Paste the script into your script application. ["Position"] = Vector(-0.18359375, 21.489501953125, 1.33447265625). ["Position"] = Vector(10.93798828125, -0.001708984375, 2.42431640625). | 3.49 KB, JavaScript | TeamCheck = false--If set to true then the script would only lock your aim at enemy team members. Designed in compliance to a request put out for a PDW by the US Military. Credits: Bye.prestigedBlitzFelixTeax-----script: BLOX FRUITS Script Pastebin 2023 UPDATE VALENTINES AUTO FARM HEARTS | . _G. 1 hour ago Run and done ["Position"] = Vector(-0.44775390625, -0.46826171875, 0.8525390625). | 3.21 KB, JSON | | 1.11 KB, Lua | ["Model"] = "". By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. | 0.65 KB, JavaScript | ["Position"] = Vector(3.9278564453125, 0.0068359375, 5.662109375). ANYWAYS.. Game Link: (NEW P90) Weaponry [BETA] Requesting: (Silent Aim, or One Shot Kill) Universal Aimbot: Down below. | 0.07 KB, C++ | 41 min ago ["Position"] = Vector(34.5498046875, -3.872802734375, -10.30419921875). Yes, it is extremely safe because all you need to do is copy the script codes; you dont need to transfer any programs or exploits. Step : Run and done Note : 1. Paste the script into your script application ["Angles"] = Angle(3.4000000953674, 90, -2). Copyright 2023, All rights reserved | If you have strong swords, you can easily slay every one of them. 3. Click COPY button for auto copy script 3. 1 hour ago Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer, damage = 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000, frame.Position =, 0, 1, -400), frame.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), label.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0), label.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), label.Position =, -10, 0, 20), label.Position =, -10, 0, 40), if Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") == nil then"PlayerGui").Parent = Player end, if Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild(Name) == nil then, ammoGui:Clone().Parent = Player.PlayerGui, Player.PlayerGui[Name].Frame.Magazine.Text = tostring(magazine.Value).. "/" ..tostring(magazineMax.Value), Player.PlayerGui[Name].Frame.Ammo.Text = tostring(ammo.Value).. "/" ..tostring(ammoMax.Value), w.Part1 = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm"), w.Part1 = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm"), w.Part1 = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso"), w.C0 =, 0.4, -0.5) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(-90), 0), w.C1 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, math.rad(-20)), w.C0 =, 0.4, -0.5) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(-90), 0), w.C1 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, math.rad(-5)), s.SoundId = "", s.SoundId = "", s.SoundId = "", s.SoundId = "", s.SoundId = "", s.SoundId = "", w.C0 =, 0, 0.5) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(45), 0), pc.BrickColor ="New Yeller"), pb.BrickColor ="Dark stone grey"), p.BrickColor ="Medium stone grey"), w.C0 =, 0.15, -0.05) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(12), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.22, -0.03) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-12), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.14, -0.03) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-25), 0, 0), p.BrickColor ="Dark stone grey"), w.C0 =, 0.07, -0.025) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.05, -0.015) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.1, -0.015) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.2, -0.635) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-80), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.15, 0.15) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(85), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.25, -0.01) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.11, 0.02) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), p.BrickColor ="Really black"), m.Scale =, 0.2402, 0.09), s.Color = / 225, 75 / 225, 75 / 225), w.C0 =, 0.28, 0.08) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), w.C0 =, -0.1, 0.08) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), w.C0 =, -0.1, 0.08) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0, 0.18) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), d.Texture = "", local l ="Part") -- Aimpoint Scope, w.C0 =, 0.1, 0.08) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), p.BrickColor ="Bright yellow"), m.MeshId = "", if selected == true and Mode == 2 and dual == false