reduced level, one of the less contextual and easily understood acronyms, RWH/RWP/RWT - Rainwater acronyms for the rainwater head, pipe and tank, U/G & U/S - Construction acronyms focused on the underside of things: underground (U/G) and underside (U/S). Site plans usually portray building footprints, foundation, sewer and water lines, lighting,. As you become more and more knowledgable about your construction acronyms, you'll see more and more overlap across activities. Architects commonly abbreviate measurements, such as edge distance (ED), far side (FS), and inner diameter (ID). A retaining wall is one of the most prominent residential structures that resist the lateral pressure of the soil. Blueprints and building plans that are drawn by architects and engineers are technical drawings. The representation of what the planned ground is expected to look like after construction, as referenced in a land development plan, is typically built by a civil engineer. B. Although abbreviated plans are less complex than engineered plans, most Thurston County still requires developers to manage (detain, treat, infiltrate) drainage from impervious surfaces in a manner similar to engineered plans. Any time you see a construction acronym with CP, it's most often cost-plus something. Autodesk does not warrant, either expressly or implied, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information translated by the machine translation service and will not be liable for damages or losses caused by the trust placed in the translation service. But while it can seem daunting when entering the workforce or learning a bunch of new construction acornyms, in the long run, these acronyms and abbreviations save you time and enable the better and more efficient transfer of information. This allows examiners to evaluate the plan and either approve, make changes, or deny permits for the work. To some companies, this is folders and papers, to others, the information management system is software-based. We've covered some of the main construction acronym categories for you below, so that your acronym game is on point. Aaron will also go over some important lessons learned while setting up an efficient site design workflow. The goal of a grading plan is to clearly illustrate existing and proposed site topography. In the NE we have. Stay on top of common materials abbreviations. Its Application and Advantages, Concrete Core Testing for Strength Sampling and Test Procedure, Bubble Deck Slab - Its types, Principle, Application, Structural Properties, Advantages and Disadvantages, Application of Bamboo for Construction and Architecture, Factors Affecting the Properties of Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Factors Affecting Setting and Hardening of Cement, 250 Civil Engineering Interview Questions and Answers asked in Top Companies, The History of Plaster Common Plastering Defects, and Their Remedial Measures. She used to help New Yorkers find affordable housing, now she helps people find affordable land around the US. Matt here. Creating and executing a professional site grading plan can help to ensure proper drainage; compliance with zoning and other regulatory restrictions and requirements; environmental protection from stormwater runoff, potential pollutants and erosion; and the desired property aesthetic. Abbreviated plans, however, are less complicated and do not require the seal of a licensed engineer. Most counties will require that a civil engineer prepares the plan when gardening activities exceed 2,000 cubic yards of material. C. SPACE CONDITIONING SYSTEMS, INCLUDING CONDENSERS AND AIR FILTERS. Second - it doesn't do much good opening a 12 year old post ESPECIALLY when the person you are responding to has an asterik (*) in front of their name, meaning they are an archived (GONE) account. The civil engineering 'part' of the construction industry has some of its own construction acronyms, but many of them are of course related to or covered by the other sectors as well. This approval indicates that the resulting elevations and proper drainage match the original grading plan. Erosion control prevents movements and sediment control keeps the eroded soil in place. This type of grading involves covering the area with a coating or screened topsoil or similar matter to complete the project. When water flows towards the building, the consequences can be disastrous. If improper, it can be detrimental to the structure and life of the people in it. A site plan is a document that precisely maps out the area of the building site to scale. HVAC - Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, AIA - American Institute of Architects or the American Insurance Association, AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction, ANSI - American National Standards Institute, ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers, ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, ISO - International Organization for Standards. The Civil Engineer who prepared the plans must complete the Engineer of Work Box on the plans and shall also stamp and wet sign the . Floor plans are filled with construction acronyms because of the size constraint associated with a floor plan. After this, the builder must cover the extra soil or spray it with hydraulic mulch to protect against runoff and erosion. There are multiple types of grading in construction projects: In many municipalities or regions, grading plans are required before work can begin, and inspections are required to achieve a passing grade after grading construction. Continue with Recommended Cookies. When water flows towards the building, the consequences can be disastrous. A typical grading plan will show the slope of the lot in five-foot increments. Land leveling and grading will be essential to create the desired architectural image of the finished property. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Gokce Capital | Privacy | Terms | Earnings Disclosure | Affiliate Disclosure | Do Not Sell My Info | Accessibility | Refund Policy. This results in less material movement, saving time and expense. To do this, experts use heavy equipment like an excavator, skid steer loader, or a backhoe to grade a lot. The plan gives a clear picture of everything an engineer/contractor needs to know about the safety precautions that should be taken. Learn everything you need to know about reading blueprints in MT Copelands online class, taught by professional builder and craftsman Jordan Smith. If you dont prepare a proper grading plan before construction, then your results may not turn out as planned. Per County Code Section 16.20.060, minimum grading plan requirements are as follows: Grading plans must include the following on a 24" x 36" blueprint: Name and address of property owne Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) Name and location of existing, adjacent streets Vicinity map Intended use or purpose of work North arrow and scale of drawing Therefore, the term "site plan" is used in two different ways one is a mapped representation of a project and the other is a review process called Site Plan Review. Homes and buildings must meet certain standards, guidelines and specifications. abbreviations fl flowline sw sidewalk boc back of curb bow back of sidewalk eop edge of pan or edge of pavement pr. Here are some of the elements that a grading plan includes: Contour lines: These lines connect points on the same elevation and highlight the grade/slope, Spot elevations: These spot grades identify the exact elevation of a point on the surface of the land on which the property stands, Berms: These refer to the mounds of soil that are created to direct the flow of water in a particular direction, which enhances the aesthetics of the landscape, Swales: This is the term used to describe the valley or low-lying areas, which are defined to direct the flow or part of the flow in a specific direction, Ridgelines: These lines refer to the linearly defined high points across the property. Be sure to ask if your contractors quote includes the cost of hauling in fill dirt, land clearing, and pulling permits. A professionally designed grading plan can help save on overall material movement, thereby resulting in significant cost and time savings. