wyoming county court records

1914 1932 RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES, DISTRICT NO. 7 only), 1946-47 and 1947-48 school years COMBINED CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKET 1872 - 1903 Files may include summons, complaint, transcript of judgment, and evidence. Information includes names of bride and groom, their places of residence, names of witnesses, and date of marriage. 1913 - 1968 (Not inclusive) Information record and transcripts of testimony from criminal cases appealed before Wyoming Supreme Court. Included are several equalization reports. RESTRICTED TO STUDENT OF RECORD AND SWEETWATER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. ELECTION CORRESPONDENCE MINUTES 1890 1964, 1969 - 1979 All Wyoming County residents may access an up-to-date copy of this register. 1868 MEDICAL AUDIT COMMITTEE 1964 Strengths and weaknesses are noted. HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT PROGRAMS ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT FILES Incoming and outgoing correspondence between the Superintendent of Schools and the Department of Education concerning vocational agriculture, vocational home economics, various adult education classes, industrial education, and business education. sdevinne@nycourts.gov, IDV Resource Coordinator 1938 - 1970 1943 - 1968 1913 - 1917 Record of letters of testamentary, oaths and bonds of administrators, and letters of guardianship filed in Probate Court. 1921 - 1968 CORRESPONDENCE - ADMISSIONS TO THE BAR 1890 - 1895 JURY LISTS ROAD ACCOUNT BOOK Correspondence, mailing lists, and notices regarding weed control policies and procedures impacting outfitters using public land in Park County. Record on the payment of school poll taxes. 1897 - 1946 1887 - 1951 Includes name of appointee, beginning and ending dates of term in office, and position. ATTORNEY'S RECEIPTS FOR PAPERS TEACHERS DIRECTORY 1870, 1885 - 1913 INSTITUTE ATTENDANCE Graduation Dates: 1988 - 1999 Monthly reports on civil and criminal cases, including name of defendant, charge, case number, court costs and fines. Record of orders from the Sheridan County Commissioners concerning the establishment of two Sheridan County Irrigation Districts; the Sheridan Irrigation District and the Parkman Irrigation District. 1. SUPREME COURT CIVIL CASE A listing of trustees' names, offices and terms of office. Record of inspection of shipments of cattle and horses. BUDGETS Also included is correspondence (1915 - 1943) on the construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. Each entry is stamped with filing date. Information includes the case number, attorneys, names of parties, kind of action, date, and court remarks. A daily schedule is usually given on the reverse side. REGISTERS OF NOTARIES PUBLIC Case files usually include summons, precipe for executions, undertaking on attachments, various motions and appeals, transcripts of testimony, replevin filings and orders, bonds and orders, and opinion of the court. Files of the Court and Special Master in the adjudication of surface water rights on the Big Horn River. Bar docket lists case number, names of defendants, and action taken in court. Child Support payments may also be paid at the Wyoming State Disbursement Unit at: WY SDU, 2300 Capitol Ave., 5th Floor, Suite A, Cheyenne, WY 82002 or http://childsupportbillpay.com. Licenses presented by couples to the justice in order to be married. How can we help you today? AUTOMOBILE RECORD See also District Court Journals. CIVIL CASE FILES Record of receipts and disbursements by fund, account or category. Qualified voter registers document a resident's eligibility to vote. 1891 - 1905 1869 - 1877 Transcripts of records filed in Carbon County prior to the organization of Natrona County. WARRANT REGISTERS 1938 1941 1921 Three copies of programs offered to participants at the Teachers' Institute denoting lecturers, instructors, officers, and daily program schedules. Topics of discussion include appointments, petitions, license fees, bonds, bills, purchases, resolutions, and other matters. 1929; 1960 - 1970 BILL OF SALE RECORD May include notes on roads, bridges, property, water levels, structures, reference points, various computations, and names of the surveyor and crew. SCHOOL LOCATION MAP ca. STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION EVALUATION 1878 - 1893 (Filing dates) CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKET AGREEMENTS, CONTRACTS, AND LIENS RESTRICTED. 1896 - 1902, 1914 - 1987 1913 1958 A listing of pupils attending a private kindergarten, attendance record, date and amount of fee paid. 1869 1988 List of daily incidents to which the sheriff=s office responded. Voting record is also included. The grant specifies the conditions of the grant award and the amount grant. 10, MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1956 - 1957 Information includes name, place of residence, prisoner number, physical description, criminal charge, date of arrest, name of sentencing officer, date of discharge, and brief remarks on discharge. Information includes names of grantor and grantee, dates of instrument and filing, type of instrument, recording book and page, and consideration paid. Daily scheduling was sometimes noted on reverse. REGISTER OF QUALIFIED VOTERS 1967 - 1970 GRADE AND ATTENDANCE REGISTERS The adopted budgets are included. 1889 Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of charge or complaint, dates of proceedings, dates and types of pertinent filings, plea, disposition, fines, and court costs. 10 (HARMONY) CORRESPONDENCE https://www.courts.state.wy.us/supreme-court/. RESTRICTED ACCESS. Correspondence and petitions on the maintenance, construction and vacation of roads, plats, and financial projections and specifications for federal road projects. Appearance dockets register all records filed in civil cases. Supreme/County fax: 585-228-3236 Also included are records from the county convention, consisting of appointments of delegates, report of the committee on credentials, and minutes. 1890 - 1965 JAIL REGISTER 1898 1948 1966 - 1969 RESTRICTED. For primary elections, tables list name and political affiliation. 1913 - 1963 l913 - 1927 Copies of deeds conveying property to the county in lieu of payment of taxes. 1911, 1916 1918, 1921 1970 25. LOCATION NOTICES The reports provide statistical information on school enrollment, school attendance, the number and condition of schools in the county, the number of teachers and administrators employed, assessed valuation, taxes levied, bonded indebtedness, and revenue and expenditures. PERMANENT RECORD CARDS (TRANSCRIPTS) 1895 - 1913 TERM SUMMARY TEACHER INSTITUTE PROGRAMS ATTENDANCE REGISTER Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. MORTGAGE RECORDS ROAD AND BRIDGE RECORDS Wyoming County Courthouse Entries list name and amount per type of expenditure. 1913, 1920 - 1924 Information includes names of plaintiffs and defendants, charges, dates of hearings, dates and kinds of pertinent filings, pleas, judgments, fines and court costs. 3,4,5,7,8,10,22 Docket books provide summaries of trial proceedings. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Certificates of the appointment of administrator, executrix or administratrix, bond and oath of service. The notices state the date, place and time of the meeting. A PROPOSAL FOR THE REORGANIZATION OF HOT SPRINGS COUNTY SCHOOLS Supplementary filings are attached to dockets filed after 1975. 1886 - 1889 PROGRAMS OF TEACHERS' INSTITUTES Certificates attesting to a teacher's attendance at a County Teachers' Institute held each summer "for the instruction and advancement of teaching." 1895 - 1959 Index to brands recorded in selected books. GRADE AND ATTENDANCE REGISTERS 1941 - 1948, 1958 - 1967 PLAT BOOKS FINANCIAL REPORT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT CLERK INDEX TO DISTRICT COURT JOURNALS 1923-1924 The 1966-1967 list is for schools with three teachers or less and includes the district number, name of the school, name of teacher, enrollment, type of degree, type of certificate, date certificate was issued, and grades taught. MILITARY DISCHARGE RECORDS Various records filed in the cases of George Stevens (n.d.), Henry Phillips (1882), David A. Patch (1887), William Smith (1888), and C.C. This assortment of cartographic documents includes maps, township plats, plans, specifications, and aerial photographs pertaining to Worland, the Big Horn River Valley, and Washakie County. 1 schools and the elementary schools of district nos. REPORT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT TREASURER Record of judgments issued by the district court, usually or debts owed arising from civil actions. TERM SUMMARIES, DISTRICT NOS. INSTITUTE REGISTER This biographical data included age, occupation, residency, birthplace, nationality, literacy, and marital status. Samples of certificates in use in Park County. Includes copies of president's proclamation, governor's correspondence and proclamation, list and location of polling precincts, and names and oaths of registration board members. Listing of equipment, furniture and supplies. STUDENT CUMULATIVE FILES 1927 - 1934 Later records also include dates and places of birth, occupations, number of marriages, race, dates and places of divorce, and names and places of birth of parents. 4, 6, and 18 into new School District #4 (see Boundary Board records), and the election, authorization and sale of bonds in the amount of $76,000 for the construction of a new school. 1955 - 1956 Incorporation records filed by corporations doing business in Converse County. SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAPS MORTGAGE RECORDS Criminal cases pertain to felonies, misdemeanors, and capital offenses. 