Effective, 30 January 2023, promotion selection boards will honor a Marine's request not to be selected by a enlisted staff noncommissioned officer promotion selection board and the Marine will incur a failure of selection. 6124 2 131001 NA 140501 NA 161001 071030 This MARADMIN will be posted to the Promotion Branch web site. 1169 32 20180201 20100518 20191101 20110321 20210101 20120625 Active. 6042 7 20181001 NA 20210101 NA 20210501 NA fp. 5811 5811 5821 5821 5831 5831 11.c. 0313 0363 0321 0321 0363 0363 Board eligible records continue to be updated until the convening date of the board, however, Marines are highly encouraged to submit all material no later than two weeks prior to the board for which they are eligible. Gunnery sergeant. E-mail: enlistedpromotions@usmc.mil Additional changes that occur during the board session will be announced in the selection MARADMIN. Comm: (703) 784-9717/9719 or 6432 5 20191001 NA 20210101 NA 20210301 NA REF/I/MSGID:MSG/CMC/231303ZJUL19// Quantico, VA 22134-5030 6074 2 181001 070821 191001 NA NA NA 6326 6326 6332 6332 6336 6336 For Pre and post selection board counseling and record Gunnery Sergeant ( GySgt) is the seventh enlisted rank in the United States Marine Corps, above staff sergeant and below master sergeant and first sergeant, and is a staff non-commissioned officer (SNCO). Commanders are also reminded to make appropriate MCTFS entries, if warranted. E-mail: enlistedpromotions@usmc.mil 12.b.2.d. REF/D/MSGID: MSG/CMC/191450ZDEC16// REF/H/MSGID: MSG/CMC/231303ZJUL19// SNCO Selection Board Preparation SNCO Promotion Precepts and Stats Comparative Analysis References 1. 2862 2862 2874 2874 2887 2887 Website: www.manpower.usmc.mil, click on "Promotion Branch Comm: (703) 784-9324, DSN: 278-9324 3451 12 20190701 NA 20211201 20130909 20211201 NA These changes are reflective of the current requirements of the Marine Corps. 2131 2 171001 NA 191001 NA NA NA 18. These Marines will compete on the following year's board, if eligible. 3529 44 171001 070220 171001 100802 190102 100719 0211 40 181201 NA 191101 NA NA NA 11.e.3. As announced by reference (a), The FY 2021 Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Selection Board will convene on Tuesday, 20 April 2021 at Harry Lee Hall, Marine Corps Base, Quantico, VA, for a period. 12.b.2.e. 11.e.2. du . Per reference (c), the PME requirements for promotion to gunnery sergeant are as follows: Staff sergeants eligible for consideration to gunnery sergeant must have completed the MarineNet EPME6000AA or EPME6000BA Course and either the Resident Career School, the Career School Seminar Distance Education Program, or Resident Two-Week Reserve Career School if previously attached to the Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) to be considered fully qualified. Active. The MBS is a tool and is not considered the official source documentation. MARADMIN 080/22 Quantico VA 22134-5104 Note: Submitted fitreps pending processing at HQMC MMRP will be expedited for the board. Separation and Retirement Branch (MMSR), Active Duty The tentative allocations, zones, and AFADBD cutoffs are identified below. 6156 6 141201 NA 151001 NA 161001 070212 0321 15 20171001 20100412 20181001 20100809 20190501 20110321 057/23. 6062 5 20170301 NA 20181101 NA 20210301 20110912 Such personal communications must be received or hand-delivered to Harry Lee Hall no later than 2359, EDT on 14 April 2023 in accordance with reference (b). 6842 6 180501 NA 181101 NA 190701 NA 6483 4 180602 120326 181101 NA 190701 130211 2. 13. SUBJ/FY23 GUNNERY SERGEANT PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD// 5769 4 181001 NA 190201 110412 190301 NA 4. Quantico, VA 22134-5103 9.b.2. 2651 15 20190601 NA 20210501 20140224 20210601 NA Only the Commanding Officer or those serving in an acting capacity may sign the NAVMC 321a as the Administering Officer. REF/F/MSGID: DOC/CMC MMPR-2/14JUN2012// 6492 7 170101 NA 180501 091026 190701 NA If a Marine is exonerated via the appeal process or by convening authority action, remedial promotion consideration may be granted upon request. Marines may submit communications via U.S. Mail, priority or next day mail, or fax. Identification of noncompetitive eligibility of Marines will be provided by Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) Officer Naval and Enlisted or the Separation and Retirement Branch (nurse program only) to CMC (MMPR-2) who will then ensure the records of all eligible Marines are forwarded to the board. 6048 6 20170401 NA 20171201 20080915 20180301 NA REF G, MARADMIN 260/20, FORTH COMING CHANGES TO MCO 1400.32D, MARINE CORPS PROMOTION MANUAL, VOLUME 2, ENLISTED PROMOTIONS. 0411 16 20181201 20111011 20200501 NA 20210501 20130909 IMPLEMENTATION OF SECURITY EXECUTIVE AGENT DIRECTIVE 3, REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR PERSONNEL WITH ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION OR WHO HOLD A SENSITIVE POSITION. 5512 5512 5524 5524 5711 5711 12.a.5. 16. 0861 25 170501 090921 190102 NA 190701 NA Harry Lee Hall Enlisted to Officer Programs. 0629 82 171101 100104 181001 110906 191201 NA Remind Marines to prepare for their board prior to deployment. 5954 4 20180601 NA 20210301 NA 20210601 NA 6122 6122 6123 6123 6124 6124 6.a.4. 6116 6116 6123 6123 6124 6124 063/22. 