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Htr. AFF - Above finished floor AFG - Above finished grade BOF - Bottom of footing BOW - Bottom of wall BP or B/P - Blueprint CAD - Computer-aided drafting DWG - Drawing Exc - Excavate FAO - Finish all over FFL - Finished floor level FL - Floor level FRPF - Fireproof GC - General contractor This will put the building at risk for moisture damage. How Do You Read Construction Grading Plans and Elevations? Here is a more in-depth look at pricing information. This site plan shows the site in its current state. Cost-saving methods include utilizing existing soil that is being extracted from one area to fill in others, rather than simply removing materials. Special considerations will be necessary for areas with unique environmental considerations such as seismic activity, nearby wetlands, water tables, or wildlife habitats. A site plan refers to a building or architectural plan in the form of a document or drawing. ), and masonry (Mas.). If this abbreviation chart is helpful to you, go ahead and bookmark it for future reference. HSS Use upper and lower case letters for abbreviation of a single word. could be used along with either an existing grade or. Remembering all of this shorthand can be tricky, especially when this is added to the challenge of reading all the symbols and deciphering the conventions that might be used by a particular draftsperson or designer. The equipment used on the job will affect the grading plan and its price. we've put together a cheat sheet to explain many of the more common abbreviations and symbols: House plan abbreviations. Property damage from erosion can also occur. Understanding the office (design, engineering) and the site (project management, supervision, labour) is the holy grail of construction acronym mastery, as then you can converse and sound in the know no matter where you are working. But having a basic understanding can prove helpful and inform other areas of your construction knowledge. - Anchor Bolt A/C - Air Conditioner A.D. - Access Door ADD. existing el. Following professional standards simplifies the interpretation and reading of grading elevations. Land grading contractors will charge anywhere from $40 to $180 an hour for labor. Site plans usually portray building footprints, foundation, sewer and water lines, lighting, landscaping, and other proposed elements. Check out my Weekly Construction Curiosities Newsletter (Link in menu at top for all past copies) Abbreviations and Symbols - Florida Department of Transportation By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a1755eabc0ddbbe Site grading plans will vary somewhat in content, depending on the existing and planned topology, but these examples provide a high-level look at their appearance. This phase of grading fine-tunes the heavy . There are additional factors that could also come into play drainage requirements, neighboring properties, earth composition, underground utilities, and others. The common abbreviations used in civil engineering and construction sites are as follows: A.A.S.H.T.O American Association of State Highway Transport, A.R.E.A American Railway Engineering Association, A.S.T.M American Society for Testing Materials, AISTRUCTE Associate of the Institute of Structure Engineers, AMISTRUCTE Associate Member of the Institute of Structure Engineers, BCSA British Constructional Steelwork Association, ECUK Engineering Council United Kingdom, GGBS Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag, ISTRUCTE Institution of Structural Engineers, LOLER Lifting Operations Equipment Regulation 1998, NASC National Access and Scaffolding Confederation, PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique, RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects, RICS Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyor. Items to consider when you read a floor plan are abbreviated, such as not to scale (N.T.S. For more thought provoking Construction Management content, consider following me on LinkedIn where I post daily: is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'constructionyeti_com-large-leaderboard-1','ezslot_5',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-constructionyeti_com-large-leaderboard-1-0');report this ad, link to Construction Curiosities #16 - Marketing thru Everyday Actions, Simply Be a Good Person, & Construction Charlies, link to Construction Curiosities #15 - Tats Talks, How Do Cranes Build Themselves & Confusing Drawings, CONTROL POINT or CONNECT POINT or CONCRETE PAD, DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE AND UTILITY EASEMENT, GRADE or GUARDRAIL or GRATE or TOP OF GRAVEL. In terms of the costing, a grading job can vary anywhere between a couple of hundreds of dollars to a few thousands. . Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan - this is the design for the erosion control methods used during construction. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Find out a few basic construction drawing abbreviations here. A grading plan is a construction drawing that shows the proposed grading of a site. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Fortunately, many blueprint abbreviations have widely accepted meanings and are used in all sorts of blueprints, from framing plans to engineering drawings. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. QA and QC - Quality assurance and quality control - two of the main components of project quality, RFP - Request for proposal or request for quotation - The buying and bidding process has its own fair share of acronyms, SOW - Statement of work - a document used to outline and schedule a project, SV - Schedule variance - because not all projects go to plan (most don't), SWAG -Sophisticated wild ass guess, one of the more informal but still useful construction acronyms, TC - Target completion date, keep your eyes on this acronym prize, VE - Value engineering - the modification of designs and systems. Properties, earth composition, underground utilities, and others control prevents movements and sediment control keeps the eroded in... Grading elevations buildings must meet certain standards, guidelines and specifications 2 of the,! - AIR Conditioner site grading plan abbreviations - Access Door ADD our partners may process your data as a part of their business. 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site grading plan abbreviations