then, pcall(function() Player.Character[Name]:Remove() end), pcall(function() Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"]:Remove() end), pcall(function() Player.Character[Name.. " (Holstered)"]:Remove() end), pcall(function() Player.Character[Name.. " (Holstered, Left)"]:Remove() end), function SetAngle(Joint, Angle, Character), if Character == nil then return false end. ["Angles"] = Angle(4.8558376875008e-06, -90, 7.6039214036427e-07). is the number one paste tool since 2002. ["Material"] = "models/props_wasteland/tugboat01". Step : ["Position"] = Vector(-0.2869873046875, 25.86279296875, 4.29736328125). Run and done. | 3.72 KB, C++ | Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Right Hip"), Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Left Hip"), if Joints[Limb] == nil then return false end, if Limbs[Limb] == nil then return false end, Joint.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(90), 0), Joint.C1 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(90), 0), Joint.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(-90), 0), Joint.C1 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(-90), 0), Joint.C0 =, -1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(90), 0), Joint.C1 =, 1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(90), 0), Joint.C0 =, -1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(-90), 0), Joint.C1 =, 1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(-90), 0), Joint.MaxVelocity = Joints[Limb].MaxVelocity, Joint.CurrentAngle = Joints[Limb].CurrentAngle, Joint.DesiredAngle = Joints[Limb].DesiredAngle, function ResetLimbCFrame(Limb, Character), if Character.Parent == nil then return false end, Joints[Limb].C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(90), 0), Joints[Limb].C1 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(90), 0), Joints[Limb].C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(-90), 0), Joints[Limb].C1 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(-90), 0), Joints[Limb].C0 =, -1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(90), 0), Joints[Limb].C1 =, 1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(90), 0), Joints[Limb].C0 =, -1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(-90), 0), Joints[Limb].C1 =, 1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(-90), 0), Animate = Character:FindFirstChild("Animate"), Player.Character[Name.. " (Holstered)"].Handle.Weld:Remove(), w.Part0 = Player.Character[Name.. " (Holstered)"].Handle, w.Parent = Player.Character[Name.. " (Holstered)"].Handle, if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then, if Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder 2") ~= nil and Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder 2") ~= nil then, Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C0 =, Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 = * i) + (1.5 * (1 - i)), 0.75 * i, 0.35 * i) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(315 + ((1 - i) * 50)), 0, math.rad(-90) * i), Player.Character.Torso["Right Shoulder 2"].C0 =, Player.Character.Torso["Right Shoulder 2"].C1 = * i) + (-1.5 * (1 - i)), 0.5 * i, 0.6 * i) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90 * i), math.rad(-5 * i), 0), if Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder 2") ~= nil then, Player.Character[Name.. " (Holstered, Left)"].Handle.Weld:Remove(), w.Part0 = Player.Character[Name.. " (Holstered, Left)"].Handle, w.Parent = Player.Character[Name.. " (Holstered, Left)"].Handle, if Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder 2") ~= nil then, Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 = * i) + (1.5 * (1 - i)), 0.5 * i, 0.6 * i) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90 * i), math.rad(5 * i), 0), Player.Character[Name].Light.Transparency = 1, Player.Character.Torso["Right Shoulder 2"].C1 = * i) + (-1.5 * (1 - i)), 0.5 * i, 0.6 * i) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90 * i), math.rad(-5 * i), 0), Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Light.Transparency = 1, Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 1.2, 0.4) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(300), math.rad(10), math.rad(-90)), Player.Character.Torso["Right Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 0.2, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90), math.rad(-5), 0), Player.Character.Torso["Right Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 0.5, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90), math.rad(-5), math.rad(-5)), Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 0.5, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90), math.rad(5), math.rad(5)), Player.Character[Name].Handle.Empty:Play(), Player.Character.Torso["Right Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 0.5, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90 + i * 1.2), math.rad(-5), 0), Player.Character[Name].Handle.Release:Play(), Player.Character[Name].Magazine.Transparency = 1, local magazineDrop = Player.Character[Name].Magazine:Clone(), magazineDrop.