Use this funny word when youve been surprised. It actually means someone who never laughs, and you definitely dont want to be that person. This is an architectural structure that stabilizes a wall or building. Knurly describes something with small protuberances, such as knobs or tumors. This word is Yiddish for backseat driver. Whoever said you cant buyhappinessdidnt know where to shop! An unperson is someone who has been erased because of their misbehavior. Of course, what causes a laugh varies from person to person. Dentist: Can you please help me? To draggle something is to make something wet and dirty by dragging it. No, this isnt the name of a Shakespeare character youve forgotten from high school. This is a cute and shortened form of the word adorable.. Sleenwort. I think you should correct it as early as possible. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. ", Unlock expert answers by supporting wikiHow,,,,, Parlare Portando l'Apparecchio per i Denti. Sentence: The chickens love this new brand of kibble. Sialoquent Spraying saliva while speaking. This word refers to the edges of papers that are cut by handif youve ever read a novel with pages that have messy-looking edges, youve read a deckled book. This word means an uprising, melee, or riot. A boondoggle is a wasteful or impractical project. This sounds like one of these funny, hard tongue twisters, and it would totally make a good tongue twister. Not to be confused with an armadillothough if you did mix up the two, that would be a peccadillo, or a slight offense, a lapse in judgment.. Pettifogger in a sentence: Why do you look up to such a pettifogger? Like wamble, this word is used to describe nausea and bellyaches. "Ah, you know. Number 9: Sassy. Really enjoyed this article. Sentence: You can make really nice curry using ube. Scream as loud as you can, like youre in a lot of pain. This article has been viewed 187,456 times. Though the dentist is there to make sure your teeth are in excellent shape, a good joke can make the whole situation a lot more fun. Thats the end of that story. The reason you may produce more spit with a retainer is because your mouth perceives it as a foreign object. Taking a break? Another weird word for some people to see. This word means to feel nausea, and we think its perfect. Apocalyptic. Sentence: Its got that horrible fishy niff. Sentence: Looks like he has the yips today. Many weird words seem fake at first. To learn how to take care of your retainer, keep reading! Tuesday & Thursday: 8AM 4:30PM They sound absolutely hilarious! And it is also funny when you can laugh with funny words and funny things to say randomly by a random person, friends, or family. Learn Italian Pronunciation! Smaze. Your mouth reacts to this foreign object the same way it reacts to a piece of food in your mouth it increases the flow of saliva. Once you have read the passage out loud successfully, you can try a longer passage or a passage with more complex terms and longer words. This weird word sounds like the word lovely being mispronounced by a swashbuckling 1920s gentleman. This word is used to describe anyone who believes they have changed into an animal. Squeegee. Collywobbles in a sentence: This place gives me the collywobbles, lets go! I heard somewhere that ratooned plants grow taller and healthier. Try out these dental jokes for patients that are a bit younger theyll love them. Its funny how the cost of living is going up, but the chance of living is going down. inspire, learn and write, the Imagine Forest way! wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. Ive started taking dance lessons now. It's important to add new words to your vocabulary. Alcohol and Calculus dont mix. Sentence: Thats so quoz! | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples .css-1w804bk{font-size:16px;}See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Just . Sentence: Everything he just said was complete Jabberwock. This means subject to change., Going to a party? If you know someone with a speech impediment, dont ask them to keep repeating phrases or words for your amusement; its not funny, it is hurtful. All words beginning with X are funny ones! Well done! This refers to the small shoot that grows from the root of a plant. Donnybrook An uproarious argument. Oxter has nothing to do with oxen or otters or any kind of animal. In medieval England, a wassail was a toast to the next apple harvest season. But I probably would not have had the self esteem to have got into the relationship. It is a tough one to use in any circumstance and I try my best to stay away from it at all costs. This is a long dispute between different cultures. Tons of fun story ideas, writing activities, lessons, printables and much more - ALL FREE forever! Sentence: I grew up like a tatterdemalion on the streets and now Im a billionaire! You may not have heard of a palaver, but youve surely engaged in one; it usually describes an unproductive conversation or long dispute between people from different worldviews or cultures. Flummoxed. I stay away from this word as much as a rabbit would stay away from a wolf. Sentence: Whats all this argie-bargie about? Theres no origin for this, its just that people are so witty, fun, and enthusiastic ever! And brush up on your grammar knowledge with these acronym examples and funny malapropisms. A tuba toothpaste. Sentence: I dont want to be some namby-pamby little girl! Hoda Kotb shared a cryptic message amid her unexplained absence from the Today show and fans have noticed. A ragamuffin is a ragged and often disreputable person. Absquatulate doesnt mean doing squats in an attempt to improve your abs! Brouhaha in a sentence: Last nights event was such a brouhaha and nothing was achieved. These are small trees in New Zealand and Australia. All of us want to be evil as long as possible. B was a five. Wordsmiths will surely relate to these grammar memes! Your email address will not be published. Its a word thats every bit as clever, light, and amusing as the harmless prank its describing. 