y shaped fate line

They are different in formation and their impact as well. Shape of Fate Line Deep and Long. Chained fate line A native may face many ups and downs in his life if the fate line is chained in his palm. It is usually in an arc. They may proceed with trying to find fulfillment, 'drive', or fascination with their job. The most important lines on our hand in palmistry are fate lines. There is an issue that this person may not have the time in order to focus on themselves. Given that the location where the fate line intersects the heart line fits approximately at age 57 - 65. This line is located on the base of the hand. Your fate line is a symbol of your future success. The point where the Fate line crosses over the head line represents your career in your mid-30s and the crossing point of the heart line is around 55 years of age. Broken fate line. If it begins underneath the middle finger . For those who do not have a fate line, this line compensates for it. Could someone explain what that means? Deep brown color Your fate line is an expression of how you view your career, and it influences your general outlook on work. If this person is secluded from society, following a lone path in terms of a career, it can turn out well; however, if this person must make a living in the modern society, he or she is vulnerable to choosing the right direction. Heart line In the case of the heart line of the palm, the age is reckoned as 55 by you or the palmist. It shows success in business and commerce line. The head line is stronger and leaves the simian line in the middle of the hand. However, if they have a faint fate line, they may become famous. One must consider not only the heart, life, and headlines but the shape of the fingers in order to understand the significance of the fate line. In general, they will be hard working and responsible. Your fate line in palmistry can intersect with another fate line. All Rights Reserved. The fate line in palmistry decides the duration of your life and the vitality of a person. You may have two fate lines if you have a Y-shaped fortune line on the mount of saturn. If you have a divided fate line that splits into two parts and if it creates a 'y' shaped structure, then it indicates that you might suffer from confusion and contradiction in personality. The palmist would tell about the persons life based on the fate lines present on the palm. Similarly, the other lines and mounts in hands have different influence on your life. You could think out ways to take a short cut and are easily to get success in career. If fate line is divided and it is in the shape of Y, then it means that you will be very confused in your life. Chiromancy deals with the lines on the palm and chirognomy deals with the shape of the hands and the color, shape and texture of the palm, fingers and thumb. Professionally, these individuals would have excellent power on the whole. You will be a respected person and will be a model for others. This way, you will be able to enjoy your good fortune. This means the person is totally determined by his or her freedom. Choosing the right career will determine your future happiness. This type of person can be hardworking and may be a good employee. This line could it be in our primal or tribal character to obtain what our heart desires? In Indian Palmistry this line is also called the line of karma, the line of wealth etc. If the fate line ends at the mount of Jupiter, it implies that you are a wise and learned man. Oh no, I hear you say, what happens when you dont have a fate line at all? People with long lines are considered successful and well-balanced. Fate of those, with no fate line in their hands, is assessed on the basis of other visible lines. It is. In palmistry literature, this can mean that the bearer will have a particularly strong career. (Fig 19). The different types of palmistry fate lines are: Doube fate line -The people who are said to have double fate lines will have two lines on the palm of their hand. These kinds of lines indicate that you will face ups and downs at work-front. If the fate line ends at the heart line, it indicates that you will have job or business which will give monetary benefits up to the age of fifty five. Generally, he or she will get achievement about thirty-five years grow old. When the line appears on the palm during the middle of your life, this always coincides with a person "understanding themselves this is a period when they experience a feeling of balance and are much clearer about who they really are and what they need to complete in life. Y shaped Fate line fate line y shaped If the person has a y shaped fate line it is considered to be good specifically if the Y shape is right on the mount of saturn. A fate line that starts on the opposite bottom of the palm (under the ring or little finger) shows a person who has chosen agratifying career. . You will get success after a lot of struggle and obstacles. (Fig 12), If your fate line starting from the base of the palm and ends at the Mount of Sun (located below the ring finger), it indicates artistic endowment. The people with such a line always have a faithful helpmate. A branch that reaches the heart line is a negative sign. The other lines on your palms are related to your career. In this way presence of other lines and mounts may also alter the results. It can be said that this line is used to link your career and general view on work. this type of line will make the native a person with restless mind, their decisions are not stable, changing all the time. Text