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace"), Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 = + (i / 60), 1.2 - (i / 20), 0.8 + (i / 35)) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(300 - i), math.rad(10 + -i * 3.5), math.rad(-90)), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(part) wait(4.5) for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do part.Transparency = i wait() end part:Remove() end), magazineDrop), delay(0.1, function() magazineDrop.CanCollide = true end), Player.Character[Name].Handle.Reload:Play(), local magazineNew = Player.Character[Name].Magazine:Clone(), magazineNew.Parent = Player.Character[Name], w.C1 = * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(90), 0), Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 = + (i / 50), 0.75 - (i / 50), 0.35 + (i / 22.5)) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(315 - (i * 2)), math.rad(-i * 3.5), math.rad(-90)), Player.Character[Name].Magazine.Transparency = 0, Player.Character[Name]["New Magazine"]:Remove(), Player.Character[Name].Handle.Lock.Pitch = 3, Player.Character[Name].Handle.Lock:Play(), Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 0.75, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(315 + (i * 1.5)), math.rad(i * 4), math.rad(-90)), Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 1.2, 0.4) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(300), math.rad(10 + i), math.rad(-90)), Player.Character.Torso["Right Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 0.2, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90 - i), math.rad(-5), 0), Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 1.2 - (i / 10), 0.1) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(300), math.rad(10), math.rad(-90)), Player.Character[Name].Handle.Lock.Pitch = 1.5, Player.Character[Name].Bolt.Weld.C0 =, 0.6, -0.125), makeShell(Player.Character[Name]:FindFirstChild("ShellOut")), Player.Character[Name].Bolt.Weld.C0 =, 0.8, -0.125), Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 0.5, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90 - i), math.rad(5), 0), Player.Character.Torso["Right Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 0.5, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90 - i), math.rad(-5), 0), Player.Character[Name].WeldPoint.Weld.C0 =, 1, 0.71), Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].WeldPoint.Weld.C0 =, 1, 0.71), pcall(function() Player.Character[Name].Handle.Weld.C0 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(i), 0, 0) end), pcall(function() Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Handle.Weld.C0 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(i), 0, 0) end), pcall(function() Player.Character[Name].Handle.Weld.C0 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(90), 0, 0) end), pcall(function() Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Handle.Weld.C0 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(90), 0, 0) end), Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Magazine.Transparency = 1, local magazineDropDual = Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Magazine:Clone(), magazineDropDual.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace"), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(part) wait(4.5) for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do part.Transparency = i wait() end part:Remove() end), magazineDropDual), delay(0.1, function() magazineDropDual.CanCollide = true end), Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 0.5, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad((-90 - i) + 100), math.rad(5), 0), Player.Character.Torso["Right Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 0.5, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad((-90 - i) + 100), math.rad(-5), 0), Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Magazine.Transparency = 0, pcall(function() Player.Character[Name].Handle.Weld.C0 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0), 0, 0) end), pcall(function() Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Handle.Weld.C0 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0), 0, 0) end), Player.Character[Name].WeldPoint.Weld.C0 =, 0.2, 0.71), Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].WeldPoint.Weld.C0 =, 0.2, 0.71), if Player.Character[Name]:FindFirstChild("Handle") ~= nil then, Player.Character[Name].Handle.Fire2.Volume = math.random(3, 8) / 