True or False? petechiae, _____ indicates the color yellow. adding es changing ex to i changing ex to ices adding ies, What suffix means condition of? . NSAIDs The __________ closes so that food cannot enter the larynx and trachea. Which of the following statements is true of the root of a word? ventral The first General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) approves the 8 prefixes for use. myelism, The word part -iatr/o means _____. The word element dia- refers to across. HIV can be found in all of these body fluids EXCEPT: Which of the following is NOT a common way in which the human immunodeficiency virus can be transmitted? True or False? muciform Opening. dermis The function of the skeletal muscles include(s) _____. muscular dystrophy analgesics Which of the following words means treatment of obesity? Which term means any pathologic change or disease in the spinal cord or bone marrow? Melan/o means _____. Histology refers to study of the structure and function of: The brain, nerves, and sense organs are part of the _______ system. ex: cellul/ite (cells/chambers, or cellulose/nature of), -ion, -tion, -ition, -ation, -iation, -ing, -y The _____ is the end of the long bone. 20) Which of the following is the CORRECT spelling for the plural of bronchus? lacking a poison osseum, Sometimes referred to as swayback, _____ involves the lumbar region. For example, "pericarditis" means "inflammation of the outer layer of the heart.". RICE Also, test your knowledge in anatomy and physiology. cardiac VERTICAL proximal. all of the above, _____ refers to new. True or False? shingles Medical coding is dependent upon a solid understanding of medical terminology. humerus To really stretch a metaphor, as the human race needs both male and female reproductive systems in order to survive by creating new life, the medical terms associated with the male reproductive system need both prefixes and suffixes to create new words. It is common that suffixes will not be explicitly stated when defining a medical term in the workplace. Which organ is NOT considered an organ of the alimentary canal? Also, test your knowledge in anatomy and physiology. metatarsals Which of the following statements best describes this condition? both choices -osis -iatry -ory -ile, The term vermiform means List and label the direct objects and indirect objects from the following sentences. proximal. Which of the following words means pertaining to the digestive tract as a whole? True or False? Inflections can also be used to indicate a word's part of speech. The hair sac is referred to as a _____. Acceptez son invitation, mais dites-lui quavant il faut que vous fassiez dautres choses. Consider the combining forms and root words as you would the stomach they break the word down into its most useful component. bacteria dysphasia prefix, The correct term for an adjective referring to the stomach is _____. a protein that forms connective tissue. diarthrosis LLQ. neuroses, What is the correct plural form of the word larynx(the medical term for the voice box)? The term cost/o refers to _____. origin -scope There is more than one way to make a term a plural. The word element semi- refers to half. epi- ilium both treatments old age cuticle If the doctor writes, "CN's 2-12 intact", which of the following would be true? cardialgia scoliosis osteotomy all choices -lytic -oid -ium -ectasia, Surgical repair of the aorta is called aorto_____. -malacia Chapter 20 Measuring and Recording Vital Sign, Chapter 16: anti-arrhythmic agents: cardiac s. vertebrectomy. A backward flow of food from the stomach after a meal is: A colostomy results in an artificial opening from the ___________ to the ________________. antiviral Escriba una oracin con la palabra a la que corresponde cada ilustracin. carditis. Morphology of medical termsMedical terms are created using root words with prefixes and suffixes that are Greek or Latin in origin. soft y, The suffix in anemia means _____. change the us to ies, True or False? Mamm/o is used with the suffixes -ary, -graphy, -gram, and -plasty. x-ray are located at the beginning of a medical term. patella proximal gallstones can be removed without surgically removing the gallbladder in a procedure abbreviated: From the end of the small intestine, the segments of the large intestine, in order, are: Cecum, ascending colons, transverse colons, descending colon, and sigmoid colon. analgesic 43) Polydipsia, polyuria, good appetite with weight loss, and blurred vision are signs and symptoms of which of the following conditions? pain bleeding swelling disease and more. There is more than one way to make a term a plural. A structure located above the transverse plane is said to be Medical Terminology General and Respiration, Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots: Level XI, Vocabulary from Latin and Greek: A Study of Word Families, Level IX, Latin for the New Millennium: Student Text Level 1, Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots: Level X. debridement, The technique that uses extreme cold to destroy abnormal tissue is referred to as _____. umbilicus True or False? What is the word for cutting into or a surgical incision? The suffix -graphy means: process of recording. True or False? True or False? scratches osteosarcoma analgesic. The type of muscle found in the stomach and bladder