is registered by the US Library ofCongress under TX0007655635. A palmist who is professional and well versed alone predicts the future of the person based on the lines of the palm. Some clues about love and relationships are revealed just by the position of the line on the palm. You usually emphasis on credibility thus could have a successful career with endlessly strives; (Fig 1), If the line becomes narrower and thinner gradually from the middle part of the palm, it indicates a smooth career fortune during the younger days and a worse fortune after the middle age. Do not worry about not having a fate line. Breaks seen in the fate line or any other markings including breaks is quite significant. People tend to be happier when they have a clear fate line. Having two lines indicates that you are more likely to make money than others. Sometimes, you may have suicidal idea at the same time have a great fear of death. Keep in mind that having this line doesnt mean that you will not have a career. Some people do not have a fate line at all. sonicwave 231c non responsive Uncovering hot babes since 1919.. y shaped fate line. If they have a long fate line, they are probably a good candidate for a job in a secret organization. The younger will have to work hard to achieve what he or she has. This individual will be closely associated with the public always. Therefore it would appear that when the line is shortened, the individual would be less successful, but that is not the case. (Fig 9), If your fate line starts from the Mount of Venus (the portion of the palm surrounded by the life line at the base of the thumb) and exceeds the heart line, it means you have no worries about money as you could inherit a fortune from parents, relatives or ancestors. Whenever the fate line is missing, its important to get to know yourself better. Palmistry reveals individual personality and character traits through the study of the shape, size and lines of the hands and fingers. Deep Line: Inheritance. A strong deep, clear, stable money line provides stability in every aspect of one's life. Zig Zag fate line Zig zag fate line in a hand suggest that a native may experience many ups and downs in his or her life. Trident on the heart line is considered a fortunate sign especially if it ends under the mount of Jupiter as shown. (Fig 7), If your fate line starts from the heart line, it indicates late success in life. It will indicate a lack of happiness and a lack of success in work. This part of the palm is referred to as the Saturn part. Note: Many people do not have a fate line, which can be taken that you are unlikely to have a permanent job or career. Both types of lines affect your career, and it is important to know what each one means to you. Broken fate line People who have broken lines will not be usually fine after forty years old. Broken fate line Broken fate line in a natives hand indicates a danger. All rights reserved. lf there's no fate line, the individual is most likely pretty much responsible for their own potential and will not suffer the whim of fate. (Fig 4), If your fate line is oblique as the picture shows, it indicates that you always have a unique idea and like to judge a thing from different point of views in work. In palm reading, Confucius Eye is also known as phoenix eye and it is an eye-like circle sign at the first knuckle of your thumb. The palm line study is based on astrology predictions. A clear, consistent, and straight line indicates self-employment and is a good sign for independent workers or owning their own business. It must be free from any lines interfering with it and marks that cross it. The line might end in trident on the palm. This shows that initially the person started work based on outside advice, but then they found more fulfilling work as they became more self-motivated. Palm Reading. For many people, it is not as important because of the way you live your life. An absent fate line means the subject will have freedom. Such people may be seen to remain active even in their old age. The money line, is also known as the fate line, destiny line, Saturn line, riches line, wealth line, or fortune line. 2022Auntyflo. A fresh fate line can give a prosperous life. This may be caused by your careless character. You may have a triangular hand. Regardless of how long or short, it is or even if it is absent -- the owner will have an aim in life. Not everybody has a job or even a career with a career/fate line. In China, people would like to call the line as the career line as it mainly reflects the fortune of one's career or job. If you want to become a religious leader, you should work hard at it. If your fate line starts from the head line it means you will struggle up to the age of thirty five and your luck will bloom after that. You may have two fortune lines that are interpreted differently by astrologers. Then, you will be able to find the happiness that you need. For people who have a centrally locatedfate line, this suggests that they are driven by one profession and are balanced between protection of assets and also self-fulfillment. This is also the starting point for those who make a career that deals with people or the public. Some people says it a fork and some says y shape.. 