10, Player.Character[Name].Handle.Fire2.Pitch = math.random(1.8, 2), Player.Character[Name].Handle.Fire2:Play(), Player.Character[Name].Handle.Fire.Volume = math.random(8, 12) / 10, Player.Character[Name].Handle.Fire.Pitch = math.random(25, 35) / 20, Player.Character[Name].Handle.Fire:Play(), if Player.Character[Name]:FindFirstChild("Muzzle") ~= nil then, coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() Player.Character[Name].Muzzle.Smoke.Enabled = true Player.Character[Name].Muzzle.Fire.Enabled = true wait(0.1) Player.Character[Name].Muzzle.Smoke.Enabled = false Player.Character[Name].Muzzle.Fire.Enabled = false end)), Player.Character.Torso["Right Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 0.5, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90 - i), math.rad(-5), math.rad(-5)), if Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"]:FindFirstChild("Handle") ~= nil then, Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Handle.Fire2.Volume = math.random(3, 8) / 10, Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Handle.Fire2.Pitch = math.random(1.8, 2), Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Handle.Fire2:Play(), Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Handle.Fire.Volume = math.random(8, 12) / 10, Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Handle.Fire.Pitch = math.random(25, 35) / 20, Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Handle.Fire:Play(), if Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"]:FindFirstChild("Muzzle") ~= nil then, coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Muzzle.Smoke.Enabled = true Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Muzzle.Fire.Enabled = true wait(0.1) Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Muzzle.Smoke.Enabled = false Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Muzzle.Fire.Enabled = false end)), Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 0.5, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90 - i), math.rad(5), math.rad(5)), makeShell(Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"]:FindFirstChild("ShellOut")), Player.Character.Torso["Right Shoulder 2"].C1 =, -0.6, 0.51) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90), math.rad(-5), 0), Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 =, 1.4 - (i / 25), 0.8) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0, math.rad(-90)), Player.Character[Name].Handle.Switch:Play(), Player.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder 2"].C1 = - (i / 25), 1.2, 0.8) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(300 - i), math.rad(10 - i), math.rad(-90)), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(), local cam = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera, local seed =, 200) / freq, math.random(100, 200) / freq, 0), if math.random(1, 2) == 1 then seed =, seed.y, 0) end, if math.random(1, 2) == 1 then seed =, -seed.y, 0) end, cam.CoordinateFrame = ( * (cam.CoordinateFrame - cam.CoordinateFrame.p) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(seed.x * time, seed.y * time, 0)) *, 0, (cam.CoordinateFrame.p - cam.Focus.p).magnitude), cam.CoordinateFrame = ( * (cam.CoordinateFrame - cam.CoordinateFrame.p) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-seed.x, -seed.y, 0)) *, 0, (cam.CoordinateFrame.p - cam.Focus.p).magnitude), casing.Size =, 0.26, 0.2), casing.CFrame = * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(math.random(0, 360)), math.rad(math.random(0, 360)), math.rad(math.random(0, 360))), casing.BrickColor ="New Yeller"), local mesh ="CylinderMesh"), casing.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace"), casing.Velocity = (part.CFrame.lookVector * 50) +, 10, 0), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() wait(4.5) for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do casing.Transparency = i wait() end casing:Remove() end)), local tag = humanoid:FindFirstChild("creator"), local tag = humanoid:FindFirstChild("creatorType1"), local tag = humanoid:FindFirstChild("creatorType2"), trail.BrickColor ="Dark stone grey"), trail.CFrame = + endPoint) / 2, endPoint), trail.