70 Funny Sleep Jokes That Wont Make You Drowsy, 132 FUNNY Cold Jokes To Make Your Day a Little Happier. Oops., A young girl was talking to her dad about what she wanted to be when she grew up. This means youre looking amorously after someone. Youve got the biggest cavity Ive seen, the biggest cavity Ive seen. Ok, said the patient, but Im scared enough. Scalawag. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment. This word describes people who are afraid of running out of things to read. Ah, you know. Its time for your nap. When its time to go to the dentist, be ready with jokes to tell. If you had a very traditional grandmother, this is the word she used to describe romantic affection. Sentence: Im having a doozy of a time at this party. This is fudge made from buttercream, nuts, and brown sugar. He had a revognah, so he ordered a sandwich to settle his stomach. Sentence: Her zaftig figure was admired by all. The list is based on ten somewhat common words in the English dictionary. Yet again, this is one where the amount of Ss in it just gives you a run for your money. The whole rigamarole. Youve probably heard this word before but have never considered what it actually means. All to help you write your own stories in no time. The case should have a few holes to allow air to flow in and keep your retainer dry. This word describes someone overly concerned with their appearance. This means leaping into the air with an arched back and stiff legs. A grommet is a sort of fabric fastener that materials can be laced through. Sentence: Just like the loch ness monster, the Kraken is a myth. Funny Words starting with A: Abibliophobia: The fear of running out of reading materials to read. Sentence: Shes no queen, but she saw acts like a panjandrum. I am Julia, I love to laugh and I love to make people laugh. They'll make you laugh aloud! Sign-up to our community for FREE writing resources and tools to inspire you! Impignorate means to pawn or mortgage something. To smicker at something means you are admiring a person, and its visible from your expression. If you have just gotten a retainer to help fix a dental issue, you may notice one particularly challenging side effect: you have difficulties talking with the retainer in your mouth. It is free and the FUNNIEST Newsletter you will ever receive! In Panama, dental care is called a route canal. We only have one heart, but we have 32 teeth., A man goes to the dentist to ask how much it would be to pull a tooth. As you start practicing saying words while wearing your retainer, you may notice that you spit or drool when you speak. Sentence: Understanding quarks of fundamental to the world of physics. Every once in a while, a slang phrase has staying power, like "hip" or "groovy." But those are the rare exceptions; the vast majority of slang gets one shot at glory. Bamboozled Zoanthropy in a sentence: I think she suffers from a mild case of Zoanthropy. Friday: 8AM 12PM, HYGIENE Is a heart attack the same as an attack of the heart? The whole rigamarole.". This word means youre spraying saliva as youre speaking. I go there for Netflix and drill. It means someone is going to get what they have coming to them. Like impish, this word refers to a playful, humorous quality. Sobersides can also be found outside of such events, and are also commonly referred to as deadpans. Here are other uncommon words we no longer use, but should. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's spokesperson called 'South Park' lawsuit claims 'baseless and boring'. ", "The singing part (step 3) was very useful. A little plaque. Here are some fun words along with their definition. Dr. Shayne Guffey, DMD is a Dentist and the owner of Mountain View Family Dental in Mesa, Arizona. Talking is more fun when you use words that are fun to say out loud. Cattywampus This is a term used in the Midland and Southern United States. Funny Words to Say Out Loud Reading ridiculous words is one thing, but saying silly words out loud is something else entirely. Sentence: Those footballers are always having to deal with hecklers at their matches. They hired someone to answer the enohpelets. Anything it wants. Sentence: I love reading poems, but Ive never tried jazzetry. This funny word means all the time or always, but it reads like one of these funny typos. This time around, youll get to listen and laugh after (for sure!) Sentence: That ruddy-faced girl was someone I never seen before. My dentist said I should try flossing more. There are some criteria. Bam! This word should be used when playing cards. If youre someone who actually owns a barn, this might not sound too appealing. Spleenwort is one of those weird words that doesnt sound anything like the thing it describes. This thread is archived . 