31 REGISTER OF QUALIFIED VOTERS Some are indexed with information including serial number, name of entryman, date filed, and date patented. Summaries of civil case proceedings. See the representing yourself page for family court forms and instructions. DELINQUENT MEDICAL RECORDS WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION MINUTES WYOMING EDUCATION ASSOCIATION NECROLOGY REPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAPS Entries show corrected balance of funds from the collection of licenses, fees, fines, and taxes or from the expenditure for warrants, bills, salaries, rebates, or services. 1911 - 1994 LIEN RECORD PARL COUNTY TEACHERS INSTITUTE JOURNAL Lists for 1959 - 1963 give name and address, probably taken from assessment roles. Evaluation materials include description of school district and statement of philosophy, maps of the district, board policies, school district budget, and pupil report cards. 1958 - 1970 Information includes names of grantor and grantee, recording book and page, dates of record and filing, type of record, and legal description of property. Record of warrants issued for salaries, supplies, maintenance, and services. COMBINED CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKET BOOKS REPORT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT'S TREASURER, DISTRICT NOS. MARRIAGE LICENSES - ORIGINAL LIST OF EXEMPT FIREMEN SCHOOL DISTRICT TAX LIST Information includes name, residence, age, and place of birth. CORRESPONDENCE - BONDING COMPANIES Record of births in county, mainly Cheyenne. 1907 - 1911 Petitions from patrons of School District No. Files may contain registration, records from previous schools, standardized test scores (usually ACT), and immunization record. 1927 - 1938 RECORD OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT'S VISITATIONS DEED INDEXES Record of liens filed with the Park County Clerk. 1958, 1962 Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, notices of continuance, road receipts (for convict labor), receipts for prisoners, District Court opinions, jury instructions and mandates of affirmance (Supreme Court rulings). CORRESPONDENCE DEED RECORD 1916 - 1957 (Not inclusive for all districts) WATER RECORDS Pineville, WV 24874 See also Photo Records. Samples of bonds presented by elected officials. Information includes grades, health, scores from scholastic tests, and biographical data on students and parents. Criminal case files appealed to the Wyoming Supreme Court. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION CIVIL JUDGMENT DOCKET 1912 - 1944 February - April 1896 Tables list name of property owner, legal description of property, and amount of taxes. Civil cases reviewed by the Supreme Court for appeal. 1986 - 1991 Information brochure on sale of state land and a listing of property ownership with description of land within Washakie County. Register of voters for primary elections in 1926 and 1928 and the general election in 1928. Dates of birth are listed. Probate case files contesting the administration of estates submitted to State Supreme Court for appeal. BIG HORN RIVER ADJUDICATION WASHAKIE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT CIVIL CASE NOS. 1929 - 1933, 1937 - 1938, 1945 - 1946 1913 - 1961 NOTE: Restricted to Niobrara County School District No. Original billiard licenses. INDEX TO LOCATION/MINING CLAIMS 1921 - 1955 1925 6. GRAND JURY REPORTS CIVIL DOCKET SHEETS BIG HORN RIVER ADJUDICATION WASGAKIE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT CIVIL CASE NO. Included with the correspondence is a school district policy manual with a statement of philosophy and a self-evaluation study. Information includes names of grantor and grantee, date, type of deed, consideration paid, legal description of property, attached covenants, and relinquishment of right. ASSESSMENT ROLLS AND TAX LISTS 1960 - 1961 INDEX TO CORPORATIONS 1929 - 1955 1955 - 1971 Investigations of causes of deaths. Docket book provides summaries of civil and criminal case proceedings. Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of charge, dates of proceedings, dates and types of filings, plea, disposition, fines, and court costs. Information includes reception number, type of instrument, dates of instrument and recording, recording book and page, names of grantor and grantee, consideration paid, and location. 1929 - 1968 County, Family & Surrogate's Court Judges Only one entry was made, and this was for the Diamond Willow Ranch of Kenneth E. McCullough. 1935 1938 See also Check Stubs. Docket provides a summary of individual civil and criminal case proceedings. ELECTION DISTRICT BOUNDARY CHANGES CASH BOOKS 1957, 1964, 1967 Record of land transactions. 