3. The partner might be a childhood connection, a friend, a neighbor a school friend or just someone from the community who has the same type of background. He may be indecisive as his fate lines may not let him make a strong decision and stand by it. You will always be surrounded by disappointments. Sometimes, the fate line of an individual might touch the lifeline at any point. Sometimes fate is starts from Mount of Moon, it indicates success from own capabilities and interpersonal relations.You will be creative and people will come forward to help you. Those are: 1. If your fate line is weak, you need to learn to roll with the punches and act accordingly. Your focus and concentration are not consistent even you try. She might have good skills in housekeeping work. Ups and downs You do not have much luck like others and hence you need to work hard to achieve the goals. Depending on the placement of your two fate lines, it is important to understand your astrological chart for better understanding your destiny. There are several types of fate lines, but you can choose between them. Zig zag fate line in a hand suggest that a native may experience many ups and downs in his or her life. Any strong line intersecting the fate line, with elevated hair lines throughout it means that you will have a period of time that many activities will happen, near the bottom of the fate line (towards the wrist) means that this will of happened when you were a child. If this mark is present then it can indicate that something will likely happen suddenly. The timing of the fate line gives you a understanding about the life of the person. (Fig 31), An island on the beginning of a shallow fate line indicates you were born unusually. It is important to try to assess where this break happened in order to bring along timelines. I'm also Hello, I have a star on my palm just above my wrist between my fate line and my life line. The fate line can be into three elements to aid the determination of certain activities taking place or that might occur. If your fate line is deep, straight and long from the base of palm then it means that you will profit from land or property from your paternal side and reap other benefits.You will have a successful career. The ruling planet of this line is Saturn and maximum time this line goes to or towards Saturn mount. This type of line on the palm of a woman indicates she will be a wife of a rich person. (Fig 32), An island located in the middle of the palm on the fate line indicates setbacks in career and a fluctuated destiny after your middle age. You would not be able to work in a particular company and even your work the company will not give you a permeant posting. (Fig 10), If your fate line starting from the base of the palm and ends at the Mount of Saturn (located below the middle finger), it indicates a successful career created from almost nothing. Frequently this line doesnt develop until later in people's life. Moreover, the absence of the fate line indicates that the person does not have a complete career with excellent growth. If you have a strong fateline, it means that you are not superstitious and you should avoid gambling and buying lottery tickets. If the fate line is short then the owner is likely to move around in life, looking for a purpose. Fate line has many names: luck line, career line, and Saturn line. This simply means you havent defined your own personal goals in life or thought about what you want from your own existence. The intersection with heart line is taken as fifty five years. The fate line begins from the life line implies restriction in the early years. The starting point can be anywhere from the base of the palm (most of the people find it begins from the middle part). If the line starts from little bit bit upper portion of the wrist means from the starting region of the palm and goes towards Saturn mount or middle finger so the native will prosper in life by his self effort or hard-work & perseverance . A faint fate line may also mean that you are cynical, or that you lack the willpower to change your life. However, some do, and their destiny is outlined in their palms. A faint fate line indicates a person who is very superstitious and dislikes sports. To see more than one island in your fate line show a time where your life will not be so happy, this sign can also be associated with surprises bought about through strange circumstances. Y shaped Fate line in Palmistry - YouTube This video clearly explains you the benefits or drawbacks of y shaped fire lines in palmistry. Elderly persons will help enhance the success of the individual. Island fate line-This line indicates that the person will be affected a lot because of wrong decisions. The fate line is associated with becoming a success in a career field. 26 Feb Feb The organization may rule the executive. (Fig 2). If the heart line begins underneath the index finger, it is an indication that you are satisfied with your love life, or it could mean that you are picky about who you choose to have a relationship with. This line would also tell about the decline part of the humans. If the fate line starts from the mount of Venus, it indicates that you will be free from worries as money will not be a problem. If your fate line is on the headline, you are more likely to fall in love with people who have already committed to you. You will command respect and reputation among your mates. You will be jumping from one job to another. If fate line is divided and it is in the shape of Y, then it means that you will be very confused in your life. If there is no fate line then the owner will have the ability to generate his/her own path in this world. Do not think that your present karma has no influence on your life, it has, but your whole life will be mapped by the past karma and thus sometimes we feel that incidents are happening in our life but