1. This means to make something wet by dragging it. 13. I get embarrassed at school when my teachers put me on the spot and ask me a question. So i tried this with my retainer in & omg. Sentence: Someone get that silly filibuster out of here now! A makeweight describes something that is thrown onto a scale to bring the weight on the scale to a certain value. 105 Funny Words 1. Who else couldnt laugh on this, right? Number 8: Sauce. This refers to a million deaths. Hey Justin, Im not the writer of the post, but I am someone with a lisp. Join over 825K+ people who get good news in their inbox 6 days a week, for free! You may also hear government officials calling three-letter agencies like the FBI the alphabet boys.. Thank you! This word is used when companies are trying hard to win over customers. Senseless or sense could have made sense here but senses is one that I have extreme trouble with mid-sentence. Nincompoop sentence: You act like such a nincompoop sometimes. Doesnt meandoing squats in an attempt to improve your abs! Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When I went to the dentist, he put all caps on my teeth. It refers to a time when the dealer hands out cards without any numbers above a nine. It means the transport of goods and passengers between two places in the same country, or the right to do so. It's a void, a vacuum, and naturenot to mention peopleabhors a vacuum. Additionally, hes a professional member of the Academy of General Dentistry and the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation. If you were hoping to see Sally sells sea shells on the sea shore or something of that nature, you will not find it. Ecilop say they have arrested twenty people following the disturbances. Ill fill you in when I get back. This word has nothing to do with animals. When your friends are drunk, call them sizzled. A brand that sells fancy new dog toys? If youve got a dentist appointment coming up, try these funny dentist jokes when youre talking to the dentist before or after they work on your teeth. This is not creepy. Michael Nelli, Online Sports Editor|October 21, 2020. ", "I just got my retainer and I was having a hard time talking, but this really helped!". A dottle is the remaining tobacco in the bowl of a pipe after its been used for smoking. The 58-year-old journalist raised eyebrows on Monday, February 27 . We sure would be flustered if someone used this word in conversation with us. You dont have to be fabulous to confabulate, which means to talk informally, to chat. But it would certainly make people want to confabulate with you! You may use a dongle on a regular basis to connect to a digital media player to stream shows or to use Bluetooth and WiFi. 53+ Funny Quotes by Famous People 2023 (laugh-out-loud! What did the dentist say to the tooth when he had to leave the room? This refers to someone irresponsible. ), 50 Funny Marketing Jokes That Will Increase Business Sales. Approved. Difference between aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry, Different Types of Teeth, Their Functions, and Why Regular Cleanings are Important, 5 Most Common Dental Diseases and How to Avoid Them, Heres Why Sweets and Perfect Teeth Dont Match. A balanced diet simply means a having a cupcake in each hand. A stumblebum is a clumsy or inept person. As a matter of fact, scientists say the word giggle, which means "to laugh in a silly way that is punctuated with repeated gasps for air," is one of the funniest words in the English language. Number 7: Senses. Not the grizzly, terrifying kind! This is one of those funny words that sound like insults, but a hoecake describes a very basic small cake made of cornmeal. Secret code words will make you second-guess the conversations youve been overhearing. Whoever did this already, youre such an amazing, wittiest, silliest, and funniest person ever! Not to be mistaken with Tyra Banks famous smize (smiling eyes,) smaze is a combination of haze and smoke. 5/19 #46-60. If you need a brain boost before starting these tongue twisters, try these brain games that will test your smarts. Check out these 10 words that only exist in the English language. This sounds like it could be a brand that sells fancy new dog toys, but this is definitely not something you should put on the shopping list for your new puppy. words that won the National Spelling Bee? Are you one of those people who still giggle when someone says duty? Cosmetic Dentistry Dani Walpole is an Editorial Intern at Reader's Digest. Number 2: Specificities. The phrase "cat's pajamas" is not going to be returning to the popular vernacular anytime soon. It may be a good idea to read the same passage out loud every day until you feel you can read it one time through clearly and confidently. Sometimes the new words added to the dictionary can be funny, but these 100 words are agelessly silly! Sentence: Look sharp, the patroon will be here soon. This article was medically reviewed by Shayne Guffey, DMD. Learn about more funny pieces of regional slang. Never would have that it could make/did make a great article. 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