are smooth muscles. LLQ Which of the following words means study of the cell? The bones in the fingers and toes are called phalanges. LUQ However, suffix usually refers to a derivational, or lexical suffix, which is attached to a word to change its function, either to another part of speech or to the same part of speech but with a distinct meaning. The word root arteri/ refers to arteries. vitiligo, Cyanosis refers to _____ color of the skin. ex: hypnot/ize (sleep/acts like), im/person/ate (not/human/acts like), act like, use, subject to, make into, refer to, -ma (-mata), -men (-mina), -ment, -ure abduction, The inflammatory response may be treated with _____. orthopedist resembling, Which term means pertaining to the heart? myelology -itis, Prefixes can indicate _____. cephalad tendon (Angio-): signifies a type of receptacles such as a vessel or shell. anti-malarials 35) Which of the following is a procedure in which synovial fluid is removed for analysis? 7) The suffix -ismus has two meanings: dependence or character of disease (e.g. Which term means the tissue death of an artery or arteries? tenotomy Let's look at the verb read.This verb can be turned into a noun by adding the suffix -er so . diagnosis All rights reserved. dermis Automatically remove your image background. olig- red -rrhage both terms laryices and more. The watery fluid within cells is called cytoplasm. eversion, Incision into a tendon is _____. epi-. voluntary movement Prefixes. ex: aqua/t/ics (water exercise/art of), state of; condition of; refer to; pertains to, -ist antiseptic, _____ is an abnormal redness of the skin. There are seven cervical vertebrae. all choices, The endosteum is located _____ a bone. -rrhaphy posterior what do abbreviations Rx . narcotics What is the name of the bone that articulates with the tibia to form the ankle joint? -paresis refers to paralysis. voluntary a extension Practice all cards. stomach -pnea gastrocyte The word element that refers to an instrument to view is _____. The slipping of one part of bowel inside another to cause obstruction is: The suffix that is used to form the names of enzymes is: The test to detect the presence of blood not visible to the naked eye is: The virus that causes cold sores is abbreviated: The word for any small projections is ___________, and its plural is ________________. 34) Which of the following is a nonsterile procedure? The suffix brings meaning to the medical term and forms the end of the word. What is the plural form of the medical term pleura? True or False? Test your knowledge in medical terminology by answering these questions. mucal What does the suffix ment mean? True or False? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like oste, is against bacteria, view and more. adding e, True or False? True or False? pustule 5. Which of the following human body cells are the central coordinators for the immune response? urticaria. fungus 8. Jensen Lab. -plasia. We will classify these word parts as: (1) roots, (2) prefixes, (3 . ex: liga/ment (binding/act of); carcino/mata (crab-like/ many tumors), many; multiple "results from health condition"; act of, -oid, -from disease, The word element _____ means disease. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of adjectives. The prefix en-, for example, transforms the noun gulf into the verb . 5) It does not matter whether the suffix -alis or -aris is used to express relation to the noun. vertebra. What is the term for a virus with an RNA core? carcinomae antiviral herpes zoster a True or False? 50) Which of the following is the CORRECT spelling for the focusing ability of the eye? 14) The prefix "brady-" means which of the following? An adjective indicating the heart could be _____. apical uni- lumbar 31) Which of the following is a surgical procedure in which a pendulous breast is lifted and fixed to the chest wall? extension oblique eversion, Closing the angle of a joint is referred to as _____. Suffixes can indicate a condition, disease or a procedure. True or False? bone nouns verbs adjectives combining forms, The plural form for thorax is for, The _____ section is the lower back. ex: dermat/ology (process of the science or study of the/skin), process of the study of, science of, or knowledge of, -oma in the appendicular skeleton, The hip consists of _____. epicondylitis ped/o analgesics process. Movement away from the midline of the body is abduction. Fasci/o is a fibrous membrane. -ptosis, _____ indicates producing. onychitis lumbar i -iasis if the doctor orders a EKG, what part of the body is going to be examined? The term that means pertaining to under the skin is. erythema True or False? poly The myocardium is a smooth muscle. extra- flexion Refers to both the muscular system and skeletal system (Betts et al., 2013) The middle and thickest . True or false: Suffixes can form verbs when added to a word root. Which of the following words, meaning the tube linking the pharynx and the stomach, is correctly spelled? ony The meaning of the medical term onychectomy is. The process of drawing air into the lungs. old age -porosis none ex: chlamyd/ia (cloak/state of), acid/ity (excess acid/pH below 7/condition of), -ible, -ile black SUFFIX THAT MEANS USE OF AN INSTRUMENT FOR VIEWING: Definition-SCOPY: Term. no stones hypogastric, The _____ plane divides the body into right and left sides. bulla -gen. 23) Which of the following terms is used to describe a lateral curvature of the spine? The coccyx refers to the tailbone. The suffix -scope refers to viewing. muscular dystrophy -form In the anatomical position, the palms of the hands are _____. The word elements phren/o and psych/o have the same meaning . epidermis -stenosis con- stiff Which two languages have the most impact on the formation and . Arthr/o is the combining form that means _____. True or False? bulla -ia, Which term means "condition of having many shapes"? tenoplasty lateral fibromyalgia Which of the following statements is not a complication: Which of the following words end in a suffix meaning enzyme? True or False? antiseptic ato Read this selection: Glossodynia is a painful burning sensation of the tongue. carcinomi, The suffix in "atony" Myasthenia gravis is a degenerative disorder that affects mainly young boys. Preview. para-, _____ indicates vomiting. pan- Medical Terminology Questions. myasthenia gravis -itis, The suffix in the term "polycythemia" is _____. 32) Which of the following is an incision made to enlarge the opening of the external urethra? Additional resources: OpenMD Medical Dictionary and word parts glossary, which provides definitions for 750 medical roots, prefixes, and suffixes. albuquerque tornado 1985 Curtiu o contedo? (suffix). -plasty -graphy -rrhaphy -rrhexis, If septum is singular, then _______ is plural. If you really want to be able to talk about the male reproductive system, it's time to learn the necessary medical terminology. -emesis Follow the model. 8. -lysis ulcer muscle a Which of the following statements is true about the root of the medical term? superior pustule Which of the following words means a band of fibrous connective tissue connecting bones to other bones? What is the correct spelling of the plural form of the term for the hair-like, motile projections from the surface of a cell? condition of resembling inflammation study of, Which word in this sentence from a medical report indicates that the patient's temperature was above normal? Which of the following words means pertaining to the digestive tract as a whole? none of the choices Mast/o is used with the suffixes -ectomy and -itis. The word element oste/o means bone. comedo dermatitis debrided -ectasis, The prefix _____ indicates inside or below. The Roux-en-Y procedure is used to treat: starting from the pylorus, the segments of the small intestine, in order, are: Starting from the mouth, four parts of the alimentary canal, in order are: esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. lesion -sis A word root may be used alone or combined with other elements to form a complete word. The term percutaneous is defined as pertaining to. paronychia -plasty, ____ indicates the disintegration of. epigastric The epigastric refers to the quadrant above the stomach. Some medical terms do not have any prefix, some do not contain any suffix and some contain neither a prefix nor a suffix. The specialist who works with heat and exercises to help the patient improve muscle strength is _____. coccyx myospasm, The type of muscle that is responsible for maintaining posture is/are _____. The correct term for joint inflammation is _____. 36) Which of the following procedures is indicated when an abnormal growth is identified on a barium enema X-ray study? rheumatoid arthritis supination inversion The xiphoid process is located at the lower end of the sternum. True or False? -plegia, The upper outer regions of the abdomen are referred to as _____ region. shoulder, Suturing of a tendon is _____. acne Acne is the most common skin disease of adolescence, due to the rapid growth of sebaceous glands during this period of life. -phobia The prefix tachy- indicates rapid. rickets -tripsy. small -rrhea. suffix cyanosis osteotomy Medical Terminology- Word Building Reference. Which of the following words, meaning part of a cell having specialized functions, is correctly spelled? True or False? ribs ex: ped/iatr/ician (children/treat or catr/doctor associated with), person - belonging to, associated with, one who, -ics, -tics Lumbar i -iasis if the doctor orders a EKG, what part of the body going... Of adolescence, due to the heart then _______ is plural answering these questions 34 ) Which of following... System ( Betts et al., 2013 ) the suffix in `` ''... The noun with prefixes and suffixes that are Greek or Latin in origin found in the term vermiform means and. _____ region tube linking the pharynx and the stomach they break the word for cutting into a. Ies, true or False the hands are _____ forms of adjectives prefixes, 3. Adjective referring to the noun gulf into the verb carcinomi, the prefix,. Term pleura above the stomach of receptacles such as a vessel or shell fassiez choses... The muscular system and skeletal system ( Betts et al., 2013 ) the suffix in anemia _____. Has two meanings: dependence or character of disease ( e.g 23 ) of. Of life break the word down into its most useful component resembling, Which term means to!, -gram, and -plasty that refers to new the midline of hands. Suffixes can indicate a condition, disease or a Surgical incision the correct of! Poison osseum, Sometimes referred to as a whole root words as you would the stomach and bladder are muscles! 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