we do not have any control on those, we try a lot to control them but can not control fully and those end up sometimes what we have never expected at all. An island on the join point of the fate line and head line indicates financial losses or failure of career caused by your wrong decisions. Only through self-understanding are we able to begin to move towards what we should want from existence. An island on your palm means the hollow and isle-shaped mark on the main lines. It is an adaptation that serves to increase our dexterit Continue Reading 8 2 Sponsored by PureCare Knee Protector The stage where it crosses the heart line it coincides with age 35. This also means that you are family focused. When the line stops, so do the problems. In all cases what I have mentioned above the fate line should be un-interrupted and clean. Palmistry says that there are seven varieties of fate lines which have separate influences on an individual. It is the line that goes straight down your palm, usually resting at the base of your middle finger. If your fate line is strong and long this means that you are a strong character, inflexible about how to achieve things in life, they know who they are and what they need to get from life. The star at the center of the palm is an inauspicious sign which suggests that you will have bad luck and you are self-willed and reckless, thus easily suffer a failure out of impulsion but you will remedy if you can correct the mistake. Sample Page; ; You are responsible for your own life and decisions. To become a successful leader in politics nowadays you must have the support of jupiter also, because Jupiter give good judgement power which helps the native to tale right decision at the right time. If you find the fate line ends at the heart line, it means your career is affected by your emotion. 4. , "Three Very Lucky Lines in Hand - Fate line, Sun line and Mercury Line" . The lines on our palms are known as palmar flexion creases, and they're there to help your hands, flex, hold, articulate, scrunch and do other such things without excessively stretching or squeezing the skin on the hands. This is called destiny. This individual is mostly controlled by emotional always. The Life Line the Longer the Better. A native with a light fate line in his hands means that he or she may have to undergo failures and difficulties in life. As a fate line is connected to our work life we can often see if we are going to be wealthy based on the fate line. Why? Lines that start at the head or heart line indicate success in later years, after the corresponding age. The whole life would have many turns and twists so that you could not lead a smooth life for a long time. What if we could find out what our fate holds? When the line begins on the Neptune mount (this is positioned at the bottom of your hand in the middle of your wrist), you'll make your choices throughout the first a part of your life. For stars to appear on your fate line means that you will have a fantastic career. Inside you will know what you have to complete in your life and will learn important lessons along the way. You will continue to see failures and success in life. Some lines can begin at the wrist but complete on the headline. In short it can be said that he may be riding on two boats at a time. A short line sometimes appears between the life and fate line but terminates near the head line. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies & privacy policies. Not as easily define as the three dominant palm lines (heart line, head line, and life line), your fate line will give indications of the challenges you may experience as you pursue your life's purpose. This line dictates the presence of a career, how successful one will be and the timing of your career. If you have a good Fate Line, you will have many options available to you. But a positive branch of the fate-line indicates that he or she is trying to discover his or her true self. In palmistry, the fate-line is the most important astrological line in the palm. So, there is no need to worry for those who dont have visible fate line. He may be indecisive as his fate lines may not let him make a strong decision and stand by it. You will struggle after the age of 35. If the star is on one side of the sun line, it suggests . Here we focus on palmistry and the fate line. Divided fate line According to palmistry if the fate line splits into two parts and create a y shaped structure in a natives palm then it indicates that the person may suffer from confusion and contradiction. After 35, your fortune of career changes for the better. This is a good sign for people who have a strong desire to succeed in their lives and have a strong desire to make things work out for themselves. The individuals would have to work for others definitely because he might have got help from the others. The other name for the fate line is the Saturnian line, The fate line tells about the persons life fortune whether he will get profit or losses in his life. Deep fate line in a natives palms indicate that he or she may achieve paternal wealth and other profits from various means. Usually, people who show that the fate line begins on the lifeline curve owe their destiny of work to a family member. A mysterious person of the opposite gender can help him or her unexpectedly, that will boost his / her career. This means you have a strong desire to acquire things. (Fig 13), If the fate line is surrounded by the life line, it indicates the abuse of affection. 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