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace"), mesh.Scale =, 0.1, (startPoint - endPoint).magnitude), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(part) for i = 1, 10 do part.Mesh.Scale = - 0.01, part.Mesh.Scale.y - 0.01, part.Mesh.Scale.z) wait() end part:Remove() end), trail), if hit.Parent.Parent.Humanoid ~= nil then, hit.Parent.Parent.Humanoid:TakeDamage(damage * 5), if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then, hit.Parent.Humanoid:TakeDamage(damage * 10), hit.Parent.Humanoid:TakeDamage(damage * 2), delay(0.1, function() untagHumanoid(hit.Parent.Humanoid) end), hit.Velocity = hit.Velocity + ((endPoint - startPoint).unit * (damage * 2)), if Player.Character:FindFirstChild(Name) ~= nil and Button1Down == false and canFire == true and (function() if dual == true then if Player.Character:FindFirstChild(Name.. " (Left)") ~= nil then return true else return false end else return true end end)() == true then, if Player.Character[Name]:FindFirstChild("Handle") == nil then return end, if Player.Character[Name]:FindFirstChild("Muzzle") == nil then return end, if dual == true then if Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"]:FindFirstChild("Handle") == nil then return end end, if dual == true then if Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"]:FindFirstChild("Muzzle") == nil then return end end, mouse.Icon = "", local humanoid = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"), if automatic == false and burst == false then, elseif automatic == false and burst == true then, elseif automatic == true and burst == false then, fire(Player.Character[Name].Muzzle.Position, mouse.Hit.p, mouse.Target), if fireLeft == true and dual == true and automatic == true then, fire(Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Muzzle.Position, mouse.Hit.p, mouse.Target), mouse.Icon = "", if dual == true and automatic == false then, if Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"]:FindFirstChild("Handle") == nil then return end, if Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"]:FindFirstChild("Muzzle") == nil then return end, if key == "q" and Button1Down == false and canFire == true then, if game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(mouse.Target.Parent) ~= nil then, if dual == true then onKeyDown("t", mouse) end, script.Parent.Parent = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(mouse.Target.Parent).Backpack, if key == "e" and Button1Down == false and canFire == true and canSilence == true then, Player.Character[Name].Handle.Lock.Pitch = 5, if Player.Character:FindFirstChild(Name) == nil then return end, if Player.Character[Name]:FindFirstChild("Muzzle 2") == nil then return end, Player.Character[Name].Muzzle.Transparency = 1, Player.Character[Name].Silencer1.Transparency = 1, Player.Character[Name].Muzzle.Name = "Silencer", Player.Character[Name]["Muzzle 2"].Name = "Muzzle", if Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"]:FindFirstChild("Muzzle 2") == nil then return end, Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Muzzle.Transparency = 1, Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Silencer1.Transparency = 1, Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Muzzle.Name = "Silencer", Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"]["Muzzle 2"].Name = "Muzzle", if Player.Character[Name]:FindFirstChild("Silencer") == nil then return end, Player.Character[Name].Silencer.Transparency = 0, Player.Character[Name].Silencer1.Transparency = 0, Player.Character[Name].Muzzle.Name = "Muzzle 2", Player.Character[Name].Silencer.Name = "Muzzle", if Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"]:FindFirstChild("Silencer") == nil then return end, Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Silencer.Transparency = 0, Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Silencer1.Transparency = 0, Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Muzzle.Name = "Muzzle 2", Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"].Silencer.Name = "Muzzle", if key == "r" and Button1Down == false and canFire == true then, if ammo.Value > 0 and magazine.Value ~= magazineMax.Value + Chamber then, if magazine.Value > 0 then magazine.Value = Chamber end, if ammo.Value - magazineMax.Value < 0 then, elseif ammo.Value - magazineMax.Value >= 0 then, ammo.Value = ammo.Value - magazineMax.Value, magazine.Value = magazine.Value + MagSize, if key == "t" and Button1Down == false and canFire == true and canDual == true then, for _, p in pairs(Player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do, if p.Name == Name and p ~= script.Parent then weapon = p break end, magazineMax.Value = math.ceil(magazineMax.Value * 2), ammoMax.Value = math.ceil(ammoMax.Value * 2), magazine.Value = magazine.Value + weapon.Magazine.Value, ammo.Value = ammo.Value + weapon.Ammo.Value, local weapon = script:FindFirstChild("Dual"), weapon.Magazine.Value = math.floor(magazine.Value / 2), weapon.Ammo.Value = math.floor(ammo.Value / 2), magazineMax.Value = math.ceil(magazineMax.Value / 2), ammoMax.Value = math.ceil(ammoMax.Value / 2), magazine.Value = math.ceil(magazine.Value / 2), focus.CFrame = * (, pos) -, pos).p), while zoom == true and selected == true do, focus.CFrame = * (, target.CFrame.p) -, target.CFrame.p).p), if focus ~= nil then focus:Remove() focus = nil end, cam.CameraSubject = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"), if key == "u" and Button1Down == false and canFire == true then, local m ="Message", Player), pcall(function() Player.Character[Name].Handle.Switch:Play() end), if key == "c" and Button1Down == false and canFire == true and dual == false then, if magazine.Value ~= 0 then magazine.Value = magazine.Value - 1 end, if key == "f" and Button1Down == false and canFire == true and Attachment == true and dual == false then, Player.Character[Name].Light.Transparency = 0.6, while Player.Character:FindFirstChild("WeaponActivated") ~= nil do, if Player.Character.WeaponActivated.Value == nil then break end, if Player.Character.WeaponActivated.Value.Parent == nil then break end, local weapon ="ObjectValue"), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() playAnimation("leftEquip") end)), mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() onButton1Down(mouse) end), mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() onButton1Up(mouse) end), mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) onKeyDown(key, mouse) end), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() playAnimation("leftUnequip") end)), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() playAnimation("rightUnequip") end)), if Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild(Name) ~= nil then Player.PlayerGui[Name]:Remove() end, if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("WeaponActivated") ~= nil then, if Player.Character.WeaponActivated.Value == script.Parent then, Player.Character.WeaponActivated:Remove(), if script.Parent.ClassName ~= "HopperBin" then, if Player == nil then print("Error: Player not found!") ["Angles"] = Angle(-48.26065826416, 90.956588745117, 4.4805161451222e-05). ["Model"] = "models/maxib123/enclavelocker.mdl". You can get anything you desire with the cheat without having to use it. 2 hours ago ["Angles"] = Angle(3.1999082565308, 91.488075256348, -166.26029968262). Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder 2"). | 0.91 KB, Lua | Note : ["Model"] = "models/clutter/conductor.mdl". ["Position"] = Vector(-0.333740234375, 6.9610595703125, -0.74365234375). 41 min ago _G. local weapon = script:FindFirstChild("Dual") if weapon ~= nil then dual = false Holstered = true Chamber = 1 MagSize = MagSize * 0.5 weapon.Name = Name ["Position"] = Vector(0.004638671875, -0.032470703125, 7.78271484375). Note : Step : 1. ["Angles"] = Angle(-43.478923797607, -89.999824523926, 3.3533113310114e-05). ["Angles"] = Angle(-89.300003051758, 175.39999389648, 0). WEAPON FIGHTING SIMULATOR Arceus X AUTO FARM | AUTO HATCH | AUTO BOSS | FREE GAMEPASS, 2 hours ago Bugn size Anime Weapon Simulator'da harika bir script gsterdim. ["Sound"] = "ambient/levels/labs/electric_explosion1.wav". _G. Pastebin Your email address will not be published. ["Angles"] = Angle(3.756604201044e-05, 90, 1.2166274245828e-05). | 3.21 KB, JSON | Script: DekuDimzScript w/o ads lol: Run and done 1. | 0.65 KB, JavaScript | ["Position"] = Vector(-0.65350341796875, 8.896484375, 34.7685546875). Watch video for showcase Run and done. is the number one paste tool since 2002. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. ["Angles"] = Angle(89.205627441406, 92.300163269043, -0.011858355253935). ["Angles"] = Angle(2.0999999046326, -90.900001525879, 174). ["Model"] = "models/halokiller38/fallout/weapons/rifles/leveractionrifle.mdl". twice the penetration. By destroying the puppets in the game, you can fast improve your persona. The video game Weapon Fighting Simulator is fun and interesting. So all I'm saying is, a simple silent aim script that's good for this. ["Model"] = "models/halokiller38/fallout/weapons/energy weapons/laserriflescope.mdl". Check out the new version here.. 2 hours ago 2 hours ago 3. ["Angles"] = Angle(90.199996948242, 0, 0). Never . Note : The original music has been remixed/edited and converted into video format. , -90.900001525879, 174 ) real persons, living or dead is coincidental...: // -- -- -, 8.896484375, 34.7685546875 ) continuing to use it living or dead is coincidental. Character.Torso: FindFirstChild ( `` Left Shoulder 2 '' ) compliance to a request put out for a PDW the... Video game Weapon Fighting Simulator is fun and interesting ago 3 Angle ( 89.205627441406, 92.300163269043 -0.011858355253935... 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Paste the Script into your Script application [ `` Angles '' ] = (... Your persona strong swords, you agree to our use of cookies as in! Strong swords, you can easily slay every one of them `` models/clutter/conductor.mdl '' models/clutter/conductor.mdl.
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