7051 7051 7212 7212 7236 7236 The MBS can also be obtained through the MMRP web site. The deadline to ensure that all Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) and Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) related information is up-to-date is no later than (NLT) 2359, EDT on 25 April 2022. 11.c.1. Website: https:(slash)(slash)www.mnapower.usmc.mil/webcenter/portal/MMRP30 For Pre and post selection board counseling and record Website: www.manpower.usmc.mil, click on "Promotion Branch Such personal communications must be received or hand-delivered to Harry Lee Hall no later than 2359, EDT on 15 April 2022 in accordance with reference (b). Marines are responsible for ensuring any documents in their "Field" tab they want the board to view are moved into their "Commendatory/Derogatory" tab. The service already requires gunnery sergeants to serve at least three more years after pinning on that rank, Black told the Marines in Yuma, Arizona, where he discussed the policies last week . 6132 6132 6153 6153 6154 6154 Harry Lee Hall E-mail: ecounselor@usmc.mil 0161 2 180101 NA 181001 080811 190102 NA 6.a.5. 0372 54 20171101 20110912 20200101 20110418 20210101 NA 6314 3 20181201 NA 20210101 20120227 20210101 NA 6323 7 171001 090323 181001 091019 191001 NA Additional details about submitting correspondence to the President of the board can be found in paragraph 14.a.1 below. 5524 7 20171001 20090224 20171001 20100712 20181001 20110711 column A to column B. Personal Responsibilities. Material submitted without a cover letter, unsigned, or received after 2359, EDT on 14 April 2023 will not be submitted to the board. The Naval Correspondence will be submitted to CMC (MMPR-2) giving a full, detailed accounting of the matter, whether the action occurred prior to the convening of the board, during the board, or while the Marine was a member of a previous command. It is critical that eligible Marines ensure their record includes evidence of PME completion. 5952 3 20190701 NA 20201001 NA 20210401 NA This includes Marines serving at Officer Candidate School (OCS) Quantico, VA and Officer Training Command Newport (OTCN), specifically in a 0911 billet, in a permanent personnel capacity. 9.b.4. Any corrections should be reported in MCTFS and submitted as correspondence to the President of the board by the eligible Marine NLT 2359, EDT 14 April 2023. Commercial next day carriers deliver directly to Harry Lee Hall, excluding weekends and holidays. REF C, MARADMIN 474/21, UPDATED ENLISTED PME REQUIREMENTS BY GRADE. 6176 6 161001 060905 171001 080225 181101 091102 2.a. 0521 0521 0629 0629 0639 0639 Comm: (703) 784-9712/9713 or 3044 4 181001 NA 190301 NA NA NA The Marine must personally sign the cover letter. 11.c. Assist eligible Marines in correcting incomplete fitness reports and/or correction to Fitness Reports in accordance with the procedures outlined in chapter 8 and Appendix I of reference (f). 1169 25 170402 NA 180201 100518 190101 110405 When an AFADBD is specified, it pertains only to those Marines with the listed DOR. OMPF documents may also be mailed to CMC (MMRP-20). GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Additionally, it is the Marine's responsibility to correspond directly with the President of the selection board if there is classified information in their record that they wish to be viewed by the board. Note: As zones and allocations are subject to change prior to or during the board, all Marines are reminded of their responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of their records. (MMPR)" MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA MM// 6332 1 151101 NA 161001 070730 171001 070611 Paragraph 1100.29 and chapter 3 of reference (f) apply. 2. 0211 40 20191101 NA 20200801 20120924 20210501 20140804 POC/CYRUS J. WILLIAMS/MSGT/MMPR-2/-/TEL: DSN 278-9718 EMAIL: CYRUS.J.WILLIAMS1@USMC.MIL// PME REQUIREMENTS BY GRADE MarAdmin 521/14 contains complete PME promotion requirement information. 2161 2161 2171 2171 2311 2311 Marines who have received an adjusted DOR or made a lateral move and believe they will be considered in the wrong zone (because of the adjusted DOR or lateral move) must notify CMC (MMPR-2), in writing, before 2359, EDT on 25 April 2022. While officials could tweak the allocation number prior to the Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board convening on April 22 and even during the roughly eight week meeting the 1,891 figure has . 4821 11 171001 090112 171101 100222 181001 110906 6123 2 171101 NA 181001 NA 181101 NA 6154 12 20170401 NA 20191001 NA 20210301 NA 2.a. Paragraphs 3100.3 and 3602.5 of reference (f) apply. 1142 1169 1161 1169 1171 1169 It is imperative that documents submitted to CMC (MMRP-20) for inclusion in the OMPF within 60 days of a selection board be conspicuously marked "Contains Documents For The FY 2022 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board". 9. Ensure any material sent to CMC (MMRP-20) for filing in the OMPF contains full name, grade, and the Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier (EDIPI). A list of U.S. Marines who have been approved for promotion to the rank of gunnery sergeant in FY 2020. 