1867 - 1963 1979 1995 LAND PATENTS Record of people serving as jurors, noting date, name, days served, miles traveled, per diem, certificate number, and certificate date. GENERAL COUNTY SCHOOL FUNDS DISTRIBUTION 1891 - 1925 TRANSCRIPTS OF JUDGMENT WARRANT REGISTER CAPITAL FACILITIES RECORDS Record on the collection and payment of individual taxes. Index to civil cases. Tables give name, address, legal description and value of real property, value of personal property according to various categories, a recapitulation, qualifications for jury service (age, residency, marital status, literacy, nationality, occupation), and provisions for homestead exemption. Information includes name of person discharged, personal information, branch of service, type and date of discharge, service record, and date of recording. Files may contain record of grades, copy of birth certificate, immunization record, enrollment record, transfer card, progress reports, scholastic test scores, samples of work, correspondence, and evaluation reports. 1869 - 1989 1896 - 1982 1906 - 1914 Record of receipts and disbursements. Daily record of filings in civil court. 1915 - 1930 (mostly 1915) Register of instruments recorded in the County Clerk's office. Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, the nature of the complaint, dates of proceedings, dates and types of filings, disposition, and court costs. 1939 - 1941 Photostatic copies of various records including attachments, bills of sale, corporation records, deeds, liens, miscellaneous, mortgages, and powers of attorney. ca. Wyoming County | 143 N Main Street | Warsaw, New York 14569 Government Websites by CivicPlus 1886 - 1923 Information includes Institute enrollment, some programs, a list of county superintendents of schools, newspaper clippings, written comments, children's reading circle books, teachers in Crook County, and cash received. STUDENT CUMULATIVE FILES Register of prisoners retained in the county jail. REAL PROPERTY RECORDS Statistical information on students, teachers and finances. OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY OF PUBLIC FUNDS 1955 - 1969 Various maps designating school district boundaries in the county. Maps of the school district boundaries of the county. 1. SCHOOL DISTRICT CLERKS REPORT Proceedings of the Board of Trustees. BOUNDARY BOARD MINUTES COUNTY PHYSICIAN - MONTHLY REPORT OF DEATHS 1926 - 1928, 1930 - 1931 Statements of claim for Walton Right filed in civil cases 77-4993 and 86-0012, Big Horn River adjudication. Registration of individuals eligible to vote. RESTRICTED ACCESS. 1919 - 1920 1885 1962 Record of probate docketing actions, mostly for estates and guardianships. INDEX TO ASSIGNMENTS AND BILLS OF SALE 1922 - 1939 1874 - 1889 COOPERATIVE EVALUATION FOR ACCREDITATION, DISTRICT NOS. 1914 - 1969 Information includes name of teacher, certificate number, class, date issued, date expired, date registered, county and fee paid. Information on the cards may include grades, biographical information, and national and aptitude test scores. 1913 - 1989 1981 1988 1881 - 1901 Rev. 1889 - 1925 1871 - 1936 Correspondence, memos, & studies about medical records forms, documentation, post-operative procedures, staff training and education. 1950 CORRESPONDENCE - FIREMEN 1920, 1955 - 1956 The summaries do not name or include any pupil information. MIGRATORY STOCK RECORD Office Hours: Forms provide biographical information on the baby and parents, race, number of children born to mother, and child's date of birth. 1919-1975, 1978-1987 1963 - 1970, 1979 - 1985 1919 - 1968 1946 Volume includes name of principal, receiving number, attorney's name, date of instrument, filing date, book and page reference, and number of witnesses. WITNESS FEES ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Mecum. NOTARY RECORDS RESTRICTED TO SCHOOL DISTRICT AND STUDENT OF RECORD. RESTRICTED ACCESS. Original marriage licenses. Record of the transfer, purchase or sale of personal or real property. 1969 POLL BOOKS DISTRICT VALUATIONS Includes correspondence of former School District Nos. There are a few personal letters and records which include names of the deceased. SMALL CLAIMS CASE FILES File contains by-laws of the St. John's Hospital Staff (n.d.) and incorporation certificate of St. John's Hospital Training School (1908). Business conducted at the meetings included election of school district trustees, adoption of a budget for the next fiscal year, approval of the required tax levy, and the establishment of new schools in the districts. 1871 - 1947 PRISON CALENDARS/REGISTERS Roster of the graduating class of 1995. Record of real property transactions in towns. 1915 - 1961 Dates: 1891 - 1996 Certificates issued to claimants under the Homestead and Timber Culture Acts. Included in the minutes of business are board members in attendance. 1967 There is also a report of teachers' salaries, evaluation of properties, and general financial conditions. 1930 - 1952 Reports on school district finances, including reports of the school district treasurer, certificates of special school taxes, and budgets of receipts and expenditures. Applications, affidavits, corroborating statements, certificates, and licenses. 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wyoming county court records