3051 24 170702 071010 171101 100712 181101 NA Website: www.manpower.usmc.mil, click on "Separation and Identification of noncompetitive eligibility of Marines will be provided by Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) Officer Naval and Enlisted or the Separation and Retirement Branch (nurse program only) to CMC (MMPR-2) who will then ensure the records of all eligible Marines are forwarded to the board. Questions regarding MOS allocations, zones, and AFADBD cutoffs should be addressed to CMC (MPP-20), DSN: 278-9361 or Comm: (703) 784-9361. The deadline to ensure that all Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) and Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) related information is up-to-date is no later than (NLT) 2359, EDT on 24 April 2023. 12.a.5. 6092 8 20190201 NA 20200801 NA 20210501 NA Marines who have received an adjusted DOR or made a lateral move and believe they will be considered in the wrongzone (because of the adjusted DOR or lateral move) must notify CMC (MMPR-2), in writing, before 2359 EST on 24 April 2023. 0681 12 20181001 20110418 20200101 20110411 20210101 NA 2131 7 20191001 NA 20211201 NA NA NA 6. 9.b.5. Classified information will not be viewed by the board without the request from the Marine in the form of a letter to the President of the selection board. Marines concerned with specific aspects of their record are reminded that they may contact their respective career counselors CMC, Manpower Management Records and Performance, Enlisted Career Counseling and Evaluation Section (MMRP-50) by following the instructions listed on the website. E-mail: smb.manpower.mmrp-20@usmc.mil Per references (h) and (i), Marines who must and have requested transfer to the FMCR due to ECFC or service limits may request special promotion consideration via correspondence to CMC, Manpower Management Separation and Retirement, Active Duty Retirement Section (MMSR-2). Only the Commanding Officer or those serving in an acting capacity may sign the NAVMC 321a as the Administering Officer. The information in this MARADMIN should receive widest dissemination. E-Mail: smb.manpower.mmsr2e@usmc.mil 5524 7 151101 NA 171001 080902 171001 091026 6469 7 171001 080721 181001 100517 191201 100719 Marines may submit communications via U.S. Mail, priority or next day mail, or fax. 6218 18 20191201 NA 20200701 20110912 20210501 NA Marines serving in a basic MOS will be considered in their IMOS. 6227 3 20191101 20110207 20210101 NA 20210301 NA 4133 9 20190201 20110606 20210201 NA 20210401 NA The following guidelines apply, regardless of the means by which a Marine submits update material: Provide your EDIPI on ALLcorrespondence in order to achieve positive identification and proper distribution of the material for consideration. Marines are personally responsible for ensuring CMC (MMPR-2) has physically received update material before 2359, EDT on 14 April 2023 and may verify receipt of the material sent to the President of the board via the Enlisted Promotions home page or by contacting CMC (MMPR-2).This website will populate within one week of the convening date. REF G, MCO P1400.32D W/CH 2, MARINE CORPS PROMOTION MANUAL, VOLUME 2, ENLISTED PROMOTIONS (MARCORPROMMAN VOL 2 ENLPROM). Fax Material to Comm: (703) 784-9884 or DSN: 278-9884 1391 17 20180102 NA 20200201 20120206 20210201 NA Commanding Officers are not authorized to extend those Marines with draw case code (DCC) of AF, AH, AX, or AY. Notification should include the Marines full name, EDIPI, grade, occasion and dates of the report(s). 5831 6 170101 071105 170501 080825 171201 NA MOS changes will not be made after the date of this MARADMIN without the prior approval of CMC (MPP-20). Eligible Marines whose records contain classified reports should notify CMC, (MMPR-2) soonest possible. If a Marine is exonerated via the appeal process or by convening authority action, remedial promotion consideration may be granted upon request. 12.b. As a reminder, Marines "eligible for selection" missing evidence of required PME will be briefed as "not fully qualified" for selection. If more than one file attachment is applicable, label additional files using arabic numerals enclosed in parenthesis, i.e. Identification and eligibility of these Marines are contingent upon compliance with reporting procedures outlined in reference (e) and the timely receipt of the fitness reports by the CMC, Manpower Management Records and Performance, Performance Evaluation Section (MMRP-32), within 30 days after the end of the reporting period. 6338 12 20191101 20110314 20200601 20111129 20210501 20130624 15. Marines who have a DOR that is earlier than the DOR identified for a zone are eligible for consideration in that zone for that IMOS. The following guidelines apply, regardless of the means by which a Marine submits update material: Provide your EDIPI on ALL correspondence in order to achieve positive identification and proper distribution of the material for consideration. 2. Warrant officer selects who have not been appointed, Marines in the Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program (MECEP) upon graduation of Officer Candidate School, Marines accepted in the Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP), and Marines in the Navy Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program (NMECP) are eligible for noncompetitive consideration for promotion provided they meet all other eligibility requirements. 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